Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.063
NA - Nord America 5.882
AS - Asia 2.822
AF - Africa 327
SA - Sud America 56
OC - Oceania 42
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 17.200
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.843
IT - Italia 3.213
DE - Germania 1.599
GB - Regno Unito 1.398
CN - Cina 1.151
SG - Singapore 835
VN - Vietnam 359
SE - Svezia 291
FR - Francia 268
RU - Federazione Russa 267
IN - India 248
IE - Irlanda 217
CI - Costa d'Avorio 126
UA - Ucraina 126
FI - Finlandia 111
ZA - Sudafrica 94
TG - Togo 89
EE - Estonia 84
NL - Olanda 78
AT - Austria 55
JO - Giordania 54
CH - Svizzera 45
BG - Bulgaria 44
ES - Italia 44
BE - Belgio 38
CA - Canada 37
ID - Indonesia 37
BR - Brasile 32
HK - Hong Kong 31
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 28
AU - Australia 27
GR - Grecia 24
NO - Norvegia 22
HR - Croazia 20
PH - Filippine 20
TR - Turchia 19
PL - Polonia 17
PT - Portogallo 17
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 15
IR - Iran 12
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 12
TW - Taiwan 9
PE - Perù 8
DK - Danimarca 7
JP - Giappone 7
MY - Malesia 7
RS - Serbia 7
TH - Thailandia 7
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 6
CO - Colombia 6
SC - Seychelles 6
SM - San Marino 6
LT - Lituania 5
MK - Macedonia 5
PK - Pakistan 5
RO - Romania 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
AR - Argentina 3
EC - Ecuador 3
EG - Egitto 3
HU - Ungheria 3
LB - Libano 3
LS - Lesotho 3
CL - Cile 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EU - Europa 2
GH - Ghana 2
KR - Corea 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MD - Moldavia 2
MX - Messico 2
OM - Oman 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CM - Camerun 1
IL - Israele 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
ME - Montenegro 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SN - Senegal 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 17.200
Città #
Southend 1.237
Frankfurt am Main 1.035
Bologna 1.019
Singapore 679
Fairfield 546
Santa Clara 539
Chandler 490
Ashburn 480
Wilmington 305
Woodbridge 259
Seattle 250
Dong Ket 247
Houston 243
Princeton 240
Milan 223
Dublin 217
Cambridge 209
Ann Arbor 189
Boardman 173
Padova 139
Abidjan 126
Rome 123
Nanjing 117
New York 114
Turin 107
Westminster 104
Helsinki 94
Lomé 89
Jinan 86
Berlin 77
Cesena 67
Shenyang 64
Saint Petersburg 62
Naples 59
Beijing 55
Amman 54
Guangzhou 51
San Maurizio D'opaglio 51
Medford 49
Jacksonville 45
Vienna 45
Redmond 44
Shanghai 43
Nanchang 42
Sofia 42
Falls Church 41
Bari 40
Forlì 40
Falkenstein 39
Hebei 39
Munich 37
San Diego 37
Changsha 36
Dearborn 34
Jakarta 34
Brussels 29
Fremont 27
Bern 26
Des Moines 26
Hangzhou 26
Redwood City 26
Conegliano 25
Zhengzhou 25
London 24
Nuremberg 23
Tappahannock 23
Tianjin 23
Florence 22
Jiaxing 22
Mülheim 22
Taizhou 22
Modena 21
Norwalk 20
Palermo 20
Phoenix 19
Haikou 18
Amsterdam 17
Los Angeles 17
Yubileyny 17
Fuzhou 16
Genoa 16
Glasgow 16
Ningbo 16
Verona 15
Santander 14
Washington 14
Fiesso Umbertiano 13
Hong Kong 13
Lappeenranta 13
Most 13
Olalla 13
Prague 13
Taiyuan 13
Duncan 12
Portici 12
Ha Kwai Chung 11
Mcallen 11
Paris 11
Ravenna 11
Wuhan 11
Totale 11.723
Nome #
Reuse of mining waste into innovative alkali-activated-based materials for road pavement applications 525
Costruzioni stradali - Aspetti progettuali e costruttivi 377
Effects of median refuge island and flashing vertical sign on conspicuity and safety of unsignalized crosswalks 241
Experimental application of waste glass powder filler in recycled dense-graded asphalt mixtures 240
Rilievo geometrico e caratterizzazione degli ammaloramenti stradali mediante uso di Mobile Mapping Systems 236
Evaluation of an integrated lighting-warning system on motorists’ yielding at unsignalized crosswalks during nighttime 218
Application of Mining Waste Powder as filler in Hot Mix Asphalt 216
Le "Città 30" per una mobilità più sicura e inclusiva 211
Driver's visual attention to different categories of roadside advertising signs 210
Vibrazioni da traffico in aree urbane: effetti sugli edifici e tecniche di attenuazione 207
