Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.784
NA - Nord America 9.352
AS - Asia 4.545
AF - Africa 624
SA - Sud America 56
OC - Oceania 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 24.379
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.303
GB - Regno Unito 2.349
DE - Germania 2.184
IT - Italia 1.942
CN - Cina 1.738
SG - Singapore 1.064
VN - Vietnam 882
UA - Ucraina 695
SE - Svezia 643
IN - India 557
RU - Federazione Russa 493
FR - Francia 382
IE - Irlanda 337
TG - Togo 226
ZA - Sudafrica 180
EE - Estonia 171
HR - Croazia 133
JO - Giordania 90
NG - Nigeria 71
CI - Costa d'Avorio 69
FI - Finlandia 68
ES - Italia 64
BE - Belgio 62
SC - Seychelles 57
NL - Olanda 56
BR - Brasile 40
HK - Hong Kong 39
CA - Canada 38
TR - Turchia 35
JP - Giappone 32
BG - Bulgaria 31
IR - Iran 31
GR - Grecia 26
CH - Svizzera 25
AT - Austria 24
PT - Portogallo 23
PL - Polonia 20
RO - Romania 18
LB - Libano 13
AU - Australia 12
EG - Egitto 12
TH - Thailandia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
MX - Messico 8
PK - Pakistan 8
BY - Bielorussia 7
PH - Filippine 7
ID - Indonesia 6
VE - Venezuela 6
EC - Ecuador 5
KR - Corea 5
LU - Lussemburgo 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
TW - Taiwan 5
LV - Lettonia 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 3
CL - Cile 3
KE - Kenya 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
MY - Malesia 3
NO - Norvegia 3
AL - Albania 2
AR - Argentina 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
BS - Bahamas 2
CM - Camerun 2
DK - Danimarca 2
IQ - Iraq 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
RS - Serbia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EU - Europa 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
PA - Panama 1
QA - Qatar 1
RW - Ruanda 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 24.379
Città #
Southend 2.118
Frankfurt am Main 1.152
Chandler 971
Singapore 860
Fairfield 839
Ashburn 619
Ann Arbor 611
Wilmington 563
Dong Ket 548
Santa Clara 535
Princeton 490
Jacksonville 478
Bologna 400
Houston 387
Woodbridge 371
Seattle 369
Dublin 337
Cambridge 322
Boardman 285
Nanjing 230
Lomé 226
Padova 224
Westminster 222
Jinan 155
Medford 153
Berlin 143
Saint Petersburg 119
Shenyang 107
Mülheim 101
Milan 93
Amman 90
Hyderabad 87
New York 86
Turin 82
Changsha 78
Beijing 73
Rome 72
Abidjan 69
Abeokuta 66
Hebei 66
Helsinki 63
Nanchang 60
Mahé 56
Tianjin 56
Brussels 53
Guangzhou 53
Jiaxing 50
San Diego 49
Redwood City 45
Zhengzhou 45
Des Moines 44
Hangzhou 44
Shanghai 43
Yubileyny 41
Taizhou 35
Verona 34
Norwalk 32
Dearborn 31
San Venanzo 31
Sofia 31
Los Angeles 30
Los Palacios y Villafranca 30
Cesena 27
Kunming 27
Ningbo 27
Haikou 26
Shenzhen 25
Tokyo 25
Wayne 24
Hong Kong 23
London 23
Olalla 23
Redmond 22
Costa Mesa 21
Lanzhou 21
Fuzhou 20
Taiyuan 19
Fremont 18
Paris 18
Vienna 18
Istanbul 17
Florence 15
Parma 15
Ravenna 15
Falkenstein 13
Phoenix 13
Shijiazhuang 13
Vicenza 13
Wuhan 13
Bühl 12
Naples 12
York 12
Imola 11
Napoli 11
Reggio Emilia 11
Toronto 11
Xi'an 11
Amsterdam 10
Bern 10
Chicago 10
Totale 16.408
Nome #
Adoption of the SDGs as a Reporting Framework at the Alma Mater Studiorum (University of Bologna) in Italy 350
The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm 325
The University of Bologna during the Covid-19 pandemic: protect, provide and innovate – Responses from a resilient community 220
An innovative numerical modeling strategy for the structural analysis of historical monumental buildings 219
A numerical strategy for predicting the mould of ceramic sanitary wares 214
A generalized beam theory with shear deformation 210
Analysis of the interaction between buried pipelines and slope instability phenomena 206
Debonding between FRP and underlying masonry: First results of a 3D finite element model 195
Structural analysis of historic masonry and technical guideline application: the case of the Insula del Centenario [IX, 8] in Pompeii 192
Surface treatments for historical constructions using nanotechnology 191
Active shape change of an SMA hybrid composite plate 191
