Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.880
NA - Nord America 7.341
AS - Asia 3.380
AF - Africa 519
SA - Sud America 44
OC - Oceania 36
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 20.203
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.276
IT - Italia 4.130
GB - Regno Unito 1.578
CN - Cina 1.405
SG - Singapore 851
DE - Germania 816
UA - Ucraina 404
SE - Svezia 398
RU - Federazione Russa 376
IN - India 363
VN - Vietnam 339
FR - Francia 315
IE - Irlanda 235
CI - Costa d'Avorio 186
TG - Togo 164
ZA - Sudafrica 127
EE - Estonia 115
KR - Corea 87
AT - Austria 80
NL - Olanda 63
CA - Canada 60
JO - Giordania 57
FI - Finlandia 50
HK - Hong Kong 43
PL - Polonia 42
JP - Giappone 40
AU - Australia 34
ID - Indonesia 33
RS - Serbia 32
TR - Turchia 32
CH - Svizzera 29
IR - Iran 29
HR - Croazia 28
BR - Brasile 27
PT - Portogallo 27
BE - Belgio 26
SC - Seychelles 24
GR - Grecia 23
PK - Pakistan 23
ES - Italia 19
RO - Romania 19
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 13
BD - Bangladesh 12
BG - Bulgaria 12
TH - Thailandia 12
IL - Israele 11
LB - Libano 10
DZ - Algeria 7
SI - Slovenia 7
AR - Argentina 6
CL - Cile 5
HU - Ungheria 5
LK - Sri Lanka 5
MY - Malesia 5
SM - San Marino 5
TW - Taiwan 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EC - Ecuador 3
GH - Ghana 3
MX - Messico 3
NG - Nigeria 3
NP - Nepal 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AD - Andorra 2
EU - Europa 2
IS - Islanda 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LT - Lituania 2
MK - Macedonia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
PH - Filippine 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TN - Tunisia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BZ - Belize 1
CO - Colombia 1
EG - Egitto 1
KE - Kenya 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PA - Panama 1
SL - Sierra Leone 1
Totale 20.203
Città #
Southend 1.377
Singapore 722
Bologna 688
Fairfield 668
Chandler 563
Santa Clara 563
Ashburn 529
Wilmington 370
Princeton 357
Woodbridge 298
Seattle 288
Ann Arbor 281
Houston 266
Dong Ket 256
Dublin 227
Boardman 226
Jacksonville 224
Cambridge 213
Milan 196
Abidjan 186
Nanjing 169
Lomé 164
Westminster 155
Padova 147
Redwood City 145
New York 132
Berlin 127
Medford 113
Jinan 106
Rome 100
Saint Petersburg 86
Shenyang 76
Beijing 70
Guangzhou 62
Gwanak-gu 62
Amman 57
Shanghai 57
Vienna 52
Changsha 48
Nanchang 47
Florence 45
Napoli 45
Hebei 44
Mülheim 43
San Diego 41
Jiaxing 40
Cesena 38
Modena 37
Tianjin 37
Zhengzhou 35
Parma 34
Des Moines 33
Falls Church 33
Turin 33
Helsinki 32
Dearborn 31
Jakarta 31
Auburn Hills 30
Tokyo 28
Verona 27
Hangzhou 26
Reggio Emilia 26
Dallas 25
Norwalk 25
Rimini 25
Naples 24
Yubileyny 24
Torino 23
Genoa 22
Los Angeles 22
San Francisco 22
Taiyuan 22
Toronto 22
Haikou 21
Olalla 21
Phoenix 20
Fuzhou 19
Mahé 19
Palermo 19
Amsterdam 18
São Paulo 18
Taizhou 18
Wuhan 18
Brussels 17
Bühl 17
Bengaluru 16
Brescia 16
Forlì 16
Genova 16
London 16
Chongqing 15
Duncan 15
Harbin 15
Melbourne 15
Pedara 15
Ancona 14
Faenza 14
Imola 14
Ningbo 14
Shenzhen 14
Totale 11.948
Nome #
Esercizi di Costruzione di macchine e Tecnica delle costruzioni meccaniche 2.152
Esercizi di Comportamento meccanico dei materiali ed Elementi delle macchine 741
On Hirth Ring Couplings: Design Principles Including the Effect of Friction 225
Comportamento tribologico di collegamenti filettati per applicazioni industriali 225
Analysis of the Stress State in Brake Caliper Mounts of Front Motorbike Suspensions 191
Coating effect on the fatigue strength of a free cutting steel 167
Effects of build orientation and thickness of allowance on the fatigue behaviour of 15–5 PH stainless steel manufactured by DMLS 165
Threaded fasteners with applied medium or high strength threadlockers: effect of different tightening procedures on the tribological response 164
Calibration and performance evaluation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon stress sensors 157
Analysis of Threaded Connections for Differential Gear Pinions 152
Experimental study on the sensitivity of DMLS manufactured Maraging Steel fatigue strength to the build orientation and allowance for machining 145
A Methodology for the Lightweight Design of Modern Transfer Machine Tools 143
Analysis of the Influence of Fretting on the Fatigue Life of Interference Fitted Joints 143
A Novel Method for Strain Controlled Tests 140
