Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.268
EU - Europa 2.121
AS - Asia 1.440
AF - Africa 98
SA - Sud America 51
OC - Oceania 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.991
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.246
IT - Italia 848
CN - Cina 440
GB - Regno Unito 362
SG - Singapore 351
DE - Germania 206
VN - Vietnam 197
SE - Svezia 116
IN - India 104
FR - Francia 96
JP - Giappone 89
NL - Olanda 76
IE - Irlanda 73
RU - Federazione Russa 72
TR - Turchia 68
TG - Togo 43
BG - Bulgaria 40
FI - Finlandia 38
ZA - Sudafrica 33
PL - Polonia 30
EE - Estonia 29
KR - Corea 27
UA - Ucraina 27
BR - Brasile 26
ES - Italia 25
BE - Belgio 22
ID - Indonesia 22
CH - Svizzera 21
HK - Hong Kong 21
CA - Canada 20
TW - Taiwan 19
IR - Iran 18
IL - Israele 16
JO - Giordania 16
PK - Pakistan 11
AT - Austria 10
CO - Colombia 10
AU - Australia 9
PH - Filippine 9
PT - Portogallo 8
TH - Thailandia 7
TZ - Tanzania 7
AR - Argentina 6
CL - Cile 6
HR - Croazia 6
MY - Malesia 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 4
DK - Danimarca 4
HU - Ungheria 4
LB - Libano 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CY - Cipro 3
EG - Egitto 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
RS - Serbia 3
ET - Etiopia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PE - Perù 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BZ - Belize 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GR - Grecia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RO - Romania 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 5.991
Città #
Singapore 301
Chandler 289
Southend 289
Santa Clara 219
Bologna 182
Ashburn 177
Dong Ket 161
Fairfield 153
Boardman 101
Wilmington 99
Princeton 90
Dublin 73
Seattle 73
Cambridge 70
Woodbridge 67
Ann Arbor 66
Houston 64
Milan 55
Lomé 43
Padova 43
Sofia 40
Nanjing 35
Turin 35
Beijing 33
Forlì 32
Westminster 32
Helsinki 30
Chiba 29
New York 29
Rome 28
Berlin 25
Saint Petersburg 23
Shenyang 21
Parma 20
Izmir 19
Jinan 19
Manchester 19
Medford 19
Rimini 19
Shanghai 18
Amman 16
Gdansk 16
Istanbul 16
Brussels 15
Guangzhou 15
Tokyo 15
Fisciano 14
Nahariya 14
Tianjin 14
Changsha 13
São Paulo 13
Naples 12
Redmond 12
Cesena 11
Hangzhou 11
Redwood City 11
Arezzo 10
Hong Kong 10
Jakarta 10
Nanchang 10
Paris 10
Gangnam-gu 9
Hebei 9
Hyderabad 9
Lahore 9
New Taipei 9
San Diego 9
Amsterdam 8
Catania 8
Darmstadt 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Hitachi 8
Jacksonville 8
Lappeenranta 8
Le Mee-sur-Seine 8
Los Angeles 8
Mountain View 8
Mumbai 8
Mülheim 8
Trento 8
Valencia 8
Vienna 8
Weihai 8
Ankara 7
Chicago 7
Delhi 7
Medellín 7
Munich 7
Perth 7
Bogor 6
Dearborn 6
Falkenstein 6
Kunming 6
Modena 6
Nocera Inferiore 6
Norwalk 6
Pune 6
Reggio Emilia 6
Rotterdam 6
Salerno 6
Totale 3.698
Nome #
Application of switchable hydrophilicity solvents for recycling multilayer packaging materials 240
Maleic anhydride from bio-based 1-butanol and furfural: a life cycle assessment at pilot scale 233
Terephthalic acid from renewable sources: early-stage sustainability analysis of a bio-PET precursor 217
Biomass Residues to Renewable Energy: A Life Cycle Perspective Applied at a Local Scale 216
Butadiene from biomass, a life cycle perspective to address sustainability in the chemical industry 199
Acetonitrile from Bioethanol Ammoxidation: Process Design from the Grass-Roots and Life Cycle Analysis 185
Life Cycle Assessment comparison of two ways for acrylonitrile production: The SOHIO process and an alternative route using propane 177
Applicazione della metodologia LCA a processi chimici: un approccio globale per valutarne la sostenibilità 158
A simplified early stage assessment of process intensification: Glycidol as a value-added product from epichlorohydrin industry wastes 156
Life cycle inventory improvement in the pharmaceutical sector: Assessment of the sustainability combining PMI and LCA tools 131
Chemical industry and Life Cycle Assessment 130
Sustainability of a bio-waste treatment plant: Impact evolution resulting from technological improvements 123
Analisi del ciclo di vita di processi chimici industriali: applicazione alla sintesi di acrilonitrile mediante reazione di ammonossidazione 119
Comparison of different chemical processes from a life cycle perspective 117
Heating systems LCA: comparison of biomass-based appliances 115
Hydrogen from Renewables: A Case Study of Glycerol Reforming 114
Produzione industriale di acido tereftalico: analisi del ciclo di vita di vie alternative da fonti rinnovabili 108
Sistemi di riscaldamento domestico a biomasse: applicazione della metodologia LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) 106
A life cycle analysis of alternative industrial routes to maleic anhydride 105
Application of LCA methodology to a chemical process: the production of acrylonitrile by ammoxidation 102
Glycidol, a Valuable Substrate for the Synthesis of Monoalkyl Glyceryl Ethers: A Simplified Life Cycle Approach 101
First Attempt of Glycidol-to-Monoalkyl Glyceryl Ethers Conversion by Acid Heterogeneous Catalysis: Synthesis and Simplified Sustainability Assessment 95
null 94
Combustione della legna: risorsa rinnovabile o fonte di inquinamento atmosferico? 92
Application of LCA methodology to a chemical process: the production of acrylonitrile by ammoxidation 92
Analisi del ciclo di vita di processi chimici industriali: applicazione alla sintesi di acrilonitrile mediante reazione di ammonossidazione 91
Analisi del ciclo di vita di processi chimici industriali: applicazione alla sintesi di acrilonitrile mediante reazione di ammonossidazione 91
