Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.193
NA - Nord America 9.473
AS - Asia 4.159
AF - Africa 677
SA - Sud America 42
OC - Oceania 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 24.565
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.436
IT - Italia 3.231
GB - Regno Unito 2.704
CN - Cina 1.666
DE - Germania 1.087
SG - Singapore 977
VN - Vietnam 760
SE - Svezia 736
UA - Ucraina 699
IN - India 465
FR - Francia 421
RU - Federazione Russa 352
IE - Irlanda 317
TG - Togo 208
CI - Costa d'Avorio 184
ZA - Sudafrica 171
EE - Estonia 167
BG - Bulgaria 93
CH - Svizzera 72
NL - Olanda 72
JO - Giordania 71
PK - Pakistan 55
SC - Seychelles 54
NG - Nigeria 47
ES - Italia 41
BE - Belgio 38
GR - Grecia 37
FI - Finlandia 32
JP - Giappone 29
TR - Turchia 26
CA - Canada 25
ID - Indonesia 22
BR - Brasile 20
PL - Polonia 20
RO - Romania 16
AT - Austria 12
AU - Australia 12
LB - Libano 12
CL - Cile 11
UZ - Uzbekistan 11
IR - Iran 10
HU - Ungheria 9
MX - Messico 9
HK - Hong Kong 8
DK - Danimarca 7
HR - Croazia 7
MY - Malesia 7
PT - Portogallo 7
TH - Thailandia 7
EU - Europa 6
EG - Egitto 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
AR - Argentina 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
IL - Israele 4
NO - Norvegia 4
AM - Armenia 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EC - Ecuador 3
ET - Etiopia 3
KR - Corea 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LT - Lituania 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PH - Filippine 3
TW - Taiwan 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PE - Perù 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
VE - Venezuela 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PA - Panama 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SN - Senegal 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 24.565
Città #
Southend 2.455
Chandler 966
Ashburn 903
Singapore 857
Fairfield 747
Bologna 547
Princeton 511
Jacksonville 507
Wilmington 452
Santa Clara 446
Houston 439
Ann Arbor 367
Woodbridge 356
Dong Ket 334
Seattle 322
Dublin 314
Boardman 303
Cambridge 263
Nanjing 213
Padova 211
Westminster 210
Lomé 208
Abidjan 184
Jinan 165
Berlin 161
Milan 139
Shenyang 134
Saint Petersburg 118
Medford 98
Mülheim 97
Rome 91
Sofia 90
Beijing 88
Redmond 88
Florence 86
Dearborn 81
Changsha 79
Turin 75
Amman 71
Hebei 71
Palermo 70
Redwood City 69
Catania 66
Verona 66
Nanchang 62
San Diego 61
Mahé 51
Bern 50
Tianjin 50
Guangzhou 47
Jiaxing 47
Abeokuta 46
Des Moines 45
Lahore 44
Naples 43
Zhengzhou 43
Los Angeles 41
Falls Church 38
Lecce 36
Ningbo 36
Shanghai 36
Brussels 35
Olalla 35
Haikou 34
Munich 32
Hangzhou 31
Forlì 30
Helsinki 30
Taizhou 29
Norwalk 27
Kunming 26
New York 26
Hyderabad 25
Cesena 24
Lanzhou 24
Pune 24
Taiyuan 24
Bühl 22
Jakarta 22
Tokyo 22
Parma 20
Phoenix 19
San Venanzo 19
Pisa 18
Bremen 17
Paris 17
Boydton 16
Chicago 16
London 16
Reggio Emilia 15
Cagliari 14
Napoli 14
Vicenza 13
Bari 12
Fuzhou 12
Ottawa 12
Plauen 12
Frankfurt am Main 11
Ravenna 11
Wuhan 11
Totale 15.711
Nome #
Pero: il bilancio umico nella fertilizzazione organica. 643
Linearizzazione di curve potenziometriche di sostanze umiche di origine diversa. 278
What we talk about when we talk about protein hydrolyzate-based biostimulants 217
Biodegradable plastics: Effects on functionality and fertility of two different soils 191
Enhanced substrate degradation and methane yield with maleic acid pre-treatments in biomass crops and residues 182
Changes in soil phenol oxidase activities due to long-term application of compost and mineral N in a walnut orchard 180
Frazionamento del carbonio organico. 178
Attività biostimolante negli idrolizzati proteici. 177
Rapid assessment of fertilizers manufacturing methods by means of a novel waveguide vector spectrometer 177
Advances in the determination of humification degree in peat since Achard (1786): Applications in geochemical and paleoenvironmental studies 173
Fertilizing potential and CO2 emissions following the utilization of fresh and composted food-waste anaerobic digestates 170
13C abundance shows effective soil carbon sequestration in Miscanthus and giant reed compared to arable crops under Mediterranean climate 169
Changes in the functional properties of a sandy loam soil amended with biosolids at different application rates 161
Rotation and Fertilization Effects on Soil Quality and Yields in a Long Term Field Experiment 161
