Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.637
NA - Nord America 7.084
AS - Asia 3.807
AF - Africa 376
SA - Sud America 87
OC - Oceania 46
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 43
Totale 22.080
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.931
IT - Italia 4.711
GB - Regno Unito 2.022
CN - Cina 1.308
DE - Germania 1.021
SG - Singapore 1.007
VN - Vietnam 606
FR - Francia 530
UA - Ucraina 466
IN - India 443
SE - Svezia 384
RU - Federazione Russa 327
IE - Irlanda 236
EE - Estonia 161
ZA - Sudafrica 152
ES - Italia 126
NL - Olanda 116
CI - Costa d'Avorio 111
CA - Canada 109
CH - Svizzera 101
TR - Turchia 72
TG - Togo 67
FI - Finlandia 52
JP - Giappone 51
IR - Iran 49
BG - Bulgaria 46
BE - Belgio 45
EU - Europa 43
LV - Lettonia 43
AT - Austria 41
AU - Australia 41
HK - Hong Kong 41
BR - Brasile 38
JO - Giordania 37
KR - Corea 36
SC - Seychelles 33
GR - Grecia 31
PL - Polonia 29
TW - Taiwan 29
HR - Croazia 27
ID - Indonesia 26
RO - Romania 25
HU - Ungheria 22
AR - Argentina 21
MX - Messico 20
IL - Israele 19
PT - Portogallo 17
MY - Malesia 15
SV - El Salvador 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
LB - Libano 10
SA - Arabia Saudita 10
TH - Thailandia 10
NO - Norvegia 9
PH - Filippine 9
CO - Colombia 8
CL - Cile 7
PE - Perù 7
RS - Serbia 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
AN - Antille olandesi 6
CY - Cipro 6
DK - Danimarca 6
EG - Egitto 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
SI - Slovenia 5
IQ - Iraq 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
SM - San Marino 4
EC - Ecuador 3
KE - Kenya 3
UY - Uruguay 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
GT - Guatemala 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LT - Lituania 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PK - Pakistan 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
IS - Islanda 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MT - Malta 1
NP - Nepal 1
QA - Qatar 1
RE - Reunion 1
Totale 22.080
Città #
Southend 1.613
Singapore 852
Chandler 635
Bologna 581
Santa Clara 516
Ashburn 465
Princeton 442
Fairfield 417
Ann Arbor 381
Dong Ket 354
Wilmington 323
Jacksonville 294
Milan 269
Boardman 254
Dublin 234
Rome 222
Turin 197
Padova 189
Nanjing 188
Westminster 180
Houston 178
Woodbridge 177
Seattle 175
Berlin 155
Medford 148
Cambridge 133
Abidjan 111
Saint Petersburg 110
Florence 101
Munich 89
Jinan 85
Parma 74
Redwood City 74
Cesena 73
Montréal 73
Shenyang 71
Mülheim 69
Mcallen 68
Lomé 67
Bern 65
Naples 65
Beijing 62
Hebei 62
Changsha 52
Palermo 50
Nanchang 49
Guangzhou 48
Paris 47
San Diego 44
Villamagna 44
Bari 43
Sofia 43
Tianjin 43
Redmond 42
Des Moines 40
Amman 37
Helsinki 37
Jelgava 37
Shanghai 36
Dearborn 35
Los Angeles 34
Olalla 34
Falls Church 33
Verona 33
Mountain View 32
Zhengzhou 32
Mahé 31
Istanbul 30
Jiaxing 30
Phoenix 30
Napoli 27
Norwalk 26
Vienna 26
Wuhan 26
Ferrara 25
Barcelona 24
Ningbo 23
San Venanzo 23
Torino 22
Jakarta 21
Lanzhou 21
Costa Mesa 20
Amsterdam 19
Brussels 19
Forlì 19
Hangzhou 19
Hyderabad 19
Modena 19
Pisa 19
Tokyo 19
Edinburgh 18
Genova 18
Reggio Emilia 18
Genoa 17
Perth 17
Perugia 17
Ravenna 17
Bühl 16
Seoul 16
Catania 15
Totale 12.542
Nome #
Il rapporto tra sapere esperto e sapere insegnato in un contesto di digital color learning per architetti e ingegneri civili 529
null 435
Giovanna Spadafora, Fondamenti e applicazioni di geometria descrittiva, Franco Angeli, Milano 2019 401
Andrea Palladio e il suo mito: tre secoli di disegni di architettura palladiana a Vicenza 304
Specular reflection removal in the context of SFM techniques for Architectural Heritage 3D models construction 276
InSight Leonardo - ISLE 271
La Fontana del Nettuno a Bologna: la simulazione degli zampilli per il restauro della fontana 264
A technique to ensure color fidelity in automatic photogrammetry 262
Vedere dentro i disegni. Un sistema per analizzare, conservare, comprendere, comunicare i disegni di Leonardo 251
GRAPHOS - open-source software for photogrammetric applications 243
A 3D-centered information system for the documentation of a complex restoration intervention 236
A Photogrammetry-Based Workflow for the Accurate 3D Construction and Visualization of Museums Assets 229
