Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
S. Romani; Romani Santina; Santina Romani; ROMANI S
Characterisation of Water Interactions and Microstructure of Grated Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese
2024 Junior Bernardo Molina Hernandez, Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Maria Alessia Schouten , Federico Drudi , Santina Romani, Silvia Tappi, Urszula Tylewicz, Marco Dalla Rosa, Pietro Rocculi
Development of a Fermented Milk Designed for Women's Well-Being Containing an Exopolysaccharides-Producing Starter Culture and a Functional Vaginal Strain
2024 Davide Gottardi, Margherita D'Alessandro, Giuseppe Celano, Lorenzo Siroli, Carola Parolin, Beatrice Vitali, Maria Alessia Schouten, Santina Romani, Rosalba Lanciotti, Francesca Patrignani
Effect of high pressure homogenization (HPH) on rheological and functional properties of chickpea flour and its two main components: starch and protein
2024 Busra Oktar, Federico Drudi, Urszula Tylewicz, Silvia Tappi, Santina Romani, Davide Gottardi, Francesca Patrignani, Pietro Rocculi
Effects of chitosan and carotenoids-based coating on the shelf-life of fresh sardine fillets
2024 Schouten, MARIA ALESSIA; DE AGUIAR SALDANHA PINHEIRO, ANA CRISTINA; Rocculi, Pietro; Tappi, Silvia; Tylewicz, Urszula; DALLA ROSA, Marco; D’Alessandro, Margherita; Gottardi, Davide; Romani, Santina
Effects of incubation time of plasma activated water (PAW) combined with annealing for the modification of functional properties of potato starch
2024 Gebremical G.G.; Tappi S.; Laurita R.; Capelli F.; Drudi F.; Romani S.; Rocculi P.
Effects of nuts, dried fruits, dried seeds and black olives as enrichment ingredients on acrylamide concentrations in sweet and savoury biscuits
2024 Maria Alessia Schouten; Agnese Santanatoglia; Simone Angeloni; Massimo Ricciutelli; Laura Acquaticci; Giovanni Caprioli; Sauro Vittori; Santina Romani
Effetto di alcuni ingredienti (semi essiccati e olive nere) sulla formazione di acrilammide in biscotti salati
2024 Schouten, MARIA ALESSIA; Santanatoglia, Agnese; Angeloni, Simone; Ricciutelli, Massimo; Acquaticci, Laura; Caprioli, Giovanni; Vittori, Sauro; Romani, Santina
Influence of baking conditions and formulation on furanic derivatives, 3-methylbutanal and hexanal and other quality characteristics of lab-made and commercial biscuits
2024 Acquaticci L.; Schouten M.A.; Angeloni S.; Caprioli G.; Vittori S.; Romani S.
Influenza delle modalità di cottura sulla formazione di acrilammide nei biscotti
2024 Schouten, MARIA ALESSIA; Glicerina, Virginia; Angeloni, Simone; Cortese, Manuela; Rocculi, Pietro; Tappi, Silvia; Caprioli, Giovanni; Vittori, Sauro; Romani, Santina
Plasma-activated water (PAW) and annealing for the modification of potato starch: Effects on sorption isotherms, thermodynamic and gelatinization kinetics of potato starch
2024 Gebremical G.G.; Tappi S.; Laurita R.; Capelli F.; Drudi F.; Romani S.; Rocculi P.
Study of acrylamide formation in biscuits with dried and dehydrated fruits addition
2024 Maria Alessia Schouten, Agnese Santanatoglia, Simone Angeloni, Massimo Ricciutelli, Laura Acquaticci, Giovanni Caprioli, Sauro Vittori, Santina Romani
Technological and microbiological characterization of an industrial soft-sliced bread enriched with chitosan and its prebiotic activity
2024 D'Alessandro, M.; Schouten, M. A.; Gottardi, D.; Cortesi, S.; Romani, S.; Patrignani, F.
Advance in YOUAREIN (YOUng AgRifood European INnovators) project: Syllabus developed!
