Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.064
EU - Europa 971
AS - Asia 489
AF - Africa 76
SA - Sud America 4
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 2.606
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.061
GB - Regno Unito 282
CN - Cina 183
IT - Italia 142
SG - Singapore 133
DE - Germania 115
SE - Svezia 110
UA - Ucraina 91
VN - Vietnam 80
RU - Federazione Russa 61
IN - India 58
FR - Francia 46
IE - Irlanda 42
TG - Togo 37
EE - Estonia 27
ZA - Sudafrica 17
FI - Finlandia 13
JO - Giordania 13
BE - Belgio 9
SC - Seychelles 9
NL - Olanda 8
CI - Costa d'Avorio 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
NG - Nigeria 6
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 4
IQ - Iraq 4
BR - Brasile 3
CH - Svizzera 3
ID - Indonesia 3
JP - Giappone 3
LB - Libano 3
RO - Romania 3
CA - Canada 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ES - Italia 2
KR - Corea 2
TR - Turchia 2
AU - Australia 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 2.606
Città #
Southend 249
Chandler 123
Singapore 121
Ashburn 93
Santa Clara 89
Fairfield 76
Jacksonville 67
Princeton 53
Wilmington 46
Ann Arbor 43
Dong Ket 43
Dublin 42
Lomé 37
Woodbridge 34
Boardman 33
Cambridge 33
Bologna 27
Nanjing 27
Houston 26
Padova 26
Seattle 26
Westminster 26
Medford 18
Berlin 14
Amman 13
Helsinki 13
Jinan 13
New York 13
Saint Petersburg 12
Shenyang 12
Changsha 11
Mülheim 10
Brussels 9
Mahé 9
Nanchang 9
Abidjan 7
Hebei 7
Jiaxing 7
Milan 7
Olalla 7
Abeokuta 6
Beijing 6
Dearborn 6
Falkenstein 6
Sofia 6
Turin 6
Yubileyny 6
Zhengzhou 6
Los Angeles 5
San Diego 5
Tianjin 5
Des Moines 4
Falls Church 4
Guangzhou 4
Haikou 4
Plouay 4
Serra 4
Den Haag 3
Kunming 3
Lunano 3
Middelburg 3
Najaf 3
Ningbo 3
Norwalk 3
Phoenix 3
Pune 3
Qingdao 3
Shanghai 3
Taizhou 3
Baoding 2
Baraúna 2
Bremen 2
Bühl 2
Chicago 2
Forlì 2
Foshan 2
Hangzhou 2
Kemerovo 2
Lanzhou 2
London 2
Lukavac 2
Madrid 2
Mountain View 2
Paris 2
Parma 2
Pohang 2
Redwood City 2
Rome 2
Sarajevo 2
South Tangerang 2
Stockholm 2
Venice 2
Verona 2
Washington 2
Wuhan 2
Amstelveen 1
Atlanta 1
Auckland 1
Bagnacavallo 1
Baotou 1
Totale 1.711
Nome #
Coastal dunes as a resilient factor: a new challenge for coastal system management: exemple from Bevano River (Ravenna, Italy). 150
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for High-Resolution Reconstruction of Topography: The Structure from Motion Approach on Coastal Environments 150
Curvature analysis as a tool for subsidence-related risk zones identification in the city of Tuzla (BiH) 131
A new methodology based on curvature analysis used to map subsidence-related hazard areas in the city of Tuzla (BiH) 130
GIS-based assessment of risk due to salt mining activities at Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 127
Approccio multidisciplinare per lo studio del fenomeno della subsidenza nell’area di Tuzla (BiH). 122
Monitoring ground subsidence induced by salt mining in the city of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 113
Sinkhole Geohazard In Deformed Sulphates at Marina di Lesina (Gargano Promontory, Italy): a Combination of Anthropogenic, Lithologic, and Structural Causes 112
Caratterizzazione idrologico-idrogeologica delle dune costiere 112
Vulnerability to ground deformation phenomena in the city of Tuzla (BiH): A GIS and multicriteria approach 108
G.I.S. as a tool for data management and ground deformations analysis in the City of Tuzla(BiH) 105
Curvature analysis used to map subsidence-related hazard areas in the city of Tuzla (BiH) 105
Groud collapsing in the city of Tuzla ( BiH) 103
Historical and recent evolution of the Reno river mouth and adjacent areas. 101
Ground surface deformation of the urban area in complex engineering-geological conditions in the sinking town of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 101
Dati satellitari e GPS nelle applicazioni archeologiche: ricostruzione della paleogeografia nell’area del sito di Lothal (Gujarat, India). 100
Attività solare, effetti ionosferici e servizi NRTK: quali connessioni? 97
Monitoring ground subsidence induced by salt mining activity: the Tuzla (Bosnia & Herzegovina) case 94
Image classification methods applied to shoreline extraction on very high-resolution multispectral imagery 94
DEMOS - Development of a Monitoring System to Counter-manage the Risks of Subsidence Deformation on the Population of Tuzla (Bosnia) - Project number: PDD(TC)-(ESP.EAP.SFP 983305) 85
Il controllo delle deformazioni del suolo nella città di Tuzla (Bosnia & Erzegovina). 81
Il controllo delle deformazioni del suolo a Tuzla ( BiH) 79
Horizontal movements of the ground surface in the zone of influence of salt exploitation in Tuzla (Bosna and Herzegovina). 73
The role of dunes in coastal hydrology and integrated coastal zone management. 68
Monitoraggio delle deformazioni superficiali ed analisi del rischio nella città di Tuzla (BiH): il supporto della geomatica alle attività pianificatorie. 66
Misure geodetiche di inquadramento e caratterizzazione geomorfologica della baia di Algeri (Algeria). 57
Totale 2.664
Categoria #
all - tutte 6.375
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 6.375

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020254 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 66 64 37 13 32
2020/2021315 71 19 9 14 9 14 12 15 25 16 14 97
2021/2022404 30 22 16 16 46 40 4 22 16 28 69 95
2022/2023586 41 104 33 64 58 48 16 37 106 13 45 21
2023/2024157 8 26 14 11 15 35 5 11 6 4 10 12
2024/2025392 36 88 27 39 130 46 26 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.664