Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.297
NA - Nord America 2.367
AS - Asia 963
AF - Africa 130
SA - Sud America 32
OC - Oceania 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 8.798
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.353
IT - Italia 1.495
NO - Norvegia 1.329
GB - Regno Unito 514
RU - Federazione Russa 423
CN - Cina 372
IE - Irlanda 324
SG - Singapore 319
DE - Germania 276
SE - Svezia 242
FR - Francia 192
IN - India 108
FI - Finlandia 80
CH - Svizzera 77
TG - Togo 57
NL - Olanda 55
UA - Ucraina 53
ZA - Sudafrica 50
VN - Vietnam 44
EE - Estonia 43
BE - Belgio 39
ES - Italia 30
PH - Filippine 29
BR - Brasile 26
HR - Croazia 22
GR - Grecia 20
PL - Polonia 20
TR - Turchia 20
ID - Indonesia 19
SI - Slovenia 19
PT - Portogallo 12
CA - Canada 11
HK - Hong Kong 9
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 8
JP - Giappone 8
BD - Bangladesh 6
DZ - Algeria 6
HU - Ungheria 6
TN - Tunisia 6
JO - Giordania 5
CL - Cile 4
EG - Egitto 4
GE - Georgia 4
KR - Corea 4
SC - Seychelles 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AT - Austria 3
AU - Australia 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
MD - Moldavia 3
RO - Romania 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BJ - Benin 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
DK - Danimarca 2
LB - Libano 2
MY - Malesia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
TH - Thailandia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CY - Cipro 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
IR - Iran 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MX - Messico 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 8.798
Città #
Oslo 1.323
Southend 435
Santa Clara 334
Dublin 323
Bologna 285
Singapore 277
Chandler 171
Fairfield 143
Ashburn 139
Princeton 125
Boardman 116
Rome 114
Turin 109
Ann Arbor 106
Wilmington 101
Houston 100
Milan 100
Seattle 78
Scandicci 76
Strasbourg 71
Woodbridge 65
Lappeenranta 64
Lomé 57
Bern 56
Cambridge 56
New York 54
Nanjing 51
Westminster 49
Padova 45
Berlin 40
Medford 39
Saint Petersburg 36
Florence 29
Jinan 29
Forlì 28
Caloocan City 27
Changsha 24
Procida 24
Redwood City 23
Cesena 22
Shenyang 21
Redmond 20
Trieste 19
Brussels 18
Jacksonville 18
San Diego 18
Jakarta 17
Dearborn 15
Helsinki 15
Beijing 14
Falls Church 14
Hebei 14
Hyderabad 14
Parma 13
Tianjin 13
Hangzhou 12
Ljubljana 12
Moscow 12
Nanchang 12
Norwalk 12
Naples 11
Torino 11
Dong Ket 10
Lausanne 10
Ningbo 10
Pescara 10
Shanghai 10
Ventimiglia 10
Jiaxing 9
Korydallos 9
Ravenna 9
Des Moines 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Monza 8
Paris 8
São Paulo 8
Zhengzhou 8
Genoa 7
Groningen 7
Istanbul 7
Lucca 7
Mumbai 7
Orléans 7
Verona 7
Ancona 6
Argelato 6
Belo Horizonte 6
Fuzhou 6
Mülheim 6
Münster 6
Piacenza 6
Rimini 6
Saarbrücken 6
Sarajevo 6
Taizhou 6
Trento 6
Amman 5
Amsterdam 5
Barcelona 5
Budapest 5
Totale 5.945
Nome #
Back to Schengen: the collective securitisation of the EU free-border area 1.689
Securing borders, saving migrants: the EU's security dilemma in the twenty-first century 192
Dall’Ucraina al Mediterraneo: l’Italia e la governance delle migrazioni 189
EU terms, definitions and concepts on migration 178
National case studies: Terms, definitions and concepts on migration 174
Migration and the EU Global Strategy: Narratives and Dilemmas 166
From Ukraine to the Mediterranean: Italy and the governance of migration 165
Security and Migration: the Development of the Eastern Dimension 162
Così è (se vi pare): Talking Migration to Italians 161
The EU Migration System of Governance: Justice on the Move 157
EU migration terms, definitions and concepts: Perspectives of justice 154
On regional security governance once again: how analysis of the Southern Caucasus can advance the concept 143
Il regime nel defence procurement europeo: implicazioni del coordinamento in dinamiche di sicurezza 141
Azerbaigian e Unione Europea 140
Cooperation on European defence procurement OCCAR and the security regime 135
Italy and Migration: Justice on this Side of the Mediterranean 135
An illiberal power? EU bordering practices and the liberal international order 132
Stick to the plan? Culture, interests, multidimensional threats, and Italian defence policy 130
Multidimensional Threats and Military Engagement: The Case of the Italian Intervention in Libya 129
The EU, migration and the politics of administrative detention 120
Le sfide del fenomeno migratorio: il caso europeo 115