Phosphorus in Digestate-Based Compost: Chemical Speciation and Plant-Availability 158
Problematiche per l’inserimento dei biostimolanti nella legislazione dei fertilizzanti. 158
Organic wastes as alternative sources of phosphorus for plant nutrition in a calcareous soil 155
15N e 13C nella valutazione dell’uso dell’azoto e della conservazione del carbonio da compost 154
Compost-based growing media: influence on growth and nutrient use of bedding plants. 153
Anaerobic digestion of annual and multi-annual biomass crops 148
Ammendante compostato misto da fanghi civili 145
Unraveling the long-term stabilization mechanisms of organic materials in soils by physical fractionation and NMR spectroscopy 145
Effect of humic monomers on the adsorption of sulfamethoxazole sulfonamide antibiotic into a high silica zeolite Y: An interdisciplinary study 143
Chemical and microbiological soil quality indicators and their potential to differentiate fertilization regimes in temperate agroecosystems. 141
Microplate-scale fluorogenic soil enzyme assays as tools to assess soil quality in a long-term agricultural field experiment 141
Soil application of tannery land plaster: effects on nitrogen mineralization and soil biochemical properties 141
null 141
Effect of iron sulphate on the phosphorus speciation from agro-industrial sludge based and sewage sludge based compost 140
Effectiveness of synthetic calcite doped with Fe-EDDHSA as a slow-release Fe source: In-vitro experiment on kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa) plants 140
Olive pulp and its effluents suitability for soil amendment. 139
Determinazione della stabilità di biomasse in compostaggio mediante l’utilizzo di un indice respirometrico: prime esperienze in Italia. 138
Biostimulant activity of two protein hydrolyzates in the growth and nitrogen metabolism of maize seedlings 138
Effect of soil pH on the chemical composition of organic matter in physically separated soil fractions in two broadleaf woodland sites at Rothamsted, UK 138
A Nitrification Inhibitor, Nitrapyrin, Reduces Potential Nitrate Leaching through Soil Columns Treated with Animal Slurries and Anaerobic Digestate 138
Organic wastes in soils: Biogeochemical and environmental aspects 137
Gestione della frazione organica dei rifiuti solidi urbani tramite digestione anaerobica e compostaggio: l’effetto sulla disponibilità del fosforo 135
Agricultural reuse of olive mill effluents after energy recovery 133
Mild alkaline pre-treatments loosen fibre structure enhancing methane production from biomass crops and residues 133
Agricultural management practices and dynamics of C in a long-term field experiment followed by isotopic and thermal analysis 132
Potential nitrogen mineralization, plant utilization efficiency and soil CO2 emissions following the addition of anaerobic digested slurries 131
Dynamics of mineral nitrogen in soils treated with slow-release fertilizers. 131
Caratterizzazione di sostanze umiche estratte da un suolo ammendato con biomasse. 130
Eco-Physiological Indicators To Assess Soil Impact Of Composted Municipal Sewage Sludges 129
Soluzione innovativa all'inquinamento da nitrati 129
Conventional versus organic management: application of simple and complex indexes to assess soil quality 129
Humic-like substances extracted from composts can promote the photodegradation of Irgarol 1051 in solar light. 127
Caratterizzazione microbiologica di un suolo ammendato con sottoprodotti della vinificazione 126
Electrofocusing the compost organic matter following by coupling SEC-PAGE. 125
Soil respiration and nitrogen mineralization kinetics of compost and vinasse fertilized soil in an aerobic liquid-based incubation. 125
Adsorbimento di alluminio su un network di Ca-poligalatturonato: uno studio spettroscopico. 125
Structural differences of Chernozem soil humic acids SEC-PAGE fractions revealed by thermal (TG-DTA) and spectroscopic (DRIFT) analyses. 124
Characterizations of compost-based growing media. A Chemical, Thermal, Spectroscopic and Isotopic Approach. 124
A multivariate approach to the study of the composting process by means of analytical electrofocusing. 123
null 122
Vector analysis in the study of nutritional status of Philodendron cultivated in compost-based media. 121
Elementi chimici del suolo. 121
Evolution of organic matter from sewage sludge and yard trimming during composting. 120
