Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.967
EU - Europa 4.878
AS - Asia 2.437
AF - Africa 212
OC - Oceania 34
SA - Sud America 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 12.540
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.928
IT - Italia 1.402
GB - Regno Unito 1.246
CN - Cina 904
SG - Singapore 716
DE - Germania 592
VN - Vietnam 402
SE - Svezia 314
IN - India 277
UA - Ucraina 262
FR - Francia 225
RU - Federazione Russa 204
IE - Irlanda 198
ZA - Sudafrica 95
EE - Estonia 74
TG - Togo 66
NL - Olanda 59
CH - Svizzera 54
BG - Bulgaria 46
BE - Belgio 45
CA - Canada 37
PL - Polonia 37
AU - Australia 34
CI - Costa d'Avorio 34
FI - Finlandia 31
JO - Giordania 27
RO - Romania 21
IR - Iran 18
GR - Grecia 17
HK - Hong Kong 17
SC - Seychelles 15
ID - Indonesia 13
JP - Giappone 13
KR - Corea 12
ES - Italia 11
TR - Turchia 11
PT - Portogallo 8
AT - Austria 7
AL - Albania 6
BR - Brasile 5
HR - Croazia 5
LB - Libano 5
TW - Taiwan 5
CL - Cile 4
IL - Israele 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EG - Egitto 2
LT - Lituania 2
MT - Malta 2
MX - Messico 2
QA - Qatar 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
EU - Europa 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 12.540
Città #
Southend 1.137
Singapore 636
Fairfield 454
Bologna 366
Ashburn 361
Santa Clara 349
Princeton 305
Chandler 300
Dong Ket 265
Wilmington 242
Woodbridge 220
Boardman 203
Houston 201
Dublin 197
Ann Arbor 188
Seattle 182
Cambridge 151
Jacksonville 151
Nanjing 132
Westminster 124
Medford 110
Berlin 97
Padova 90
Milan 78
Saint Petersburg 73
Lomé 66
Jinan 63
Rome 51
Beijing 47
Shenyang 47
Sofia 46
Hebei 42
Los Angeles 42
Nanchang 40
Brussels 35
Abidjan 34
Mülheim 34
Tianjin 32
Des Moines 31
Guangzhou 30
Jiaxing 29
Amman 27
Changsha 27
San Diego 26
Helsinki 25
Shanghai 24
Parma 23
Redwood City 23
New York 22
Pune 21
Olalla 20
Rimini 20
Cesena 19
Modena 19
Forlì 18
Haikou 18
Bern 17
Norwalk 17
Ponzano 17
Taizhou 16
Zhengzhou 16
Brisbane 15
Hangzhou 15
Imola 15
Mahé 15
Ningbo 14
Redmond 14
Stezzano 14
Dearborn 13
Florence 13
London 13
Naples 13
Ottawa 13
Paris 12
Phoenix 12
San Venanzo 12
Taiyuan 12
Toronto 12
Hong Kong 11
Moscow 11
Verona 11
Boydton 10
Ferrara 10
Fuzhou 10
Jakarta 10
Piacenza 10
Tehran 10
Turin 10
Amsterdam 9
Bari 9
Basel 9
Bühl 9
Chicago 9
Kunming 9
Lanzhou 9
Las Vegas 9
Pasadena 9
Falls Church 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Maastricht 8
Totale 8.131
Nome #
A new test rig for static and dynamic evaluation of knee motion based on a cable-driven parallel manipulator loading system 168
A 1-Dof parallel spherical wrist for the modelling of the knee passive motion 157
A Measure of the Distance Between Two Rigid-Body Poses Based on the Use of Platonic Solids 148
A sequentially-defined kinetostatic model of the knee with anatomical surfaces 146
Measure and analysis of motion and muscle forces at the human knee during dynamic motion tasks 139
A Three-Dimensional Ankle Kinetostatic Model to Simulate Loaded and Unloaded Joint Motion 136
A New Approach to Design Glove-Like Wearable Hand Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation 131
A new kinematic model of the passive motion of the knee inclusive of the patella 130
A one-degree-of-freedom spherical mechanism for human knee joint modelling 126
Effect of implementing magnetic resonance imaging for patient-specific OpenSim models on lower-body kinematics and knee ligament lengths 126
A procedure for the evaluation of physiological ankle orthosis design parameters 123
Comparison between anatomical and approximate surfaces in a 3D kinetostatic model of the knee for the study of the unloaded and loaded joint motion 123
A novel 3D parallel mechanism for the passive motion simulation of the patella-femur-tibia complex 123
Integration of micro-CT and uniaxial loading to analyse the evolution of 3D microstructure under increasing strain: application to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament 120
A new sequential approach to the modelling of human diarthrodial joints 119