Alternative Fillers for the Production of Bituminous Mixtures: A Screening Investigation on Waste Powders 205
T-junction priority scheme and road user’s yielding behavior 204
La nuova frontiera degli attraversamenti pedonali. 204
A Semi-Automatic Method for Identifying Defects on Road Surfaces 203
Rheological characterization of bituminous mastics containing waste bleaching clays 198
A laboratory and filed evaluation of Cold Recycled Mixture for base layer entirely made with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 194
A methodology for the design of sections block length on ETCS L2 railway networks 188
Road sign vision and driver behaviour in work zones 184
A laboratory and field study on 100% Recycled Cement Bound Mixture for base layers 171
null 169
null 166
Experimental study on use of recycled polymer as modifier in mastic and asphalt mixture 164
Semi-automatic evaluation of the degree of bitumen coverage on bitumen-coated aggregates 158
Mobile laser scanning system for assessment of the rainwater runoff and drainage conditions on road pavements 158
Flashing in-curb LEDs and beacons at unsignalized crosswalks and driver’s visual attention to pedestrians during nighttime 158
Caratterizzazione di superficie e tessitura del manto stradale mediante tecniche a scansione laser 156
Metodologie innovative per l'analisi dell'interazione utenti-strada in ambito urbano 154
Effects of different aging methods on chemical and rheological properties of bitumen 151
Processi partecipativi per favorire la transizione verso la neutralità climatica. Il caso di Bologna / Participatory processes to facilitate the transition to climate neutrality. The case of Bologna 147
3D Laser Scanner Technique for in situ analysis of road pavement surface texture 147
Bike lane design: the context sensitive approach 146
Interaction between Car Drivers and Vulnerable Road Users at Roundabouts 145
EEG-based mental workload neurometric to evaluate the impact of different traffic and road conditions in real driving settings 142
Analisi della visibilità notturna dei ciclisti mediante tecniche innovative 141
Looking behavior for vertical road signs 138
Use of image analysis for the evaluation of rolling bottle tests results 136
Analysis of Road-User Interaction by Extraction of Driver Behavior Features Using Deep Learning 135
Performance evaluation of recycled rubber waterproofing bituminous membranes for concrete bridge decks and other surfaces 133
A challenge for a more sustainable urban mobility in Europe 133
Mechanical and Thermal Performance of Macro-Encapsulated Phase Change Materials for Pavement Application 131
How Do University Student Cyclists Ride? The Case of University of Bologna 131
Applying Geostatistics to Continuous Compaction Control of Construction and Demolition Materials for Road Embankments 129
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) with crumb rubber according to a new dry-hybrid technology: A laboratory and trial field evaluation 126
EEG-Based Mental Workload and Perception-Reaction Time of the Drivers While Using Adaptive Cruise Control 126
EEG-based mental workload assessment during real driving: a taxonomic tool for neuroergonomics in highly automated environments 126
Analisi della sicurezza delle utenze deboli in rotatoria mediante tecnologia eye tracking 125
Incorporation of Rubber Powder as Filler in a New Dry-Hybrid Technology: Rheological and 3D DEM Mastic Performances Evaluation 125
Innovative light-coloured porous asphalt for low-impact pavements: A laboratory investigation 123
Building information Modelling (BIM) application for an existing road infrastructure 123
Assessing Hazardous Spills Impact on Road Surface Performances by 3D High Resolution Surveying Techniques 122
null 121
Comparison between different territorial policies to support intermodality of public transport 121
Waste bleaching clays as fillers in hot bituminous mixtures 120
The role of peripheral vision in vertical road sign identification and discrimination 120
Case Studies in the Emilia Romagna Region in Support of Intermodality and Accessibility of Public Transport 119
The influence of pedestrian crossings features on driving behavior and road safety 118