Conceptualizing multilateral security governance 115
Italy’s military interventions and new security threats: the cases of Somalia, Darfur and Haiti 114
NATO’s demographic paradox 113
Dal nuovo patto sulla migrazione e l'asilo alla tenuta di Schengen: una dovuta riflessione 110
Security governance, Copenaghen e Parigi: verso un approccio di sintesi allo studio della sicurezza 107
'Securitizing' Migration Crises: the European Union, North Africa and Transatlantic Regional Cooperation 107
From Soviet Satellite to Regional Power: Poland after 1989 106
Le migrazioni internazionali e le nuove minacce alla sicurezza 105
Marco Clementi (a cura di), Gli accordi di sicurezza nel sistema internazionale contemporaneo (1989-2010). Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino Editore, 2012, pp. 340. 103
The EU’s Normative Ambivalence and the Migrant Crisis: (In)Actions of (In)Justice 103
The Mediterranean as a buffer. Confining irregular migrants in North Africa 102
Il secondo pilastro: la PESC e la PESD 102
La gestione della sicurezza: analisi dell’Organizzazione di Shanghai 101
Sicurezza interna e protezione di diritti fondamentali: dinamiche (costruite) di un trade-off 101
L'UE e l'Azerbaigian 101
null 100
‘I’ll take two.’ Migration, terrorism, and the Italian military engagement in Niger and Libya 100
Triangular migration diplomacy: the case of EU–Italian cooperation with Libya 100
Framing irregular immigration in security terms: the case of Libya 99
Assessing the Role of Mobility and Border Security in EU-Azerbaijan Relations: How Far Can They Go? 99
Il Caucaso meridionale: uno "spazio di sicurezza regionale"? 98
‘REBOUND: Rethinking Borders in and by the European Union’ 97
Daniel C. Thomas, Making EU Foreign Policy. National Preferences, European Norms and Common Policies ( Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), ISBN 978-0-2302-8072-4 (hbk) ,GBP60.00,256pp. 95
null 93
null 93
Migrazioni e rifugiati 93
La strategia europea di contrasto al traffico di migranti: il caso della Libia 93
La inmigración y la Estrategia Global de la UE 91
La "sicurezza dei confini" nelle relazioni tra Unione Europea e Azerbaigian 90
The EU and multilateral governance of migration in North and West Africa 89
The EU's External Governance of Migration. Perspectives of Justice 87
The EU's external migration policy and global political justice: the missing link 85
Eastern Partnership Framework: Border Security 83
The Global Compact for Migration: patterns of contestation and critical justice assessment 83
Indicators of intra-regional migration and mobility 82
The geography and history of camps 81
null 80
null 77
On Regions and Regional Framings: the Missing Link between the European Union and the Caspian Sea Basin 76
null 75
External ambition, internal tensions: the EU's justice contribution to the Global Compact for Migration 75
Italy and EU’s Co-constitutive Bordering Effort 71
European Review of International Studies 67
The migration dimension in EU-Libya relations: fading justice 65
International cooperation to address the pandemic 58
The implications of bordering practices in relations between Italy and the EU 52
L’Unione Europea e la gestione dei flussi migratori 49
The government of change? Migration and defence policy under Giuseppe Conte’s first cabinet 48
Maritime Security in the Mediterranean 48
Ontological insecurity and securitization dynamics: the co-constitution of borders between Italy and the EU after the refugee crisis of 2015 17
PREDICT: Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends 16
Europe's “depopul-ageing” bomb? 12
EU Security Governance 11
EU Security Governance: Putting the ‘Security’ Back in 9
Conceptualizing the EU in Multilateral Security Governance 9
Security governance, Copenaghen e Parigi: verso un approccio di sintesi allo studio della sicurezza 7
Totale 9.150
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.667
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 19.667

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020673 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 149 113 96 97 111
2020/2021879 146 55 42 54 49 80 61 50 80 68 57 137
2021/20221.574 105 79 71 192 169 107 57 99 74 70 285 266
2022/20231.575 235 142 83 158 138 126 80 63 171 51 201 127
2023/20241.361 50 81 78 68 80 226 168 273 52 147 50 88
2024/20251.711 272 496 183 162 498 97 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.150