A 1-Dof parallel spherical wrist for the modelling of the knee passive motion 118
A new sequential approach to the modelling of human diarthrodial joints 117
A sequentially-defined stiffness model of the knee 117
Articular surface approximation in equivalent spatial parallel mechanism models of the human knee joint: an experimental-based assessment 116
A new 3D kinematic model of the patello-femoral joint during knee passive motion 115
A ligament model based on fibre mapping for multibody simulations 113
Kinetostatic characterization of a loading system based on a partially-decoupled parallel manipulator 113
An anatomical-based subject-specific model of in-vivo knee joint 3D kinematics from medical imaging 113
Spatial mechanisms for kinematic analysis of the knee and ankle joints 111
Variation of the ankle motion with the pivot-point position as predicted by a spherical model of the joint 111
A procedure to analyse and compare the sensitivity to geometrical parameter variations of one-dof mechanisms 110
Fabrication of knee prostheses by means of SLM: Process and functional characterization 109
Equivalent spatial mechanism for modelling passive motion of the human knee 104
A Test Rig for the Analysis of the Knee Under Dynamic Motion Tasks 104
One degree-of-freedom spherical mechanism models for kinematic analysis of the human knee and ankle joints 103
Kinematic models of lower limb joints for musculo-skeletal modelling and optimization in gait analysis 103
Synthesis of Spatial Mechanisms to Model Human Joints 100
3d microstructural changes in human anterior cruciate ligament under increasing mechanical strain 100
A simple rig for precise measurements of the knee and ankle joint motion under static loading conditions 99
One-degree-of-freedom spherical model for the passive motion of the human ankle joint 99
A new test rig for static and dynamic evaluation of knee motion based on a cable-driven parallel manipulator loading system 99
Definition of a subject-specific model of the knee in vivo 99
Stiffness analysis of spatial strip-driven devices 98
A multi-body optimization framework with a knee kinematic model including articular contacts and ligaments 97
Optimal Four-Bar Linkage for the Stability and the Motion of the Human Knee Prostheses 95
A Matlab based procedure for the solution of non-linearly constrained optimization problems 95
Validation of a multi-body optimization with knee kinematic models including ligament constraints 95
Improved rig for the analysis of knee behaviour under dynamic motion tasks 94
Feasibility of using MRIs to create subject-specific parallel-mechanism joint models 94
Analytical stiffness analysis of a family of spatial strip-driven devices 93
A New Test Rig for Human Joint and Prosthesis Characterization 92
A three-step procedure for the modelling of human diarthrodial joints 91
Helical axis calculation based on Burmester theory: experimental comparison with traditional techniques for human tibiotalar joint motion 91
A three-step procedure for the modelling of human diarthrodial joints 90
Physiologically-based spatial mechanisms for rehabilitation of the human knee and ankle joints 90
Measuring in-vivo, loaded knee kinematics through dynamic MRI 90
On the role of passive structures in the knee loaded motion 89
A novel 3D parallel mechanism for the passive motion simulation of the patella-femur-tibia complex 88
Standard and natural motion protocols for the kinetic measurements of the squat 87
The Geometrical Arrangement of Knee Constraints That Makes Natural Motion Possible: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis 87
A COBOT-IMU Hand-Guiding System with Online Collision Avoidance in Null Space 86
Inclusion of MRI for patient-specific modelling in Opensim 84
Subject-specific model of knee natural motion: a non-invasive approach 83
Strip-driven devices for the spatial motion guidance of human joints 83
A Sequential Approach for Modelling the Knee Joint Stiffness 81
Sensitivity analysis of 1-DoF equivalent mechanisms for the kinematic modelling of the knee 81
