Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Differential Calculi on Quantum Principal Bundles Over Projective Bases
2024 Aschieri, P.; Fioresi, R.; Latini, E.; Weber, T.
Quantum principal bundles and noncommutative differential calculus
2022 Aschieri, P.; Fioresi, R.; Latini, E.; Weber, T.
Quantum Darboux theorem
2021 Corradini O.; Latini E.; Waldron A.
Quantum Principal Bundles on Projective Bases
2021 Aschieri, Paolo; Fioresi, Rita; Latini, Emanuele
A worldline approach to colored particles
2019 Bastianelli F.; Bonezzi R.; Corradini O.; Latini E.; Ould-Lahoucine K.H.
One-loop quantum gravity from the N particle 4 spinning
2019 Bastianelli F.; Bonezzi R.; Corradini O.; Latini E.
Spinning particles and higher spin field equations
2019 Bastianelli F.; Bonezzi R.; Corradini O.; Latini E.
The q -linked complex Minkowski space, its real forms and deformed isometry groups
2019 Fioresi, R.; Latini, E.; Marrani, A.
Contact quantization: Quantum mechanics = parallel transport
2018 Herczeg, G.; Latini, E.; Waldron, A.
Quantum klein space and superspace
2018 Fioresi, Rita; Latini, Emanuele; Marrani, Alessio
The Segre embedding of the quantum conformal superspace
2018 Fioresi, R.; Latini, E.; Lledo, M. A.; Nadal, F. A.
Klein and conformal superspaces, split algebras and spinor orbits
2017 Fioresi, Rita; Latini, Emanuele; Marrani, Alessio
Quantum mechanics and hidden superconformal symmetry
2017 Bonezzi, R.; Corradini, O.; Latini, E.; Waldron, A.
Metric Projective Geometry, BGG Detour Complexes and Partially Massless Gauge Theories
2016 Gover, A. Rod; Latini, Emanuele; Waldron, Andrew
The symplectic origin of conformal and Minkowski superspaces
2016 Fioresi, Rita; Latini, Emanuele
Poincare-einstein holography for forms via conformal geometry in the bulk
2015 Gover, Rod; Latini, Emanuele; Waldron, Andrew
Quantum gravity and causal structures: Second quantization of conformal Dirac algebras
2015 Bonezzi, R.; Corradini, O.; Latini, E.; Waldron, A.
Massive and massless higher spinning particles in odd dimensions
2014 Fiorenzo Bastianelli;Roberto Bonezzi;Olindo Corradini;Emanuele Latini
Effective action for higher spin fields on (A)dS backgrounds
2012 Fiorenzo Bastianelli;Roberto Bonezzi;Olindo Corradini;Emanuele Latini
Extended SUSY quantum mechanics: transition amplitudes and path integrals
2011 F. Bastianelli; R. Bonezzi; O. Corradini; E. Latini