Experimental Measurement of the Shank Torque As a Function of the Stiffness and Frictional Characteristics of the Bolted Joint 137
The Influence of Material, Hardness, Roughness and Surface Treatment on the Frictional Characteristics of the Underhead Contact in Socket-Head Screws 137
Fatigue Response of As-Built DMLS Maraging Steel and Effects of Aging, Machining, and Peening Treatments 136
A Practical Approach to Gear Design and Lubrication: A Review 136
null 134
Experimental Characterization and Finite Element Modeling of Film Capacitors for Automotive Applications 133
An Experimental Study on the Fatigue Response of 15-5 PH Stainless Steel Built by DMLS 132
Fatica oligociclica su cappe e rotori di turboalternatori: prove sperimentali, valutazione dell’anisotropia dei materiali, analisi di sensitività sui modelli di comportamento 126
Machining and Heat Treatment Effects on the Fatigue Properties of Maraging Steel Produced by DMLS 126
Strain gauge analysis of implant-supported, screw-retained metal frameworks: Comparison between different manufacturing technologies 126
Fretting Fatigue in Mechanical Joints: A Literature Review 125
Fatigue on Shot-Peened Gears: Experimentation, Simulation and Sensitivity Analyses 124
Residual shank torque of bolted joints: A numerical investigation 124
A new loading-constraining device for mechanical testing with misalignment auto-compensation 123
Wear behavior of electrodeposited nickel coating on ZP5 zinc alloy 123
Un approccio ibrido per la valutazione delle inflessioni in esercizio del retrotreno di un motociclo 122
Optimization of Bolted Joints: A Literature Review 121
An experimental study on the response of a threadlocker, involving different materials, screw dimensions and thread proportioning 121
Investigation on the Influence of Temperature Variation on the Response of Miniaturised Piezoresistive Sensors 120
A new method for modelling the support effect under rotating bending fatigue: application to Ti-6Al-4V alloy, with and without shot peening 120
Numerical and Experimental Characterization of a Railroad Switch Machine 120
Finite element analysis of tapped thread joints: Setup of a computationally efficient modeling approach 120
Experimentally validated structural finite element method analysis of a tibial intramedullary nail: Optimal choice of the contact settings 119
QFD Analysis and Conceptual Design of a new Machining Centre for a particular application field 118
A test bench for pneumatic components testing: set up and experimental results 117
Influence of the interference level and of the assembly process on the shear strength of Loctite 648 anaerobic adhesive 117
Valutazione della risposta in temperatura di sensori piezoresistivi miniaturizzati 116
Sensitivity of direct metal laser sintering Maraging steel fatigue strength to build orientation and allowance for machining 116
LCF on turbogenerator rotors and coil retaining rings: material characterization and sensitivity analyses 115
Fatigue response of additively manufactured Maraging Stainless Steel CX and effects of heat treatment and surface finishing 115
Effects of aging temperature and humidity on the response of medium and high strength threadlockers 115
Experimental characterization and analytical modelling of the mechanical behaviour of fused deposition processed parts made of ABS-M30 113
Steel screws on aluminium nuts: Different engagement ratio tapped threads compared to threaded inserts with a proper tolerance choice 113
Threaded fasteners with applied medium or high strength threadlockers: effect of different tightening procedures on the tribological response 112
In field measurement of forces and deformations at the rear part of a motorcycle and structural optimization 111
Mechanical Characteristics of Two Environmentally Friendly Resins Reinforced with Flax Fibers 111
A numerical and experimental approach to the design and failure analysis of a pinion shaft for wheel loaders 111
An experimental investigation on a crack propagating from a geartrain housing in an asphalt milling machine 109
Analisi teorica e sperimentale delle sollecitazioni in esercizio su un anello rotante di una macchina cellofanatrice 109
Fatigue Life Improvement of Holed Plates Made of an Innovative Medium C Micro-Alloyed Steel by Local Plastic Deformation 108
Effect of the Engagement Ratio and of temperature on the shear strength of Epoxy adhesive bonded aluminum alloy pin-and-collar joints 108