New spatial mechanisms for kinematic analysis of the human knee and ankle joints 80
Sensitivity analysis of simulated ankle joint motion to the variation of the pivot-point position 79
Rilievo del movimento del dito indice: confronto fra stereofotogrammetria e accelerometri 79
null 78
null 77
Finite helical axis calculation for human tibiotalar joint motion based on Burmester theory 76
On the synthesis of a 5-5 parallel mechanism reproducing the knee passive motion by means of the Burmester theory 75
A one degree-of-freedom spherical model for kinematics analysis of the human ankle joint 74
null 74
Simultaneous identification of the human tibio-talar and talo-calcaneal joint rotation axes by the Burmester theory 73
Una nuova macchina di prova per la caratterizzazione di articolazioni umane e protesi articolari 73
Design and fabrication of personalized knee prostheses by laser-based powder bed fusion: Influence of manufacturing process on geometric accuracy 73
Numerical Stability of Two Classes of Mechanisms for the Kinematic Modelling of the Knee 72
A sequentially-defined kinetostatic model of the knee with higher pairs 72
In-Vivo Quantification of Knee Deep-Flexion in Physiological Loading Condition trough Dynamic MRI 71
Spherical one-degree-of-freedom models of the knee and ankle joints for lower limb modelling 71
Una procedura clinica per la quantificazione del moto dei menischi durante il moto di flessione del ginocchio sotto carico tramite risonanza magnetica dinamica 70
Personalized knee prostheses based on articular models to replicate the joint functionality of a patient 70
Validation of a multi-body optimization with a knee model including deformable ligaments 69
Analysis of the three-dimensional motion of the knee under the effect of single-axis loads 69
Structural-mechanical characterization of human ligaments using a custom-made tensile test chamber combined with the Skyscan1176 system 68
Quantification of the errors associated with marker occlusion in stereophotogrammetric systems and implications on gait analysis 68
Assessment of human soft tissue microstructure under tensile load by using the Skyscan 1176 system: preliminary results 67
On the modelling of the ankle motion under static loads by a sequential procedure: model definition and preliminary results 66
Dispositivo ortopedico perfezionato 66
null 66
MicroCT-traction apparatus to follow anterior cruciate ligament fibrous structure under strain 66
Implementation of a subject-specific paediatric kinematic model of the knee with minimally deformable ligaments in OpenSim 66
Investigation of knee flexion under orthostatic phisiological loads 66
Use of patient-specific musuloskeletal models to relate subjective and objective outcome scores of acl injured patients 65
Prediction of Individual Knee Kinematics From an MRI Representation of the Articular Surfaces 65
Morphological and evolutionary insights into the keystone element of the human foot's medial longitudinal arch 64
Dynamic performances of decoupled isotropic 3-dof parallel manipulators for pure translation 64
Computational issues in the synthesis of parallel mechanisms for the modelling of articular human joints 64
In-vivo identification of a subject-specific model of the knee natural motion 63
Two possible sources of inaccuracy for stereophotogrammetric systems 63
Morphological variation of the hominin navicular bone from past to present: implications for the evolution of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot 61
Totale 9.412
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.738
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 36.738

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.368 0 0 0 0 0 180 271 289 291 155 72 110
2020/20211.556 361 75 35 70 41 71 22 98 217 80 52 434
2021/20222.138 294 89 126 94 235 106 49 212 109 72 357 395
2022/20232.294 214 280 103 276 157 148 124 125 434 108 197 128
2023/20241.216 68 146 70 130 127 153 92 78 77 99 84 92
2024/20252.334 155 588 340 303 713 235 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.926