A coupled multiphase model for hygrothermal analysis of masonry structures and prediction of stress induced by salt crystallization 191
Consistency and recovery in electroelasticity. Part II: Equilibrium and mixed finite elements 188
Application of the k-omega turbulence model to estimate the flutter derivatives of a long-span bridge 181
Estimation of Elastic Constants of Thick Laminated Plates within a Bayesian Framework 178
Atti XX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata – AIMETA2011 176
Simple Beam Model to Estimate Leakage in Longitudinally Cracked Pressurized Pipes 173
Adaptivity based on the recovery by compatibility in patches 171
A hybrid stress approach for laminated composite plates within the First-order Shear Deformation Theory 169
A 3D model for salt diffusion and crystallization in masonry structures 168
La ricerca-formazione per l’innovazione della didattica universitaria 168
A discrete model for coupled environmental and mechanical degradation in historic masonry structures 167
Simulation and test procedures to correlate structural damage with moisture and salts migration in masonry 164
A discontinuous Galerkin method for strain gradient-dependent damage: Study of interpolations and convergence 164
Prove soniche ed impact-echo per l’indagine diagnostica di murature archeologiche romane 163
A flexibility-based model for linear analysis of arbitrarily curved arches 161
A consistent approach for mixed stress finite element formulations in linear elastodynamics 161
A simple hybrid stress element for shear deformable plates 159
A Simplified model for salt diffusion and crystallization in historic masonry 157
Lattice Boltzmann analysis of fluid-structure interaction with moving boundaries 155
Large eddy simulation of turbulent flows: Benchmarking on a rectangular prism 154
Flow field around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder using LES: Influence of inflow turbulence conditions, spanwise domain size and their interaction 153
3ENCULT – Efficient Energy for EU Cultural Heritage 153
A FSDT-based hybrid stress finite element for composite laminates. 146
Salt Effects in Plastered and Unplastered Outdoors Brick Masonry: Quantitative Laser Monitoring of Surface Decay Evolution 145
Stress analysis around holes or notches by special finite elements 145
A model for eutectoid steel subjected to heat treatment and its finite element simulation 144
Atti XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale 142
Design of falling rock protection barriers using numerical models 142
A numerical model for roof detailing of cold-formed purlin-sheeting systems 139
Hydroelastic analysis of hull slamming coupling lattice Boltzmann and finite element methods 138
Numerical simulation of a 5:1 rectangular cylinder at non-null angles of attack 138
A posteriori error estimation in finite element analysis 137
A Finite Element Model for SMA Hybrid Composite Plates 136
A numerical model for environmentally induced deterioration of masonry structures 135
An investigation of the debonding mechanism in steel FRP- and FRCM-concrete joints 135
A mixed finite element for dynamics of electroelastic plates 132
A patch based procedure for stress recovery in elastoplasticity 131
A simple three dimensional model for salt diffusion and crystallization in historical masonry 131
Modelling of falling rock protection barriers 131
Multiphase model for hygrothermal analysis of porous media with salt crystallization and hydration 131
Modelling for the design of passive protection measures against rock fall 130
Analysis of archaeological masonry structures in Herculaneum 129
Determination of the interfacial cohesive material law for SRG composites bonded to a masonry substrate 126
Hierarchical higher-order dissipative methods for transient analysis 123
An efficient approach to the evaluation of wind effects on structures based on recorded pressure fields 123
Theoretical and numerical modeling of shape memory alloys accounting for multiple phase transformations and martensite reorientation 123
