Ricercatori a tempo determinato
Competing Visions of Morality in Politics: A New Perspective on the Ideological Currents of the Late Ottoman Empire
2024 M. Asim Karaomerlioglu; Cigdem Oguz
Between Authenticity and Inspiration: Transnational Dynamics in Ottoman/Turkish Feminism
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Contemporanea Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Geography of a Nation in the Making: The Settlement Law of 1934
2023 Cigdem Oguz
La riforma e modernizzazione nell’Impero ottomano. Dal “Nuovo Ordine” alle Tanzimat
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Le donne e i movimenti femministi dall’Impero ottomano alla Turchia contemporanea
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Prospettive culturali sulla Guerra italo-ottomana del 1911 e il ruolo dell’opinione pubblica sui due fronti domestici
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Rivoluzione, violenza e crollo L’ultimo mezzo secolo dell’Impero ottomano
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Storia dell'Impero ottomano e della Repubblica turca
2023 Cigdem Oguz
Topyekûn Savaşta İçtİmâî İnkılâp: Harb-i Umûmî’de Ahlak Buhranı ve 1917 Aile Hukuku Kararnamesinin Toplumsal ve Düşünsel Arka Planı [Social Reform during Total War: Moral Crisis and the Social and Intellectual Background of the 1917 Family Law]
2023 Cigdem Oguz
L’Impero Ottomano nel periodo di Tanzimat: riformismo, cultura e identità nazionale
2022 Cigdem Oguz
Old Hostilities, New Propaganda: A Comparative Account of Public Opinion during the Italo-Turkish War of 1911
2022 Cigdem Oguz
Turkey and Europe’s Difficult History
2022 Cigdem Oguz
“We Will Adopt the Technology of Europe but not European Morality” The Quest for Authentic Values in Late Ottoman Politics
2022 Oguz, Cigdem
Moral Crisis in the Ottoman Empire: Society, Politics, and Gender during WWI
2021 Cigdem Oguz
On Prostitution: Historiographic and Semantic Change for a Global Labor and Migration History
2021 Cigdem Oguz
Practicing national hegemony: The anti-enemy alien regime on the Ottoman Homefront during the First World War
2021 Cigdem Oguz
Archives Contested: Politics and Change in the Ottoman Archives From Past to Present
2020 Cigdem Oguz
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association
2019 Cigdem Oguz
Reality of the Magic of the East”: Hemingway on the Greco-Turkish War and the Refugee Procession in Eastern Thrace
2019 Cigdem Oguz