The evaluation of stability during the composting of different starting materials: Comparison of chemical and biological parameters. 120
Thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and isotopic characterization (13C and 15N) of humic acids from different origins. Applied Geochemistry 119
Ritenzione idrica in concimi a base di gelatina per uso agricolo. 119
Characterization of different growing media-compost based for ornamental plants by TG-DTA and FT-IR 119
Characterization of soil carbon in a long-term amendament trials 118
Biostimolanti: fertilizzanti a tutti gli effetti. 118
Nitrogen dynamics and microbial response in soil amended with either olive pulp or its by-products after biogas production 118
Effect of biosolids from municipal sewage sludge composted with rice husk on soil functionality 117
Predicting long-term organic carbon dynamics in organically-amended soils using the CQESTR model 117
Fate of 15N derived from soil decomposition of abscised leaves and pruning wood from apple (Malus domestica) trees 117
Characterization of Chernozem humic acid SEC-PAGE fractions using DRIFT spectroscopy and thermal analysis. 116
Relationship between Photosensitizing and Emission Properties of Peat Humic Acid Fractions Obtained by Tangential Ultrafiltration 116
Commercial Humic and Humic-Based Products: Quality Parameters and Legislative Regulations 116
Availability of N from industrial wastes 116
Caratterizzazione di substrati di coltura mediante analisi termica (TG-DTA). 114
Ureic Nitrogen Trasformation in Multi-Layer Soil Columns Treated with Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors 112
Nitrogen trasformation in multy-layer soil columns tretated with an urease inhibitor 112
Microbial indication of soil health in apple orchards affected by replant disease 112
La diversità funzionale del suolo nell'ambito di una prova agronomica di lungo tremine - Soil functional diversity under a long-term field experiment 112
Structural and Thermal Investigation of Three Agricultural Biomasses Following Mild-NaOH Pretreatment to Increase Anaerobic Biodegradability 112
Can Organic Farming Contribute to Carbon Sequestration? A Survey in a Pear Orchard in Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. 111
Concimi efficaci ed ecosostenibili, la ricerca sonda nuove strade 111
Valutazione dell’efficienza nutritiva dell’Azoto nei sottoprodotti della digestione anaerobica in Lolium multiflorum 111
Caratterizzazione DRIFT e TG-DTA di sostanze umiche estratte da un suolo ammendato con reflui oleari. 111
Agronomic and environmental implications of using a by-product of the intermediate tanning processes as nitrogen fertilizer 111
Valutazione dell’attività ureasica, della nitrificazione potenziale e dell’accumulo di n minerale in colonne di suolo trattate con inibitore dell’ureasi e della nitrificazione. 110
Chromium-Containing Organic Fertilizers from Tanned Hides and Skins: a Review on Chemical, Environmental, Agronomical and Legislative Aspects 110
Fertilizzanti per una Gestione Sostenibile delle Colture Arboree da Frutto 109
null 109
Potenzialità d’uso agricolo di reflui di estrazione dell'olio d’oliva a due fasi. 108
Determinazione della stabilità, della mineralizzazione potenziale dell’azoto e del valore agronomico di substrati a base di compost. 108
null 108
Nitrogen uptake by ryegrass (Lolium perenne) as affected by the decomposition of apple leaves and pruning wood in soil 107
Biostimulants from Organic By-Products: a Good Way to Enhance Soil Functionality 107
Valorizzazione agronomica di biosolidi derivanti da fanghi civili di depurazione 106
Zolfo, un elemento della fertitità che non deve essere trascurato 106
Evaluation of photochemical properties of compost humic-like materials 105
Use of green and mixed composts as peat alternative for philodendron pot growing: morphologic and phenological effects. 105
Photosensitizing properties of formulation adjuvants. 105
Totale 13.822
Categoria #
all - tutte 62.498
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 62.498

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.774 0 0 0 0 0 408 501 539 556 270 164 336
2020/20213.749 583 160 71 133 155 226 88 320 503 276 242 992
2021/20224.004 281 199 272 345 388 247 99 314 195 213 780 671
2022/20234.658 519 685 272 576 310 361 158 226 741 140 425 245
2023/20242.363 112 246 83 165 140 261 141 244 76 203 469 223
2024/20253.287 340 766 521 372 954 334 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.103