LCA methodology: a case study of the industrial production of terephthalic acid from renewable sources 87
LCA Methodology: A Case Study of the Industrial Production of Terephthalic Acid from Renewable Sources 85
Fossil vs. Renewable Sources for Chemicals Production: A new Process for the Production of Acetonitrile from Bioethanol Compared with the Sohio Process 85
LCA integration within sustainability metrics for chemical companies 84
Sistemi di riscaldamento domestico a biomasse: applicazione della metodologia LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) 78
Environmental impacts of food packaging: Is it all a matter of raw materials? 77
Glycidol syntheses and valorizations: boosting the glycerol biorefinery 76
Application of life cycle assessment to high quality-soil conditioner production from biowaste 73
LCA come strumento di valutazione degli impatti di incenerimento: ragioni, metodi, assunzioni. Caso studio relativo all’impianto di Coriano (Rimini) 73
Maleic anhydride production from renewables: a life cycle assessment at pilot scale 71
Environmental sustainability assessment of organic vineyard practices from a life cycle perspective 70
Tecnologie di riscaldamento domestico a biomasse attraverso una prospettiva di ciclo di vita 65
Tecnologie di riscaldamento domestico a biomasse attraverso una prospettiva di ciclo di vita 59
Beyond the beaker: benign by design society 59
Bio-propylene glycol as value-added product from Epicerol® process 56
Bio-Based Chemicals from Dedicated or Waste Biomasses: Life Cycle Assessment for Evaluating the Impacts on Land 54
Sustainable and environmental catalysis 49
Molecular catalysed Guerbet reaction: Moving to the larger and the Greener through LCA and scale up simulation approaches 48
Glycerol as feedstock in the synthesis of chemicals: A life cycle analysis for acrolein production 47
Environmental certifications and programs roadmap for a sustainable chemical industry 46
Recycling within the chemical industry: The circular economy era 44
Prospective life cycle assessment for the full valorization of anchovy fillet leftovers: The LimoFish process 42
Analisi del ciclo di vita della plastica: stato dell’arte e prospettive 41
Mg/Al hydrotalcites from the aluminum pickling process: value added chemicals for methyl orange adsorption in water matrices 41
Homogeneous Green Conversion of the Bio-Based Platform HMF (5-Hydroxymethylfurfural) into BHMF (2,5-Bis(hydroxymethyl)furan): Synthesis and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) 39
Still edible wasted food from households: A regional Italian case study 38
The “SQUIID claim”: A novel LCA-based indicator for food dishes 36
The Frontier of Biobased Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization, Application, and Sustainability Assessment 33
Regional food consumption in Italy, a life cycle analysis 32
Procedural life cycle inventory of chemical products at laboratory and pilot scale: a compendium 30
Advantages and drawbacks of life cycle assessment application to the pharmaceuticals: a short critical literature review 27
Methyl Methacrylate Production Processes: A Comparative Analysis of Alternatives Using the Life Cycle Assessment Methodology 26
Life cycle assessment of recipes served in food canteens and elaboration of a new environmental indicator 26
Energy from waste biomass without combustion: an LCA study on a bio-fuel cell at early design stage 26
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a Bio-Fuel Cell Fed with Waste Biomass: Potential for Scale-Up and Process Optimization 26
Sustainable by design approaches 24
Alternative synthesis of ZIF-8 in glycerol carbonate: pathway optimization and environmental sustainability 24
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a Bio-Fuel Cell Fed with Waste Biomass: Potential for Scale-Up and Process Optimization 24
Comparative LCA of two chocolate-bars packaging alternatives: the contribution of raw materials and End-of-Life 24
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of an Early-Stage Technology: Bio-Fuel Cell Fed with Waste Biomass 22
Valutazione del Ciclo di Vita di una Fuel Cell Alimentata con Biomassa di Scarto: Potenziale di Scalabilità e Ottimizzazione del Processo 21
Levulinic acid biorefinery in a life cycle perspective 21
The Environmental Stake of Bitcoin Mining: Present and Future Challenges 20
Requirements for comparative life cycle assessment studies for single-use and reusable packaging and products: recommendation for decision and policy-makers 20
Editorial: Biorefinery chemicals: trend, sources and metrics 18
Environmental Management in the Chemical Industry 17
Implementation of LCA in the Circular Economy context: Methodological issues for application in PET packaging 16
Energy from waste biomass: an LCA study on a biofuel cell at early design stage 15
Improving the waste management system in an Italian footwear district applying MFA and LCA 15
Maleic anhydride production from renewables: a life cycle assessment at pilot scale 12
Totale 6.233
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.848
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 17.848

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020380 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 89 98 47 31 31
2020/2021629 96 25 1 47 29 11 15 23 62 60 33 227
2021/2022751 77 24 32 23 61 60 30 57 44 44 132 167
2022/20231.108 133 165 34 136 74 83 43 70 162 62 98 48
2023/20241.084 87 77 48 103 69 134 86 99 45 92 119 125
2024/20251.644 135 267 254 233 491 180 84 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.233