2023 Urszula Tylewicz, Pedro Xavier, Eduardo Luís Cardoso, Cristina L.M. Silva, Malgorzata Nowacka, Katarzyna Samborska, Federico Drudi, Silvia Tappi, Santina Romani, Marco Dalla Rosa, Pietro Rocculi
Biotechnological valorisation of by-products from clementine juice production into functional ingredients,
2023 Cellini B, Giordano E, Patrignani F, Malerba A, Fratebianchi De La Parra D, Armendariz Ferrandez N, Virto Resano R, Echeverria Goni I, Romani S, Dalla Rosa M, Lanciotti R, Rocculi P, Vannini L
Cold atmosferic plasma treatment on fresh-cut melon: effects on safety and quality
2023 Dalla Rosa M., Cellini B., Tappi S., Abouelenein D., Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Drudi F., Capelli F., Laurita R., Gherardi M., Caprioli G., Romani S., Rocculi P., Vittori Sauro, Vannini L.
Cold plasma treatment to obtain safe minimally processed oysters (Crassostrea Gigas)
2023 Schouten, M.A., de Aguiar Saldanha Pinheiro, U. Tylewicz, S. Tappi, B. Cellini, L. Vannini, P. Rocculi, S. Romani, M. Dalla Rosa
Cold plasma treatments for minimally processed leafy vegetables: decontamination of processing wash water and effects on product safety and quality
2023 Cellini B., Ghirardelli E., Patrignani F., Condon Abanto S., Petri Ortega E., Virto Resano R., Echeverria Goni I., Romani S., Dalla Rosa M., Lanciotti R., Rocculi P., Vannini L.
Cold Plasma-Based Approaches for the Decontamination of Fresh Products
2023 Lucia Vannini, Beatrice Cellini, Silvia Tappi, Doaa Abouelenein, Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Federico Drudi, Filippo Capelli, Romolo Laurita, Matteo Gherardi, Giovanni Caprioli, Sauro Vittori, Santina Romani, Pietro Rocculi, Marco Dalla Rosa
Effect of Plasma-Activated (PAW) Water on the Rheological, Pasting, and Thermal Properties of Potato Starch during Annealing Treatment
2023 Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Silvia Tappi, Romolo Laurita, Filippo Capelli, Federico Drudi, Santina Romani, Pietro Rocculi
Effect of the use of fish protein isolated from side streams on the quality and storage stability of Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) fish balls
2023 Ana Cristina De Aguiar Saldanha Pinheiro; M.A. Schouten, M. Ciccone, U. Tylewicz, D. Gottardi, S. Tappi, S. Romani, F. Patrignani; P. Rocculi
Titolo | Autore(i) | Anno | Periodico | Editore | Tipo | File |
Characterisation of Water Interactions and Microstructure of Grated Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese | Junior Bernardo Molina Hernandez, Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Maria Alessia Schouten , F... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Development of a Fermented Milk Designed for Women's Well-Being Containing an Exopolysaccharides-Producing Starter Culture and a Functional Vaginal Strain | Davide Gottardi, Margherita D'Alessandro, Giuseppe Celano, Lorenzo Siroli, Carola Parolin, Beatri... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Effect of high pressure homogenization (HPH) on rheological and functional properties of chickpea flour and its two main components: starch and protein | Busra Oktar, Federico Drudi, Urszula Tylewicz, Silvia Tappi, Santina Romani, Davide Gottardi, Fra... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Effects of chitosan and carotenoids-based coating on the shelf-life of fresh sardine fillets | Schouten, MARIA ALESSIA; DE AGUIAR SALDANHA PINHEIRO, ANA CRISTINA; Rocculi, Pietro; Tappi, Silvi... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Effects of incubation time of plasma activated water (PAW) combined with annealing for the modification of functional properties of potato starch | Gebremical G.G.; Tappi S.; Laurita R.; Capelli F.; Drudi F.; Romani S.; Rocculi P. | 2024-01-01 | FOOD BIOSCIENCE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 2024 Gebremical PAW annealing 1.pdf |
Effects of nuts, dried fruits, dried seeds and black olives as enrichment ingredients on acrylamide concentrations in sweet and savoury biscuits | Maria Alessia Schouten; Agnese Santanatoglia; Simone Angeloni; Massimo Ricciutelli; Laura Acquati... espandi | 2024-01-01 | FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | s11947-023-03214-x.pdf |
