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Organocatalytic Asymmetric Electrophilic Amination of Allylic Boronates Centonze, G.; Grandi, A.; Pellegrini, A.; Righi, P.; Portolani, C.; Bencivenni, G. 2024-01-01 ACS CATALYSIS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Paper_ACS_Bencivenni_Postprint.pdfBencivenni_SI.pdf
Organocatalytic Enantioselective Formation of Atropisomers Portolani, C.; Centonze, G.; Bencivenni, G. 2024-01-01 - Wiley‐VCH GmbH 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Enantioselective Strategies for The Synthesis of N−N Atropisomers Centonze G.; Portolani C.; Righi P.; Bencivenni G. 2023-01-01 ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Angew Chem Int Ed - 2023 - Centonze (1).pdf
On the Nature of the Rotational Energy Barrier of Atropisomeric Hydrazides Pellegrini A.; Marcon L.; Righi P.; Centonze G.; Portolani C.; Capodiferro M.; Oljira S.B.; S.; Ciogli A.; Bencivenni G. 2023-01-01 MOLECULES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista molecules-28-07856-v2.pdfmolecules-28-07856-s001 (1).zip
Primary Amine Catalyzed Activation of Carbonyl Compounds: A Study on Reaction Pathways and Reactive Intermediates by Mass Spectrometry Antonia Iazzetti,Giulia Mazzoccanti, Giorgio Bencivenni, Paolo Righi, Andrea Calcaterra, Claudio ...Villani, Alessia Ciogli 2022-01-01 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Eur J Org Chem - 2021 - Iazzetti - Primary Amine Catalyzed Activation of Carbonyl Compounds A Study on Reaction Pathways.pdf
Role of Cinchona Alkaloids in the Enantio- and Diastereoselective Synthesis of Axially Chiral Compounds Chiara Portolani, Giovanni Centonze, Paolo Righi, Giorgio Bencivenni 2022-01-01 ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH - 1.01 Articolo in rivista acs.accounts.2c00515.pdf
Synthesis of Atropisomeric Hydrazides by One-Pot Sequential Enantio- and Diastereoselective Catalysis Portolani, C; Centonze, G; Luciani, S; Pellegrini, A; Righi, P; Mazzanti, A; Ciogli, A; Sorato, A...; Bencivenni, G 2022-01-01 ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Angew Chem Int Ed - 2022 - Portolani - Synthesis of Atropisomeric Hydrazides by One‐Pot Sequential Enantio‐ and.pdfanie202209895-sup-0001-misc_information.pdf
Computational Investigation on the Origin of Atroposelectivity for the Cinchona Alkaloid Primary Amine-Catalyzed Vinylogous Desymmetrization of N-(2- t-Butylphenyl)maleimides Tampellini N.; Righi P.; Bencivenni G. 2021-01-01 JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Computational Investigation on the origin of Atroposelectivity.pdf
Noncovalent Interactions between Stacked Arenes in 1,8‐Bis‐(1‐naphthyl)‐naphthalenes Chiarucci, Michel; Mazzanti, Andrea; Righi, Paolo; Bencivenni, Giorgio; Mancinelli, Michele 2021-01-01 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista European J Organic Chem - 2021 - Chiarucci - Noncovalent Interactions between Stacked Arenes in 1 8‐Bis‐ 1‐naphthyl.pdfejoc202100044-sup-0001-misc_information.pdf
Stereochemistry and Recent Applications of Axially Chiral Organic Molecules Mancinelli M.; Bencivenni G.; Pecorari D.; Mazzanti A. 2020-01-01 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista review-copertina-IRIS_UNIBO.pdf
A Silica-Supported Catalyst Containing 9-Amino-9-deoxy-9-epiquinine and a Benzoic Acid Derivative for Stereoselective Batch and Flow Heterogeneous Reactions Alessia Ciogli, Donatella Capitani, Nicola Di Iorio, Simone Crotti, Giorgio Bencivenni, Maria Pia... Donzello, and Claudio Villani 2019-01-01 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Central-to-Axial Chirality Conversion Approach Designed on Organocatalytic Enantioselective Povarov Cycloadditions: First Access to Configurationally Stable Indole–Quinoline Atropisomers Bisag G.D.; Pecorari D.; Mazzanti A.; Bernardi L.; Fochi M.; Bencivenni G.; Bertuzzi G.; Corti V. 2019-01-01 CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Bisag_et_al-2019-Chemistry_-_A_European_Journal.sup-1.pdfpost-print.pdf
Direct Access to Alkylideneoxindoles via Axially Enantioselective Knoevenagel Condensation Simone Crotti, Nicola Di Iorio, Chiara Artusi, Andrea Mazzanti, Paolo Righi, Giorgio Bencivenni 2019-01-01 ORGANIC LETTERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Direct Access to Alkylideneoxindoles via Axially Enantioselective Knoevenagel Condensation_SI.pdfDirect Access to Alkylideneoxindoles via Axially Enantioselective Knoevenagel Condensation_postprint.pdf
Organocatalytic Desymmetrization Reactions for the Synthesis of Axially Chiral Compounds Di Iorio, Nicola; Crotti, Simone; Bencivenni, Giorgio 2019-01-01 THE CHEMICAL RECORD - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Asymmetric vinylogous aldol addition of alkylidene oxindoles on trifluoromethyl-α,β-unsaturated ketones Crotti, Simone; Belletti, Giada; Di Iorio, Nicola; Marotta, Emanuela; Mazzanti, Andrea; Righi, Pa...olo; Bencivenni, Giorgio 2018-01-01 RSC ADVANCES - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Enantioselective Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl α,β-Unsaturated δ-Lactones via Vinylogous Aldol-Lactonization Cascade Crotti Simone, Di Iorio Nicola, Mazzanti Andrea, Righi Paolo, Bencivenni Giorgio 2018-01-01 JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl-9-amino-9-deoxy-9-epiquinine as Pirkle-Anion Exchange Hybrid-Type Chiral Selector in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography de Martino, Michela; Bencivenni, Giorgio; Mazzanti, Andrea; Menta, Sergio; Ismail, Omar H.; Sabia..., Rocchina; Ciogli, Alessia 2017-01-01 CHROMATOGRAPHIA - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Controlling the C(sp3)−C(sp2) Axial Conformation in the Enantioselective Friedel−Crafts-Type Alkylation of β‑Naphthols with Inden-1-ones Nicola Di Iorio, ; Giacomo, Filippini; Andrea, Mazzanti; Paolo, Righi; Giorgio, Bencivenni 2017-01-01 ORGANIC LETTERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Michael Addition of Oxindoles to N-(2-tert-Butylphenyl)maleimides: Efficient Desymmetrization for the Synthesis of Atropisomeric Succinimides with Quaternary and Tertiary Stereocenters Di Iorio, Nicola; Soprani, Lorenzo; Crotti, Simone; Marotta, Emanuela; Mazzanti, Andrea; Righi, P...aolo; Bencivenni, Giorgio 2017-01-01 SYNTHESIS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Targeting remote axial chirality control of N-(2-tert-butylphenyl)succinimides by means of Michael addition type reactions Di Iorio, Nicola; Champavert, Florian; Erice, Agostino; Righi, Paolo; Mazzanti, Andrea; Bencivenn...i, Giorgio 2016-01-01 TETRAHEDRON - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -