Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.227
NA - Nord America 3.803
AS - Asia 1.896
AF - Africa 175
SA - Sud America 36
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 10.145
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.783
DE - Germania 1.072
GB - Regno Unito 969
IT - Italia 900
CN - Cina 657
SG - Singapore 490
VN - Vietnam 395
UA - Ucraina 291
SE - Svezia 220
IN - India 199
FR - Francia 178
RU - Federazione Russa 145
IE - Irlanda 125
ZA - Sudafrica 73
EE - Estonia 70
TG - Togo 63
FI - Finlandia 51
JO - Giordania 47
BG - Bulgaria 43
NL - Olanda 28
BE - Belgio 27
TR - Turchia 27
CH - Svizzera 25
SC - Seychelles 21
IR - Iran 20
BR - Brasile 17
CA - Canada 17
CO - Colombia 14
PT - Portogallo 14
AT - Austria 12
CI - Costa d'Avorio 12
ID - Indonesia 12
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 11
PK - Pakistan 10
RO - Romania 10
GR - Grecia 8
JP - Giappone 8
LB - Libano 8
NO - Norvegia 8
AU - Australia 6
ES - Italia 6
PL - Polonia 5
CL - Cile 4
DZ - Algeria 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
HR - Croazia 3
KR - Corea 3
PH - Filippine 3
HK - Hong Kong 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MY - Malesia 2
NP - Nepal 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PA - Panama 2
TH - Thailandia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BH - Bahrain 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GH - Ghana 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
Totale 10.145
Città #
Southend 868
Frankfurt am Main 607
Singapore 434
Chandler 367
Fairfield 321
Santa Clara 276
Dong Ket 254
Bologna 246
Ashburn 222
Wilmington 215
Princeton 209
Ann Arbor 205
Jacksonville 182
Woodbridge 153
Boardman 145
Houston 145
Dublin 124
Seattle 121
Cambridge 109
Nanjing 92
Westminster 88
Berlin 84
Padova 83
Medford 67
Lomé 63
Milan 54
Jinan 50
Amman 47
Sofia 42
Saint Petersburg 39
Mülheim 38
Shenyang 38
Rome 32
Turin 31
Lappeenranta 30
Redmond 28
Nanchang 27
Norwalk 27
Des Moines 26
Beijing 24
Brussels 24
Changsha 22
Ravenna 22
Mahé 21
Reggio Emilia 21
San Diego 21
Tianjin 21
Falls Church 19
Hebei 19
Forlì 18
Helsinki 18
Jiaxing 18
Shanghai 18
Guangzhou 16
Hangzhou 16
Olalla 16
Tappahannock 16
Dearborn 15
Paris 15
Wayne 15
New York 14
Verona 14
Taiyuan 13
Abidjan 12
Los Angeles 12
Sarajevo 11
Bühl 10
Cúcuta 10
Haikou 10
Istanbul 10
Jakarta 10
North Bergen 10
Redwood City 10
Vienna 10
Zhengzhou 10
Naples 9
Xi'an 9
Cesena 8
Costa Mesa 8
Lanzhou 8
Moscow 8
Ankara 7
Atlanta 7
Bern 7
London 7
Ningbo 7
Phoenix 7
Taizhou 7
Tokyo 7
Wuhan 7
Bagnacavallo 6
Catania 6
Chongqing 6
Hefei 6
Hyderabad 6
Parma 6
Radcliffe 6
Shijiazhuang 6
Zurich 6
Amsterdam 5
Totale 6.922
Nome #
Adaptation of water resources systems to changing society and environment: a statement by the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 213
6th IAHS-EGU International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management 194
Towards an operationalisation of nature-based solutions for natural hazards 184
On the management of nature-based solutions in open-air laboratories: New insights and future perspectives 184
Effectiveness of smart meter-based urban water loss assessment in a real network with synchronous and incomplete readings 181
Analysis of the effects of different scenarios of historical data availability on the calibration of a spatially-distributed hydrological model 174
Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science 170
Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science 169
Prediction of floods in ungauged basins 142
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 141
Data-driven streamflow simulation: the influence of exogenous variables and temporal resolution 139
Calibration of a rainfall–runoff model at regional scale by optimising river discharge statistics: Performance analysis for the average/low flow regime 137
Preface: HS01 - Changes in flood risk and perception in catchments and cities 137
Asymmetric Error Functions for Reducing the Underestimation of Local Scour around Bridge Piers: Application to Neural Networks Models 134
Calibration of rainfall-runoff models in ungauged basins: A regional maximum likelihood approach 134
Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge 131
A regional maximum likelihood approach for calibrating rainfall-runoff models in ungauged basins 128
Use of spatially-distributed or lumped precipitation inputs in conceptual and black-box models for runoff forecasting 126
Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions (IAHS Pub. no. 364, IAHS Series of Proceedings and Reports) 126
Optical Tracking Velocimetry (OTV): Leveraging Optical Flow and Trajectory-Based Filtering for Surface Streamflow Observations 124
A review of hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment frameworks and indicators in the context of nature-based solutions 124
Analisi dell'influenza della disponibilità di dati di calibrazione sulle prestazioni di un modello afflussi-deflussi di tipo distribuito 120
Modellazione afflussi-deflussi con regionalizzazione dei parametri per i bacini afferenti all’invaso di Ridracoli 120
Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities, Proc. IAHS, 370 116
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective 111
Applicazione di reti neurali per la disaggregazione temporale di dati di precipitazione 110
Data-driven catchment classification: application to the PUB problem 109
Data-driven modelling approaches for socio-hydrology: opportunities and challenges within the Panta Rhei Science Plan 109
Affidabilità dei modelli per il preannuncio idrologico: effetti dell'anticipo temporale e dei dati di calibrazione 108
