Andrea T. Ricolfi; A.T. Ricolfi; Ricolfi Andrea T.; Ricolfi A.T.
Hilbert squares of degeneracy loci
2023 Fatighenti, E; Meazzini, F; Mongardi, G; Ricolfi, AT
Framed sheaves on projective space and Quot schemes
2022 Cazzaniga A.; Ricolfi A.T.
Higher rank K-theoretic Donaldson-Thomas Theory of points
2021 Nadir Fasola; Sergej Monavari; Andrea T. Ricolfi
The equivariant Atiyah class
2021 Ricolfi A.T.
The local motivic DT/PT correspondence
2021 Davison B.; Ricolfi A.T.
Virtual counts on Quot schemes and the higher rank local DT/PT correspondence
2021 Beentjes, S. V.; Ricolfi, A. T.
Jet bundles on Gorenstein curves and applications
2020 Letterio Gatto; Andrea T. Ricolfi
On the motive of the Quot scheme of finite quotients of a locally free sheaf
2020 Ricolfi A.T.
Pullbacks of universal Brill–Noether classes via Abel–Jacobi morphisms
2020 Pagani N.; Ricolfi A.T.; van Zelm J.
The hilbert scheme of hyperelliptic Jacobians and moduli of picard sheaves
2020 Ricolfi A.T.
Virtual classes and virtual motives of Quot schemes on threefolds
2020 Ricolfi A.T.
Local Contributions to Donaldson-Thomas Invariants
2018 Ricolfi A.T.
On coherent sheaves of small length on the affine plane
2018 Moschetti R.; Ricolfi A.T.
The DT/PT correspondence for smooth curves
2018 Ricolfi A.T.
The Euler charateristic of the generalized Kummer scheme of an Abelian threefold
2016 Gulbrandsen M.G.; Ricolfi A.T.