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Fonti proteiche alternative come ingredienti di mangimi sostenibili: percezione e gradimento dei consumatori verso petti di pollo provenienti da animali alimentati con microalghe disidratate o larve di mosca soldato nera Rosalba Roccatello, Matilde Tura, Eugenio Aprea, Sihem Dabbou, Francesca Soglia, Federico Sirri, ...Tullia Gallina Toschi 2024-01-01 - - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Insect-based feed in aquaculture: A consumer attitudes study Roccatello, Rosalba; Endrizzi, Isabella; Aprea, Eugenio; Dabbou, Sihem 2024-01-01 AQUACULTURE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Live Black soldier fly larvae as dietary supplementation for laying hens: towards sustainability for high-quality eggs Cattaneo Arianna, Sezzi Erminia, Meneguz Marco, Rosà Roberto, Santori Davide, Cucci Sofia, Solovy...ev Pavel, Bontempo Luana, Grosso Francesca, Mercandino Stefano, Roccatello Rosalba, Zambotto Valeria, Trocino Angela, Xiccato Gerolamo, Dabbou Sihem. 2024-01-01 JOURNAL OF INSECTS AS FOOD AND FEED Wageningen Academic Publishers 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) jiff-article-p1_1.pdfs156.pdf
Sustainability of Insect-Based Feed and Consumer Willingness to Pay for Novel Food: A Stated Preference Study Roccatello, Rosalba; Cerroni, Simone; Dabbou, Sihem 2024-01-01 FUTURE FOODS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Consumers’ sensory perception and liking of breast fillets from broiler chickens fed diets including dehydrated microalgae (Arthrospira spp.) and Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) meals in partial substitution of soybean Tura, M; Roccatello, R; Dabbou, S; Aprea, E; Soglia, F; Sirri, F; Gallina Toschi, T 2023-01-01 - - 4.03 Poster -
Innovative laying hens feed: Black Solder Fly live larvae supplementation. Effects on production performance, plumage status, and egg quality Arianna Cattaneo; Erminia Sezzi; Marco Meneguz; Davide Santori; Sofia Cucci; Rosalba Roccatello; ...Sihem Dabbou 2023-01-01 - - 4.03 Poster -
Meat quality and sensory attributes of meat produced from broilers fed different inclusions percentages of processed former foodstuff based on bakery by-products Srikanthithasan, K; Dabbou, S; Roccatello, R; Gasperi, F; Gariglio, M; Fiorilla, E; Diaz Vicuna, ...E; Giorgino, A; Castrica, M; Miraglia, D; Schiavone, A; Forte, C 2023-01-01 - - 4.03 Poster -
Processed former foodstuff based on bakery by-product included in compound feed diet destined to poultry can enhance broiler performance without impairing meat sensorial properties Karthika Srikanthithasan, Andrea Giorgino, Marta Gariglio, Elena Diaz Vicuna, Edoardo Fiorilla, R...osalba Roccatello, Flavia Gasperi, Achille Schiavone, Valentina Massa, Claudio Forte 2023-01-01 - - 4.03 Poster -
Il ruolo della conoscenza nella percezione del consumatore del pesce alimentato a base di insetti Roccatello R.; Endrizzi I.; Aprea E.; Dabbou S. 2022-01-01 - - 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
Insect-based Feed for Aquaculture Products: An Investigation of Italian Consumers Level of Consciousness and Acceptance R. Roccatello; I. Endrizzi; E. Aprea; S. Dabbou 2022-01-01 - Wageningen Academic Publisher 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -
The role of knowledge in consumers perception of fish fed with insect-based feed Roccatello, R.; Endrizzi, I.; Aprea, E.; Dabbou, S. 2022-01-01 - Elsevier 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) -