Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
giovanni semprini; SEMPRINI G.; G. SEMPRINI
Analysis of the impact of convector heaters operating at low supply temperature on the possibility of deterioration of thermal conditions
2024 Zukowski, M.; Semprini, G.
Strategies to Tackle Energy Poverty in Post-conflict Setting: The Case Study of Rural Damascus
2024 Barbolini, Annalisa; Semprini, Giovanni; Santangelo, Angela; Mousli, Kindah
The role of near-wall downdraught and asymmetric temperature distribution in dispersion of respiratory aerosols in radiant floor heating systems
2024 Jahanbin, A.; Semprini, G.
A Decision Support Tool for the Co-design of Energy and Seismic Retrofitting Solutions Within the e-SAFE Project
2023 Evola G.; Margani G.; Costanzo V.; Artino A.; Distefano D.L.; Semprini G.; Lazzaro M.; Arnone D.
Multi-objective study on an innovative system for domestic hot water production: A pilot building in Southern Europe
2023 Jahanbin A.; Valdiserri P.; Semprini G.
Numerical Analysis on the Optimisation of Thermal Comfort Levels in an Office Located inside a Historical Building
2023 Palka Bayard de Volo E.; Pulvirenti B.; Jahanbin A.; Guidorzi P.; Semprini G.
Techno-economic analysis of a novel retrofit solution for the domestic hot water system: A comparative study
2023 Jahanbin A.; Semprini G.; Goni M.
Air Quality and Comfort Characterisation within an Electric Vehicle Cabin in Heating and Cooling Operations†
2022 Russi, L.; Guidorzi, P.; Pulvirenti, B.; Aguiari, D.; Pau, G.; Semprini, G.
Combined impacts of the ceiling radiant cooling and ventilation on dispersion and deposition of indoor airborne particles
2022 Jahanbin, A.; Semprini, G.
Integrated effects of the heat recovery ventilation and heat source on decay rate of indoor airborne particles: A comparative study
2022 Jahanbin, A.; Semprini, G.
On the optimisation of age of the air in the breathing zone of floor heating systems: The role of ventilation design
2022 Jahanbin A.; Semprini G.
Performance evaluation of U-tube borehole heat exchangers employing nanofluids as the heat carrier fluid
2022 Jahanbin A.; Semprini G.; Pulvirenti B.
The Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau of Le Corbusier. From Real Scale Replica to Digital Modelling and Environmental Analysis
2022 Luca Guardigli; Maria Beatrice Bettazzi; Cecilia Mazzoli; Giovanni Semprini
Air quality and comfort characterisation within an electric vehicle cabin
2021 Russi, L.; Guidorzi, P.; Pulvirenti, B.; Semprini, G.; Aguiari, D.; Pau, G.
BIM Process for acoustic problems
2021 Costantino Carlo Mastino, Antonino Di Bella, Luca Barbaresi, Giovanni Semprini, Andrea Frattolillo
e-SAFE: energy and seismic affordable renovation solutions for the decarbonisation and seismic safety of the EU building stock
2021 Evola, Gianpiero; Margani, Giuseppe; D'Urso, Sebastiano; Marino Edoardo, Michele; Saija, Laura; Semprini, Giovanni; Mazzotti, Claudio; Ferrante, Annarita; Moran, Marianna; Tomasi, Roberto
Indoor Air Quality inside a room with a coupled MVHR - fan coil system on building facade
2021 Semprini, Giovanni; Jahanbin, Aminhossein; Cantelli, Davide
Multidisciplinary Performance Assessment of an Eco-Sustainable RC-Framed Skin for the Integrated Upgrading of Existing Buildings
2021 Pozza, Luca; Degli Esposti, Anna; Bonoli, Alessandra; Talledo, Diego; Barbaresi, Luca; Semprini, Giovanni; Savoia, Marco
Nanofluid suspensions as heat carrier fluids in single U-tube borehole heat exchangers
2021 Jahanbin, A.; Semprini, G.; Pulvirenti, B.
The e-SAFE energy and seismic renovation solutions for the European building stock: Main features and requirements
2021 Evola G.; Margani G.; Costanzo V.; Tardo C.; Marino E.M.; Semprini G.; Tomasi R.; Halmdienst C.; Voortman B.