Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 14.746
EU - Europa 6.593
AS - Asia 3.493
AF - Africa 447
OC - Oceania 17
SA - Sud America 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 25.317
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.694
GB - Regno Unito 1.661
IT - Italia 1.511
CN - Cina 1.286
SG - Singapore 843
DE - Germania 830
VN - Vietnam 675
UA - Ucraina 529
SE - Svezia 500
FR - Francia 386
IN - India 371
IE - Irlanda 259
RU - Federazione Russa 237
TG - Togo 210
BG - Bulgaria 157
JO - Giordania 137
ZA - Sudafrica 122
EE - Estonia 116
CH - Svizzera 113
FI - Finlandia 93
CI - Costa d'Avorio 62
ID - Indonesia 46
CA - Canada 45
SC - Seychelles 36
NL - Olanda 30
AT - Austria 28
GR - Grecia 27
JP - Giappone 23
KR - Corea 23
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 21
ES - Italia 21
HK - Hong Kong 18
BE - Belgio 17
AU - Australia 16
TH - Thailandia 15
PL - Polonia 14
TR - Turchia 12
HR - Croazia 9
IR - Iran 9
RO - Romania 9
BR - Brasile 8
LB - Libano 8
SI - Slovenia 6
CD - Congo 5
KW - Kuwait 5
RS - Serbia 5
CO - Colombia 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
NG - Nigeria 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CL - Cile 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EU - Europa 3
LT - Lituania 3
PK - Pakistan 3
AR - Argentina 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IL - Israele 2
JM - Giamaica 2
MA - Marocco 2
ML - Mali 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PH - Filippine 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
BS - Bahamas 1
BZ - Belize 1
EG - Egitto 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MS - Montserrat 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
SL - Sierra Leone 1
Totale 25.317
Città #
Ann Arbor 5.977
Southend 1.411
Fairfield 915
Santa Clara 875
Singapore 745
Wilmington 676
Ashburn 674
Chandler 661
Houston 532
Woodbridge 464
Dong Ket 460
Seattle 392
Princeton 385
Jacksonville 350
Cambridge 341
Bologna 340
Dublin 259
Boardman 234
Lomé 210
Turin 170
Westminster 161
Sofia 157
Nanjing 148
Berlin 139
Amman 134
Padova 129
New York 125
Medford 120
Bern 93
Milan 93
Jinan 89
Shenyang 76
Saint Petersburg 71
San Diego 71
Changsha 65
Abidjan 62
Lappeenranta 60
Beijing 57
Shanghai 55
Nanchang 54
Mülheim 53
Des Moines 46
Redwood City 45
Tianjin 45
Hebei 40
Rome 39
Tappahannock 39
Guangzhou 37
Jakarta 36
Mahé 36
Taiyuan 33
Zhengzhou 33
Helsinki 31
Olalla 30
Haikou 29
Los Angeles 27
Fuzhou 26
Jiaxing 26
Redmond 26
Taizhou 25
Toronto 24
Hangzhou 23
Hyderabad 22
Verona 21
Norwalk 20
Ningbo 19
Tokyo 19
San Francisco 18
Dearborn 17
Munich 17
Vienna 17
Brussels 16
Bühl 16
Lanzhou 16
Prague 16
Chicago 15
Hong Kong 15
Kunming 15
London 15
Mcallen 15
Bagnacavallo 14
Falls Church 14
Washington 14
Reggio Emilia 13
Rovereto 13
Bangkok 12
Amsterdam 11
Brescia 11
Cesena 11
Paris 11
Phoenix 11
Pune 11
Shenzhen 11
Chengdu 10
Florence 10
Harbin 9
Montréal 9
Neviano degli Arduini 9
Wuxi 9
Madrid 8
Totale 19.309
Nome #
A General Easy-to-use Expression for Uncertainty Evaluation in Residual Voltage Measurement 242
A smart measurement system for reconstructing voltage rms value over long time interval 236
Calibration of Synchronized Measurement System: from the Instrument Transformer to the PMU 217
Smart characterization of rogowski coils by using a synthetized signal 207
E-learning applied to the degree’s course in electrical engineering: the case of electrical measurements 199
Accuracy Verification of PLL-Based Acquisition System for Low-Cost Applications 198
A Measurement System for the Analysis of the Response of the Human Eye to the Light Flicker 197
Effects of load unbalance on multi-point measurement techniques for assessing the responsibility for PQ degradation 195
A Pupil Size Measurement System for the Analysis of the Impact of Flicker on Human Being 191
Uncertainty analysis of a test bed for calibrating voltage transformers vs.Temperature 191
Towards real-time life estimation of capacitors subjected to time-varying temperature 188
Effects of thermal cycles on interfacial pressure in MV cable joints 185
A simple Lamp-Eye-Brain Model for Flicker Observations 184
A Self-Shielded Current Transducer For Power System Application 184
An Equipment for Voltage Transducers Calibration Oriented to the Uncertainty Estimate in DSP-based Measurements 182