A new isostatic quadrilateral membrane finite element and its use in geometrically nonlinear analysis 122
Advanced analysis of uncertain cracked structures 121
Koiter analysis of folded structures using a corotational approach 121
SMooHS Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures 121
Patch recovery based on complementary energy 118
A discontinuous Galerkin method for coupled elasto-diffusion 118
Transverse stress profiles reconstruction for finite element analysis of laminated plates 118
A study of the debonding mechanism in steel and basalt FRCM-masonry joints 118
Aeroelastic study of flexible flapping wings by a coupled lattice Boltzmann-finite element approach with immersed boundary method 116
A Comparison Between the Interpolated Bounce-Back Scheme and the Immersed Boundary Method to Treat Solid Boundary Conditions for Laminar Flows in the Lattice Boltzmann Framework 115
Indicial functions and flutter derivatives: A generalized approach to the motion-related wind loads 114
Shape Memory Alloy hybrid composite plates for shape and stiffness control 114
A staggered multiphysics framework for salt crystallization-induced damage in porous building materials 114
A new energy decaying time discontinuous formulation for non-linear elastodynamics 113
Three-dimensional numerical modelling of falling rock protection barriers 113
A partitioned approach for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction problems by a coupled lattice Boltzmann-finite element method with immersed boundary 113
Universities, industries and sustainable development: Outcomes of the 2017 G7 Environment Ministerial Meeting 112
A simple solution strategy for coupled piezo-diffusion in elastic solids 111
A coupled lattice Boltzmann-finite element approach for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction 111
An iterative fitting method based on a three-parameter distribution 109
A hybrid stress flat-shell finite element for the analysis of folded structures 109
null 109
XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale 108
On the evaluation of bridge deck flutter derivatives using RANS turbulence models 108
A mesh generation method for historical monumental buildings: An innovative approach 107
Coupled hygro-mechanical multiscale analysis of masonry walls 106
Patch based stress recovery for plate structures 105
A posteriori error estimation in finite element analysis of plate structures 105
Leakage evaluation in longitudinally cracked pressurized pipes 104
Dynamic analysis of flexible falling rock protection barriers 104
A posteriori error estimation based on the superconvergent Recovery by Compatibility in Patches 104
null 104
Recent advances in the analysis of mechanically driven mass diffusion in elastic solids 103
On the structural response of falling rock protection kits 103
A simplified micro-modeling approach for Historical Stone Masonry Walls 103
Time discontinuous Galerkin methods with energy decaying correction for non-linear elastodynamics 102
Strong Formulation Finite Element Method Based on Differential Quadrature: A Survey 101
Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Hull Impacting Water 101
La vulnerabilità sismica del patrimonio edilizio dell’Università di Bologna: metodologia e analisi di alcuni casi esemplificativi 101
null 101
Equipment qualification in testing the flexural resistance of bended ceramic tiles 101
Implementazione di un ottimizzatore genetico in ambiente Abaqus/CAE 100
Edifici storici in muratura: un modello di danno dovuto ad azioni ambientali 100
Totale 14.120
Categoria #
all - tutte 63.101
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 63.101

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 544 324 177 355
2020/20213.429 763 193 71 158 115 364 56 192 372 179 159 807
2021/20223.963 712 209 199 197 397 287 119 240 145 96 620 742
2022/20234.406 507 643 257 531 289 295 227 228 728 136 366 199
2023/20241.515 83 207 129 120 111 234 73 87 65 107 60 239
2024/20254.459 458 917 660 475 1.081 326 407 108 27 0 0 0
Totale 24.857