Effetto di alcuni ingredienti (semi essiccati e olive nere) sulla formazione di acrilammide in biscotti salati | Schouten, MARIA ALESSIA; Santanatoglia, Agnese; Angeloni, Simone; Ricciutelli, Massimo; Acquaticc... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Influence of baking conditions and formulation on furanic derivatives, 3-methylbutanal and hexanal and other quality characteristics of lab-made and commercial biscuits | Acquaticci L.; Schouten M.A.; Angeloni S.; Caprioli G.; Vittori S.; Romani S. | 2024-01-01 | FOOD CHEMISTRY | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 1-s2.0-S0308814623024093-main.pdf |
Influenza delle modalità di cottura sulla formazione di acrilammide nei biscotti | Schouten, MARIA ALESSIA; Glicerina, Virginia; Angeloni, Simone; Cortese, Manuela; Rocculi, Pietro... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.03 Poster | - |
Plasma-activated water (PAW) and annealing for the modification of potato starch: Effects on sorption isotherms, thermodynamic and gelatinization kinetics of potato starch | Gebremical G.G.; Tappi S.; Laurita R.; Capelli F.; Drudi F.; Romani S.; Rocculi P. | 2024-01-01 | INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 2024 Gebremical PAW annealing.pdf |
Study of acrylamide formation in biscuits with dried and dehydrated fruits addition | Maria Alessia Schouten, Agnese Santanatoglia, Simone Angeloni, Massimo Ricciutelli, Laura Acquati... espandi | 2024-01-01 | - | - | 4.03 Poster | - |
Technological and microbiological characterization of an industrial soft-sliced bread enriched with chitosan and its prebiotic activity | D'Alessandro, M.; Schouten, M. A.; Gottardi, D.; Cortesi, S.; Romani, S.; Patrignani, F. | 2024-01-01 | CURRENT RESEARCH IN FOOD SCIENCE | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | D_alessandro et al 2024.pdf |
Advance in YOUAREIN (YOUng AgRifood European INnovators) project: Syllabus developed! | Urszula Tylewicz, Pedro Xavier, Eduardo Luís Cardoso, Cristina L.M. Silva, Malgorzata Nowacka, Ka... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Biotechnological valorisation of by-products from clementine juice production into functional ingredients, | Cellini B, Giordano E, Patrignani F, Malerba A, Fratebianchi De La Parra D, Armendariz Ferrandez ... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Cold atmosferic plasma treatment on fresh-cut melon: effects on safety and quality | Dalla Rosa M., Cellini B., Tappi S., Abouelenein D., Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Drudi F.... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Cold plasma treatment to obtain safe minimally processed oysters (Crassostrea Gigas) | Schouten, M.A., de Aguiar Saldanha Pinheiro, U. Tylewicz, S. Tappi, B. Cellini, L. Vannini, P. Ro... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.03 Poster | - |
Cold plasma treatments for minimally processed leafy vegetables: decontamination of processing wash water and effects on product safety and quality | Cellini B., Ghirardelli E., Patrignani F., Condon Abanto S., Petri Ortega E., Virto Resano R., Ec... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Cold Plasma-Based Approaches for the Decontamination of Fresh Products | Lucia Vannini, Beatrice Cellini, Silvia Tappi, Doaa Abouelenein, Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremic... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Effect of Plasma-Activated (PAW) Water on the Rheological, Pasting, and Thermal Properties of Potato Starch during Annealing Treatment | Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical, Silvia Tappi, Romolo Laurita, Filippo Capelli, Federico Drudi... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Effect of the use of fish protein isolated from side streams on the quality and storage stability of Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) fish balls | Ana Cristina De Aguiar Saldanha Pinheiro; M.A. Schouten, M. Ciccone, U. Tylewicz, D. Gottardi, S.... espandi | 2023-01-01 | - | - | 4.03 Poster | - |