Valutazione dei tempi di reazione dei conducenti dei veicoli con tecniche innovative: Influenza dell’adaptive cruise control 117
Laser Scanning on Road Pavements: A New Approach for Characterizing Surface Texture 116
Valutazione della sicurezza di un attraversamento ciclabile mediante il calcolo dei tempi di reazione 116
High density European Rail Traffic Management System (HD-ERTMS) for urban railway nodes: The case study of Rome 116
How to Assess the Carbon Footprint of a Large University? The Case Study of University of Bologna’s Multicampus Organization 115
Urban Regeneration and Soft Mobility: The Case Study of the Rimini Canal Port in Italy 113
null 113
Application of noise abatement procedures at regional airports 113
Rheological and 3D DEM characterization of potential rutting of cold bituminous mastics 112
A study on texture and acoustic properties of cold laid microsurfacings 112
Processi partecipativi per favorire la transizione verso la neutralità climatica. Il caso di Bologna / Participatory processes to facilitate the transition to climate neutrality. The case of Bologna 111
Capitolo 10 – Assetto degli elementi marginali, zone di sicurezza e letti di arresto 110
American and European mix design approaches combined: Use of NCHRP performance indicators to Analyze Comité Européen de normalisation test results 110
Introduzione alla psicologia del traffico 109
Development and validation of a powertrain model for low-cost driving simulators 109
A preliminary comparison of Continuous Compaction Control and Portable FWD systems for Qc/Qa 109
The safety and conspicuity of pedestrian crossing at roundabouts: The effect of median refuge island and zebra markings 106
Thermal Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Pavements Heated with Amorphous Metal Technology 105
A Decision Support System for the safety evaluation of urban pedestrian crossings 104
Characterization of pavement surface texture using 3D Laser scanner technique 103
Road safety review update by using innovative technologies to investigate driver behaviour 102
Mechanical Characterization of Thin Asphalt Overlay Mixtures with 100% Recycled Aggregates 100
Pull-out tests on bituminous specimens with steel wire mesh reinforcements 100
Analysis and Evaluation of Mobility Solutions and Targeted Interventions to Support the Urban Regeneration of the Canal Port of Rimini 99
null 99
Effects of Flickering Seizures on Road Drivers and Passengers 98
Performance evaluation of Construction and Demolition and other waste materials 95
Indagine sugli aggregati da C&D 94
Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders 93
Use of steel slag as an alternative to aggregate and filler in road pavements 93
Preliminary study on the application of waste bivalve shells as biofiller for the production of asphalt concrete 92
The shape of road markings for visibility computations 92
Studio dinamico dell’interazione barriera di sicurezza/terreno – prima parte 92
null 92
Fixation distance and fixation duration to vertical road signs 92
A new “Frugal” approach to road maintenance: 100% recycling of a deteriorated flexible pavement 91
Materiali riciclati per pavimentazioni viarie 91
null 88
From data to practice: a cycling path review to assess the impact of urban mobility measures on cyclists 88
Road users’ behaviour in the "30 km/h zones". The case study of Bologna 87
Microtappeti a freddo multifunzionali 87
Performance characterization of asphalt mixtures using meso mechanics approach 87
Longitudinal motion cueing effects on driver behaviour: a driving simulator study 86
Totale 13.988
Categoria #
all - tutte 45.768
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 45.768

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020912 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 415 223 124 150
2020/20211.793 303 93 54 62 68 71 62 94 255 146 100 485
2021/20222.337 175 129 150 204 252 142 71 168 119 72 437 418
2022/20232.877 247 363 133 296 169 225 166 209 496 154 222 197
2023/20242.021 85 165 142 164 149 311 116 136 97 253 146 257
2024/20254.882 535 825 642 517 979 376 451 365 192 0 0 0
Totale 17.782