A Distributed Measurement System for Correlating Faults to Lightning in Distribution Networks 182
An Equipment for Voltage Transducers Calibration Oriented to the Uncertainty Estimate in DSP-based Measurements 180
An attempt to understand flicker vertigo: changes in pupil size and choroidal blood flow under flickering conditions 179
An Interactive Measurement System for Remote Laboratory Activities 178
A System for the Measurement of the Starting Instant of Impulsive Transients 178
Performance Characterization of a Measurement System for Locating Transient Voltage Sources in Power Distribution Networks 174
A simple handheld pupillometer for chromatic Flicker studies. 174
A Fault Location Method Integrating a Distributed Measurement System and Wavelet Analysis 172
Low power voltage transformer accuracy class effects on the residual voltage measurement 171
Assessment of Human Annoyance Under Flicker Condition 169
Simplified Approach to Evaluate the Combined Uncertainty in Measurement Instruments for Power Systems 169
A Simple Calibration Procedure for an LPIT plus PMU System Under Off-Nominal Conditions 168
On the use of data from distributed measurement systems for correlating voltage transients to lightning 167
A System for the Measurement of the Temperature Dependence Performances of Quartz Oscillators: a Study of the Analytical Model of the Failure Rate 167
Assessment of Metrological Characteristics of Calibration Systems for Accuracy vs. Temperature Verification of Voltage Transformer 166
A novel equivalent power network impedance approach for assessing the time reference in asynchronous measurements 165
Low-Cost Monitoring Unit for MV Cable Joints Diagnostics 165
On the uncertainty in wavelet-based signal analysis 163
Theoretical analysis of the physiologic mechanism of luminous variation in eye-brain system 163
Effect of temperature on the accuracy of inductive current transformers 163
Reliability Studies and Implementation of Remote Monitoring and Self-Diagnosis on a Smart System for Fast Transients Characterization in Power Networks 161
Spectral analysis of bi-tone waveforms: study of the uncertainty contributions arising from the virtual time-domain approach 161
Performance Analysis and Optimization of a Robust Algorithm for Voltage Transients Detection 161
Analysis of White Noise on Power Frequency Estimation by DFT-based Frequency Shifting and Filtering Algorithm 161
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of a Low-Cost, PLL-Based Acquisition System under Off-Nominal Conditions 159
Analisi delle prestazioni di un metodo pdi localizzazione guasti su reti di distribuzione dell’energia 157
A distributed system for the synchronized acquisition of fast voltage transients 156
Are inductive current transformers performance really affected by actual distorted network conditions? An experimental case study 156
A Test Set for LEDs Life Model Estimation 155
Performance evaluation of an energy meter for low-voltage system monitoring 155
Assessment of Fault Location in Power Distribution Networks 153
Performance Analysis and Optimization of a Robust Algorithm for Voltage Transients Detection 153
The role of measurements in the Smart Grid Era 151
Implementation of multi-point measurement techniques for PQ monitoring 150
Method and measurement set up for the evaluation of the performance of UPS in presence of network outages 150
Accuracy Evaluation of an Equivalent Synchronization Method for Assessing the Time Reference in Power Networks 149
Analysis of MV Cable Joints Equivalent Impedance and its Variation vs. Temperature 149
Uncertainty Propagation in the Discrete-Time Wavelet Transform 148
Experimental Analysis of LEDs’Reliability Under Combined Stress Conditions 148
Parasitic Effect – Independent Approach for Dissipation Factor Measurement in Power Transformers 147
Caratterizzazione metrologica di un sistema distribuito di misura per localizzare guasti in reti di distribuzione 146
Investigation on Multipoint Measurement Techniques for PQ Monitoring 146
Modeling capacitive low-power voltage transformer behavior over temperature and frequency 146
Monitoring Cable current and Laying Environment Parameters for Assessing the Aging Rate of MV Cable Joint Insulation 145
Thermal stress analysis of colored LEDs 144
Test Bed Characterization for the Interfacial Pressure vs. Temperature Measurements in MV Cable-Joints 143