Tribological properties of connecting rod high strength screws improved by surface peening treatments 108
Experimentelle Spannungsanalyse an einer Asphaltfräsmaschine bei der Montage und im Betrieb 107
Progetto di un banco di prova versatile per la valutazione delle rigidezze di telai e forcelloni motociclistici 107
A user-friendly computational algorithm for the structural analysis of wrapping machine rotating rings 106
In field measurement of forces and deformations at the rear part of a motorcycle and structural optimization 106
Crack initiation and propagation in a press column under compressive load 105
Actuators 105
Progetto a fatica di ruote dentate ad elevate prestazioni 104
A new loading-constraining device for mechanical testing with misalignment auto-compensation 104
Failure of the chassis of roller skates for agonistic figure skating 104
Effects of Surface Treatments on the Fatigue Response of High Strength Fasteners 104
Influence of the interference level and of the assembly process on the shear strength of Loctite 648 anaerobic adhesive 104
In-field experimental stress analysis in the elastic and plastic fields on motorbike handlebar clamped joints 103
Influence of the engagement ratio on the shear strength of an epoxy adhesive by push-out tests on pin-and-collar joints: Part II: Campaign at different temperature levels 103
Design and experimentation of a pneumatically actuated vestibular stimulator for diagnostic medical tests 101
Cylindrical cross section optimization 101
Fatigue performance evaluation of shot-peened gears 100
Fatica oligociclica su cappe e rotori di turboalternatori 100
Reliability Assessment of a Turbogenerator Coil Retaining Ring based on Low Cycle Fatigue data 100
A hybrid approach for design optimization of professional roller skates 100
The influence of shot-peening on the fatigue life of high strength steel gears 99
An efficient analytical model for the structural analysis of wrapping machine rotating rings 99
The influence of lubrication on the frictional characteristics of threaded joints for planetary gearboxes 99
Model validation of a machining centre for high speed milling 98
Combining experimental data and numerical processing for failure probability evaluation of Coil Retaining Rings 98
Influence of the engagement ratio on the shear strength of an epoxy adhesive by push-out tests on pin-and-collar joints: Part I: Campaign at room temperature 98
Influence of heat and surface treatments on the fatigue response of DMLS manufactured AlSi10Mg 98
Design of a plastic card machine 96
An Efficient Method for the Determination of the Probability of Failure on the Basis of LCF Data: Application to Turbogenerator Design 96
Fatigue Life Characterisation of Interference Fitted Joints 96
Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Shot Peening and Deep Rolling on the Fatigue Response of High Strength Fasteners 96
Low Cycle Fatigue Experiments on Turbogenerator Steels and a New Method for Defining Confidence Bands 95
null 94
Numerical and Experimental Modeling of the Thermal Flow in a Modern Rotary Transfer Machine 94
Design of Special Equipment for the Mechanical Testing of Runway Light Fixtures 93
Estimation of opening mode stress intensity factor KI by photoelastic and strain gage methods: a comparison 93
Il Corso e il Laboratorio di Meccanica Sperimentale nel CDLS in Ing. Meccanica a Bologna 93
An Efficient Approach to Ill-Posed Problem Regularization Applied to an Over-Determined Six-Degree of Freedom Load Cell 93
Connecting rod screw tribological response optimized by a proper choice of peening treatment parameters 93
Design for safety: applicazione ad un automa per torneo storico cavalleresco 92
Experimental stress analysis of an asphalt milling machine in the assembly and working phases 92
Fatigue life improvement of holed plates by interference fitted pins 92
Totale 14.380
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.733
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 53.733

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.583 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 426 418 305 145 289
2020/20213.139 526 217 175 157 207 242 227 204 320 192 168 504
2021/20223.439 278 155 195 195 325 235 163 287 178 115 617 696
2022/20233.248 349 449 164 383 228 228 238 171 573 75 207 183
2023/20241.808 103 208 155 154 140 311 248 80 87 98 93 131
2024/20253.789 286 678 553 272 922 257 610 211 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.814