Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.827
EU - Europa 2.655
AS - Asia 1.496
AF - Africa 171
SA - Sud America 16
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 10.173
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.818
IT - Italia 909
CN - Cina 487
GB - Regno Unito 487
SG - Singapore 470
DE - Germania 353
VN - Vietnam 257
SE - Svezia 245
RU - Federazione Russa 148
IN - India 134
IE - Irlanda 112
TG - Togo 79
FR - Francia 75
AT - Austria 58
JO - Giordania 53
ZA - Sudafrica 45
CI - Costa d'Avorio 41
NL - Olanda 38
BE - Belgio 37
FI - Finlandia 36
EE - Estonia 35
UA - Ucraina 32
ID - Indonesia 19
CH - Svizzera 18
ES - Italia 18
JP - Giappone 12
GR - Grecia 11
TW - Taiwan 11
PL - Polonia 10
BG - Bulgaria 9
CA - Canada 9
BR - Brasile 8
HR - Croazia 8
HK - Hong Kong 7
PK - Pakistan 7
CL - Cile 6
IL - Israele 6
TR - Turchia 6
KR - Corea 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
IR - Iran 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
LB - Libano 3
MY - Malesia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
NO - Norvegia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AU - Australia 2
EU - Europa 2
LT - Lituania 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SI - Slovenia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CO - Colombia 1
EG - Egitto 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MT - Malta 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RO - Romania 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 10.173
Città #
Ann Arbor 2.242
Southend 437
Fairfield 425
Chandler 387
Singapore 363
Santa Clara 335
Wilmington 297
Ashburn 291
Bologna 281
Woodbridge 231
Houston 188
Seattle 174
Cambridge 148
Princeton 140
Dong Ket 135
Dublin 111
Boardman 108
Lomé 79
Mantova 76
Turin 59
Milan 58
Berlin 57
Amman 53
Nanjing 53
Westminster 45
Abidjan 41
Medford 40
New York 39
Vienna 39
San Diego 36
Jinan 35
Saint Petersburg 34
Padova 31
Beijing 29
Vercelli 29
Cesena 26
Helsinki 26
Braunschweig 25
Des Moines 24
Brussels 22
Amsterdam 18
Fremont 18
Guangzhou 17
Jakarta 17
Hebei 15
Cervia 14
Frankfurt am Main 14
Rome 14
Shanghai 13
Modena 12
San Lazzaro di Savena 12
Shenyang 12
Bern 11
Hangzhou 11
Jiaxing 11
Norwalk 11
Redmond 11
Zhengzhou 11
Figino 10
Lappeenranta 10
Leuven 10
London 10
Olalla 10
Tianjin 10
Bresso 9
Changsha 9
Falkenstein 9
Falls Church 9
Florence 9
Gothenburg 9
Los Angeles 9
Nanchang 9
Sofia 9
Taiyuan 9
Warsaw 9
Carpinteria 8
Chicago 8
Nuremberg 8
Reggio Emilia 8
Shenzhen 8
Bagnacavallo 7
Chengdu 7
Ostra 7
Paris 7
Rimini 7
São Paulo 7
Trento 7
Chongqing 6
Copparo 6
Guiyang 6
Moscow 6
Munich 6
Toronto 6
Xi'an 6
Bondeno 5
Columbus 5
El Monte 5
Haikou 5
Harbin 5
Phoenix 5
Totale 7.811
Nome #
Experimental assessment of a broadband current sensor based on the x-hall architecture 205
The X-Hall Sensor: Toward Integrated Broadband Current Sensing 203
Charge-controlled GaN FET modeling by displacement current integration from frequency-domain NVNA measurements 202
A broadband current sensor based on the X-Hall architecture 200
A Double-Pulse Technique for the Dynamic I/V Characterization of GaN FETs 194
Global modeling of GaN HEMT resistive current including charge trapping and self-heating for multi-bias multi-class PA performance prediction 180
A bias network for small duty-cycle fast-pulsed measurement of RF power transistors 179
Assessment of the Trap-Induced Insertion Loss Degradation of RF GaN Switches under Operating Regimes 169
Active baseband drain-supply terminal load-pull of an X-band GaN MMIC PA 162
Characterization and Modeling of RF GaN Switches Accounting for Trap-Induced Degradation Under Operating Regimes 161
Behavioral modeling of RF PAs under wideband load modulation 159
Evaluation of GaN FET power performance reduction due to nonlinear charge trapping effects 158
GaN FET Nonlinear Modeling Based on Double Pulse I/V Characteristics 155
GaN power amplifier digital predistortion by multi-objective optimization for maximum RF output power 153