Toward a BITE for Real Time MTTF Estimation of Capacitors 142
On the uncertainty in wavelet-based signal analysis 141
Analisi sperimentale sull'affidabilità di LEDs in condizioni di stress combinato 141
Toward a BITE for Real-Time Life Estimation of Capacitors Subjected to Thermal Stress 141
Test Setup Design, and Calibration for Tan Delta Measurements on MV Cable Joints 141
Remote Didactic Laboratory “G. Savastano,” The Italian Experience for E-Learning at the Technical Universities in the Field of Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Overview on Didactic Experiments 140
On the use of continuous-wavelet transform for fault location in distribution power systems 140
Effects of Mechanical Pressure on the Tangent Delta of MV Cable Joints 140
New Basis for the Development of the next-generation Flickermeters 138
Uncertainty evaluation in measurement equipments for power systems 138
Taratura di trasduttori orientata alla valautazione di Tipo B dell’incertezza associata a misure basate su tecniche di DSP 137
Remote Didactic Laboratory "G. Savastano": the Italian Experience for the E-learning at the Technical Universities in the Field of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Overview on Didactic Experiments 137
Development of a Life Model for Light Emitting Diodes Stressed by Forward Current 137
An Equivalent Synchronization for Phasor Measurements in Power Networks 137
Effects of temperature on mv cable joints tan delta measurements 137
Un sistema di misura distribuito per localizzare le sorgenti di transitori di tensione in una rete elettrica 136
Design and Performance Analysis of a Differential Current Sensor for Power System Applications 136
Analisi comparativa di metodi basati su sistemi distribuiti per il monitoraggio della power quality 135
Metrological characterization of a current sensor for smart grids 135
Design and Metrological Characterization of a low cost Webcam-Based System to evaluate the reliability of LEDs vs. Temperature 135
Characterization procedure for stand-alone merging units based on hardware-in-the-loop technology 135
Uncertainty sources analysis of a calibration system for the accuracy vs. temperature verification of voltage transformers 135
A simple portable polychromatic pupillometer for human eye annoyiance measurement 134
Accuracy Type Test for Rogowski Coils Subjected to Distorted Signals, Temperature, Humidity, and Position Variations 134
Incertezza nell’analisi dei segnali basata sulla trasformata wavelet 133
Flicker effects analysis in human subjects: new noninvasive method for next generation flickermeter 133
Study of the Accuracy Requirements of the Instrumentation for Efficiency Measurements in Power Conversion Systems 133
Un approccio innovativo per l’implementazione di attività di laboratorio a distanza 133
Analysis of the effect of flicker on the blood flow variation in human eye 133
Valutazione dell’effetto del flicker sull’occhio umano attraverso la misura di un parametro fisiologico 132
Traceability of Low-Power Voltage Transformer for Medium Voltage Application 132
Procedure for the assessment of metrological characteristics of window-type current transformers in three-phase power systems 132
Analysis of the spectral degradation of LEDs’ emissions under temperature stress conditions 131
Testing of electrical energy meters in off-nominal frequency conditions 131
Closed-form expressions to estimate the mean and variance of the total vector error 130
Assessment of Fault Location in Power Distribution Networks 130
Un sistema di misura per l’analisi del comportamento dell’occhio umano in presenza di flicker mediante valutazione del diametro pupillare 129
A Distance Learning System for Measurement Experiments 129
Totale 15.698
Categoria #
all - tutte 59.916
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 59.916

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.294 0 0 0 0 0 0 466 569 544 269 189 257
2020/20212.647 539 163 81 141 75 135 50 133 286 208 128 708
2021/20229.108 347 123 1.093 956 1.163 889 971 931 1.091 288 532 724
2022/20233.803 332 535 170 382 246 274 157 241 682 124 393 267
2023/20241.357 81 190 109 100 103 365 79 92 41 122 45 30
2024/20253.197 170 838 489 225 1.142 248 85 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.750