Scienza del disegno 206
ArchaeoBIM. Theory, Processes and Digital Methodologies for the Lost Heritage 202
CMF (Color Material Finish) customization in the furniture field through advanced RTR visualization tools 196
Andrea Palladio - 3D GeoDataBase 190
Digital documentation and restoration tools reusing existing imagery: a multipurpose model of the Neptune’s Fountain in Bologna 185
An Advanced Pre-Processing Pipeline to Improve Automated Photogrammetric Reconstructions of Architectural Scenes 177
SHAFT (SAT & HUE Adaptive Fine Tuning), a new automated solution for target-based color correction 177
Modelli digitali 3D in archeologia: il caso di Pompei 169
3D reality-based artefact models for the management of archaeological sites using 3D Gis: a framework starting from the case study of the Pompeii Archaeological area 162
Dalla rappresentazione alla prototipazione – un percorso per l’interior design 161
Realtà Virtuale come strumento di lavoro per il restauro Architettonico e Archeologico: il 3D Virtual GIS “La Via Appia antica” 161
Bologna Porticoes Project: 3D reality-based models for the management of a wide-spread Architectural Heritage site. 160
Advances in image pre-processing to improve automated 3D reconstruction 160
Piazze, palazzi del potere e mercati del cibo nell'Italia di Dante. 159
Seeing inside drawings: a system for analysing, conserving, understanding and communicating Leonardo’s drawings 159
3D modeling and data enrichment in digital reconstruction of Architectural Heritage 158
A semantic and parametric method for 3D models used in 3D cognitive-information system 156
Nascita e utilizzo delle tecniche digitali di 3D imaging, modellazione e visualizzazione per l’architettura e i beni culturali 153
null 151
A Reality Integrated BIM for Architectural Heritage Conservation 147
An Integrated 3D Geodatabase for Palladio’s Work 146
L'uomo vitruviano in HR 146
An unified, fast and low cost workflow for fine art drawing collections acquisition 144
3-D Digital Modeling and Giuliano da Sangallo's Designs for Santa Maria delle Carceri in Prato 134
3D Modeling and Semantic Classification of Archaeological Finds for Management and Visualization in 3D Archaeological Databases 131
BID (Bruteforce Isoluminants Decrease) a RGB-to-gray conversion technique for automatic photogrammetry, 130
Digital reconstruction of Piazza delle Erbe in Verona at XIVth century 129
A responsible modelling framework for a 3D GIS archaeological prototype(The Pompeii case study) 127
Characterization of Uncertainty and Approximation in Digital Reconstruction of CH Artifacts 126
A colour digital survey of arcades in Bologna 126
Photogrammetric Tools for Restoration Purposes: Open-Air Bronze Surfaces of Sculptures 125
Villa Contarini a Piazzola sul Brenta: studi per un’ipotesi di attribuzione palladiana servendosi di modelli tridimensionali 124
A color processing for displaying reality-based three-dimensional digital models in RTR 123
Color correction target-based framework improvement exploiting the Euclidean color-difference formula for small-medium color differences in log-compressed OSA-UCS space 123
On the use of a Palm Computer for Design Review Interaction in a Virtual Room 122
Scientific knowledge and information representations in historical-technical archives of archaeological sites: Pompeii as a case study 122
Una metodología inteligente para la digitalización de colecciones museísticas 122
Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci’s Architecture through Parametric Modeling: A Method for the Digital Reconstruction of the Centrally Planned Churches Depicted in Ms. B 122
Bologna porticoes project. A 3D repository for WHL UNESCO nomination 121
A Journey in the Fourteenth Century. A Digital Reconstruction of Piazza delle Erbe in Verona 121
Il restauro della Fontana del Nettuno a Bologna - Un sistema 3D web per la documentazione e la gestione dei dati 118
A 3D-based Information System to manage conservation and “lifecycle” of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna 117
Reverse modeling per la nautica: rilievo dello scafo di un gommone con sistemi di scansione 3D a basso costo 116
