Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
The impact of digitalization on marketing activities in manufacturing companies
2023 Conti, Emanuela; Camillo, Furio; Pencarelli, Tonino
A Comparison of Bias Reduction Methods:Clustering versus Propensity Score Subclassification and Weighting
2019 D'Attoma, Ida; Camillo, Furio; Clark, M. H.
Effect of the administration of alfaprostol 3 or 6 days after ovulation in jennies: ultrasonographic characteristic of corpora lutea and serum progesterone concentration.
2018 Panzani D, Tardella M, Govoni N, Tesi M, Fanelli D, Rota A, Vannozzi I, Camillo F.
Intervenire efficacemente per ridurre l'ansia e la confusione decisionale: una questione di "stile"?
2015 Guglielmi, Dina; Chiesa, Rita; Favilla, Marco; Camillo, Furio; Bonafe', Eleonora
Measuring and Testing the Interview Mode Effect in Mixed Mode Surveys
2013 F. Camillo; I.D'Attoma
%GI: A SAS Macro for Measuring and Testing Global Imbalance of Covariates within Subgroups
2012 Camillo, Furio; D'Attoma, Ida
A New Strategy for Reducing Selection Bias in Non-experimental Evaluations, and the Case of How Public Assistance Receipt Affects Charitable Giving.
2012 Peck L.R.; D'Attoma I.; Camillo F.; Guo C.
Kernel discrimination and explicative features: an operative approach
2012 Liberati C.; Camillo F.; Saporta G.
A Multivariate Strategy to Measure and Test Global Imbalance in Observational Studies
2011 I. D'Attoma ; F.Camillo
Assessing Balance of Categorical Covariates and Measuring Local Effects in Observational Studies.
2011 F.Camillo; I.D'Attoma
Caratteristiche dei laureati prima e dopo le riforme
2011 Camillo F.; Gasperoni G.; Calmand J.
Considering the programme evaluation as a data mining process: the case of the active labor policies in Bologna region.
2011 Camillo, Furio; D'Attoma, Ida
Graduates' employment and employability after the ‘Bologna Process’ reform. Evidence from the Italian experience and methodological issues
2011 G. Antonelli; A. Cammelli; F. Camillo; A. di Francia; S. Ghiselli; M. Sgarzi
A new data mining approach to estimate causal effects of policy interventions
2010 F.Camillo; I.D'Attoma
A Promising New Approach to Eliminating Selection Bias
2010 Peck, L. R.; Camillo, Furio; D'Attoma, Ida
2010 G. Tassinari; F. Camillo; M. Freo; A. Guizzardi; C. Natali
A Data Mining Approach for the Monitoring of Active Labour Market policies
2009 F. Alboni; F. Camillo; G. Tassinari
A Data Mining approach to the monitoring of public programs for the retraining of unemployed workers
2009 F. Alboni; F. Camillo; G. Tassinari
Graduates’ employment and employability after the “Bologna Process“ reform. Evidence from the Italian experience and methodological issues
2009 A. Cammelli; G. Antonelli; F. Camillo; A. di Francia; S. Ghiselli; M. Sgarzi
Il dualismo del mercato del lavoro e la transizione da lavoro temporaneo a lavoro a tempo indeterminato in provincia di Bologna
2008 Fabrizio Alboni; Furio Camillo; Giorgio Tassinari