Double-pulse characterization of GaN-on-Sapphire FETs for technology development 152
Three Port Non-Linear Characterization of Power Amplifiers under Modulated Excitations Using a Vector Network Analyzer Platform 151
Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of RF PAs Using Custom Vector Fitting Algorithm 151
Charge-conservative GaN HEMT nonlinear modeling from non-isodynamic multi-bias S-parameter measurements 151
A GaN HEMT Global Large-Signal Model Including Charge Trapping for Multibias Operation 149
Hall-Effect Current Sensors: Principles of Operation and Implementation Techniques 149
Multi-bias nonlinear characterization of GaN FET trapping effects through a multiple pulse time domain network analyzer 147
Isotrap Pulsed IV Characterization of GaN HEMTs for PA Design 146
An empirical behavioral model for RF PAs including self-heating 144
Automatic Extraction of Measurement-Based Large-Signal FET Models by Nonlinear Function Sampling 144
A compact measurement set-up for envelope-tracking RF PAs with calibrated sensing of baseband V/I at the supply terminal 142
Large-signal GaN transistor characterization and modeling including charge trapping nonlinear dynamics 141
S-functions mixer modeling for linearization purposes 140
Thermal characterization of nonlinear charge trapping effects in GaN-FETs 140
Nonlinear behavioral models of HEMTs using response surface methodology 140
Load-pull measurements using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation 140
Nonlinear characterization of microwave power amplifiers with supply modulation 139
A Two-Port Nonlinear Dynamic Behavioral Model of RF PAs Subject to Wideband Load Modulation 138
A Procedure for GaN HEMT Charge Functions Extraction from Multi-Bias S-Parameters 138
Mixer-like modeling with dynamic baseband characterization for supply-modulated PAs 137
A measurement setup for digital predistortion using direct RF undersampling 136
A Three-Port Nonlinear Dynamic Behavioral Model for Supply-Modulated RF PAs 135
Multitone Multiharmonic Scattering Parameters for the Characterization of Nonlinear Networks 135
Active baseband drain-supply terminal load-pull of an X-band GaN MMIC PA 135
Iso-thermal and iso-dynamic direct charge function characterization of GaN FET with single large-signal measurement 134
Two-Input Nonlinear Dynamic Model Inversion for the Linearization of Envelope-Tracking RF PAs 134
Measurement-Based Automatic Extraction of FET Parasitic Network by Linear Regression 133
Microwave Characterization of Trapping Effects in 100-nm GaN-on-Si HEMT Technology 133
Supply-terminal 40 MHz BW characterization of impedance-like nonlinear functions for envelope tracking PAs 129
Hybrid nonlinear model for microwave active devices using kriging 129
Error vector magnitude measurement for power amplifiers under wideband load impedance mismatch: System-level analysis and VNA-based implementation 129
Pulsed NVNA measurements for dynamic characterization of RF PAs 128
Nonlinear charge trapping effects on pulsed I/V characteristics of GaN FETs 124
Joint Dual-Input Digital Predistortion of Supply-Modulated RF PA by Surrogate-Based Multi-Objective Optimization 122
Supply-Modulated PA Performance Enhancement by Joint Optimization of RF Input and Supply Control 121
Broadband error vector magnitude characterization of a GaN power amplifier using a vector network analyzer 121
null 120
Narrow-pulse-width double-pulsed S-parameters measurements of 100-nm GaN-on-Si HEMTs 117
null 115
Nonlinear charge trapping effects on pulsed I/V characteristics of GaN FETs 110
Trapping dynamics in gan hemts for millimeter-wave applications: Measurement-based characterization and technology comparison 108
null 106
Wideband Active Load-Pull by Device Output Match Compensation Using a Vector Network Analyzer 106
Experimental Characterization of Charge Trapping Dynamics in 100-nm AlN/GaN/AlGaN-on-Si HEMTs by Wideband Transient Measurements 104
Efficient implementation of a modified-Volterra radio-frequency power amplifier nonlinear dynamic model by global rational functions approximation 104