A methodological proposal for representation and scientific description of the great archaeological monuments2014 International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM) 116
How to Analyze, Preserve, and Communicate Leonardo's Drawing? A Solution to Visualize in RTR Fine Art Graphics Established from “the Best Sense” 114
Some reconstruction hypotheses of Leonardo’s project for the tiburio of the Milan cathedral by using 3D digital models 114
A framework for a sustainable design and presentation process of furniture collection 112
A framework to build and visualize 3D models from real world data for historical architecture and archaeology as a base for a 3D information system 110
A mono-instrumental approach to high-quality 3D reality-based semantic models application on the PALLADIO library 110
Allestimento permanente di Villa Poiana: Palladio e il Veneto - 3D geodatabase 109
Evaluation of feature-based methods for automated network orientation 109
I portici di Bologna Architettura, Modelli 3D e ricerche tecnologiche 109
Color definiton of open-air Architectural heritage and Archaeology artworks with the aim of conservation 108
Una nuova acqua per la Fontana del Nettuno di Bologna: la simulazione di progetto del sistema degli zampilli / New water for the Neptune Fountain in Bologna: simulation of the design of the multi-jet system. 107
Architectural 3D modelling for a 3D GIS web-based system 106
I geo-modelli per la PALLADIOLibrary: un archivio condiviso e in divenire 104
A Framework for a Smart Cultural City 103
Lo Studio di varie fabbriche in prospettiva e le regole della prospettiva nel primo Leonardo = The Studio di varie fabbriche in prospettiva and the rules of perspective in Leonardo's early drawing 101
La Gestione del Colore in Real Time Rendering nella Progettazione di Spazi Interni Riconfigurabili 100
Color Acquisition, Management, Rendering, and Assessment in 3D Reality-Based Models Construction 98
The PALLADIOlibrary geo-models: an open 3d archive to manage and visualize information-communication resources about Palladio 97
Color processing in reality-based 3D modeling of archeological artifacts using different survey techniques 97
A framework to support active management and communication of Cultural Objects 97
Complex process of image color correction: a test of a target-based framework 97
Cultural and architectural heritage conservation and restoration: which colour? 96
Digitalizzare l'Uomo vitruviano 95
Resilient techniques and methods to support a resilient lifecycle of villages and neighborhoods 95
Un sistema informativo in divenire per la candidatura dei portici di Bologna a sito UNESCO 94
Documentazione vs Interpretazione. Venti anni di didattica per una collezione di modelli virtuali di architettura 94
Di che colore è Nettuno? 94
Innovative approach to the digital documentation and rendering of the total appearance of fine drawings and its validation on Leonardo's Vitruvian Man 94
Ricerche tecnologiche ed elementi per un rilievo del colore 92
Strumenti per lo studio dei portici di Bologna: un approccio attraverso una collezione di modelli digitali 92
Intensity histogram equalisation, a colour-to-grey conversion strategy improving photogrammetric reconstruction of urban architectural heritage 92
Architettura Disegno Modello – Verso un archivio digitale dell’opera dei maestri del XX secolo 91
Color enhanced pipelines for reality-based 3D modeling of on site medium sized archeological artifacts 91
Andrea Palladio. Il mistero del volto 91
Scaena-scaenografia 90
BIM-based Architectural Heritage Management: A Case Study of Palladio’s Palazzo Barbaran da Porto 89
Totale 14.702
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.922
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 53.922

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.453 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 277 355 178 137 256
2020/20212.963 579 125 129 183 160 202 112 194 210 188 200 681
2021/20223.997 439 208 179 283 400 349 139 329 246 226 554 645
2022/20234.244 388 486 258 513 256 260 150 317 682 201 448 285
2023/20242.618 218 229 198 307 221 213 207 241 152 266 199 167
2024/20253.691 333 882 702 531 879 342 22 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.666