VNA-based broadband EVM measurement of an RF nonlinear PA under load mismatch conditions 101
M2s parameters: A multi-tone multi-harmonic measurement approach for the characterization of nonlinear networks 99
Enhanced wideband active load-pull with a vector network analyzer using modulated excitations and device output match compensation 93
Measurement-Based FET Analytical Modeling Using the Nonlinear Function Sampling Approach 92
A Reconfigurable Setup for the On-Wafer Characterization of the Dynamic RON of 600 V GaN Switches at Variable Operating Regimes 92
A VNA-Based Wideband Measurement System for Large-Signal Characterization of Multiport Circuits 91
Nonlinear FET modeling from a single NVNA measurement by nonlinear function sampling 91
Automatic Optimization of Input Split and Bias Voltage in Digitally Controlled Dual-Input Doherty RF PAs 87
Digital post-distortion of an ADC analog front-end for gamma spectroscopy measurements 85
Design, characterisation, and digital linearisation of an ADC analogue front-end for gamma spectroscopy measurements 85
Mixer-like modeling with dynamic baseband characterization for supply-modulated PAs 81
Experimental evaluation of sub-sampling IQ detection for low-level RF control in particle accelerator systems 76
Beam-Dependent Active Array Linearization by Global Feature-Based Machine Learning 72
Pulsed techniques for the characterization of low-frequency dispersive effects in RF power FETs using a flexible measurement set-up 71
Experimental evaluation of Hall-effect current sensors in BCD10 technology 68
Combined Wideband Active Load-Pull and Modulation Distortion Characterization with a Vector Network Analyzer 67
Broadband Measurement of Error Vector Magnitude for Microwave Vector Signal Generators Using a Vector Network Analyzer 63
Static Characterization of the X-Hall Current Sensor in BCD10 Technology 57
Automated Measurement Set-Up for the Electro-Mechanical Characterization of Piezoelectric Harvesters 50
A Comparative Study on Hall Plate Topologies in p-GaN Technology 49
Comparing LSNA Calibrations: Large-Signal Network Analyzer Round Robin 49
Nonlinear RF Modeling of GaN HEMTs with Fermi Kinetics Transport and the ASM-HEMT Compact Model [Young Professionals] 47
Over-the-Air Digital Predistortion of 5G FR2 Beamformer Array by exploiting Linear Response Compensation 41
Wideband Automated Tuning of Ka-Band Dual Input Doherty MMIC PA using Bayesian optimization 38
Design of Experiments Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation 33
Takeaways From the First Workshop on Modeling and Optimization for Active Devices [Young Professionals] 33
Compact behavioral models of nonlinear active devices using response surface methodology 32
Modulated-Input Control and Linearization of a Multi-Port Millimeter-Wave PA by VNA-based Calibrated Wideband Measurements 31
RF GaN-HEMT Technology Evaluation Framework Based on Drain Current Transient Measurements 29
Analog Linearization of a 10-W GaN Power Amplifier by Baseband Feedback 28
Impact of Broadband Modulation in Active Load-Pull On-Wafer Measurements of GaN HEMTs 25
Experimental Characterization of Drain Current Transient Effects in 'Buffer-Free' RF GaN HEMTs 22
VNA-Based Modulated Measurements for Polynomial Modeling and Linearization of RF Multipliers 19
Enhancing K-Band Dual-Input Doherty PA Performance by Bayesian Optimization 15
Evaluation of Integrated GaN Diodes as Varactors for Tunable MMIC PAs from C- to K-Band 11
Totale 10.450
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.881
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 27.881

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231 94 62 45
2020/2021980 130 47 67 13 29 30 58 68 158 50 28 302
2021/20223.510 127 55 386 350 459 393 400 363 428 133 156 260
2022/20231.718 204 290 94 196 94 122 66 93 285 63 120 91
2023/2024729 40 178 30 66 37 91 63 81 33 32 34 44
2024/20251.780 111 285 215 193 486 103 298 68 21 0 0 0
Totale 10.450