A comparison and uncertainty assessment of system analysis techniques for short-term quantitative precipitation nowcasting based on radar images 107
null 107
Panta Rhei 2013–2015: global perspectives on hydrology, society and change 106
Estimation of flood warning runoff thresholds in ungauged basins with asymmetric error functions 105
Estimation of flood warning runoff thresholds in ungauged basins with asymmetric error functions 103
A comparison of systems analysis methods for quantitative precipitation nowcasting based on radar observations 101
Catchment classification based on characterisation of streamflow and precipitation time series 99
Recent advances in peak river flow modelling, prediction and real-time forecasting - Assessment of the impacts of land-use and climate changes 98
Calibration of hydrological models in the spectral domain: An opportunity for scarcely gauged basins? 97
Multistep ahead streamflow forecasting: Role of calibration data in conceptual and neural network modeling 96
Calibration of hydrological models in the spectral domain: an opportunità for ungauged basins? 95
Affidabilità dei modelli per il preannuncio idrologico: effetti dell'anticipo temporale e dei dati di calibrazione 94
Stima della profondità massima di erosione alla base di pile di ponte: confronto tra formule di letteratura e reti neurali 92
Prediction of local scour depth at bridge piers under clear-water and live-bed conditions: comparison of literature formulae and artificial neural networks 90
Importance of the informative content in the study area when regionalising rainfall-runoff model parameters: The role of nested catchments and gauging station density 89
Calibrazione di modelli afflussi-deflussi nel dominio spettrale: una possibilità per i bacini non strumentati? 88
Catchment classification based on characterisation of streamflow and precipitation time-series 88
"Panta Rhei-Everything Flows": Change in hydrology and society-The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022 87
Calibrazione di modelli afflussi-deflussi nel dominio spettrale: una possibilità per i bacini non strumentati? 86
Hydroinformatics: computational intelligence and systems analysis EGU General Assembly 2010 - Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010 86
Calibration of spatially-distributed hydrological models: possible strategies and analysis of the effects of data availability 85
Analisi dell'influenza della disponibilità di dati di calibrazione sulle prestazioni di un modello afflussi-deflussi di tipo distribuito 85
Two decades of anarchy? Emerging themes and outstanding challenges for neural network river forecasting 82
Una Europa Summer School 2024. Sustainability in communication and education. Spreading the word, creating awareness. Book of Abstracts 80
Calibration of hydrological models in the spectral domain: a chance for ungauged basins? 80
Application of empirical formulae and artificial neural networks for estimating bridge pier scour under clear-water and live-bed conditions 79
Editor rivista Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 78
Catchment classification coupling canonical correlation analysis and unsupervised neural networks 77
Alcune considerazioni della Società Idrologica Italiana sulla grave siccità dell’estate 2022 76
"Hydroinformatics: computational intelligence and technological developments in water science applications" EGU General Assembly 2009 - Vienna, Austria, 19-24 april 2009. 75
Catchment similarity for regional predictions in ungauged basins, EGU General Assembly 2009 - Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. 75
null 75
Experimental investigation on the erosion of vegetated soils by flume tests 75
Medium and long-term hydrological forecasting for water management and allocation, EGU General Assembly 2009 - Vienna, Austria, 19-24 april 2009 74
On the deployment of out-of-the-box embedded devices for self-powered river surface flow velocity monitoring at the edge 74
Editor della rivista Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2009 73
Laboratory experiments for analysing the impact of herbaceous vegetation on riverbank erosion 73
Schemi per il monitoraggio dei terreni golenali parzialmente saturi del fiume panaro nella valutazione dei processi di interazione del suolo con vegetazione ed atmosfera 73
Monitoring soil retention properties in a riverbank susceptible to fluvial erosion 73
Reti neurali per la previsione di portata: un modello modulare basato sulla separazione degli idrogrammi 72
null 72
Un metodo per la classificazione di bacini non strumentati 71
Similarity of catchment dynamics based on the interaction between streamflow and forcing time series: Use of a transfer entropy signature 70
The Summer School ‘Sustainability in communication and education. Spreading the word, creating awareness’. An introduction 69
Editor di Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 2007 69
Hydroinformatics: Computational intelligence and technological developments in water science applications 68
Session HS6.1 "Hydroinformatics: computational intelligence and technological developments in water science applications", EGU General Assembly 2008 - Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008. 67
Hydrological monitoring and forecasting of water scarcity conditions, EGU General Assembly 2010 - Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010 67
Confronto fra alcuni modelli di previsione a breve termine di campi di precipitazione osservati da radar meteorologico 67
Validazione di una metodologia basata su bias-correction di scenari climatici a scala oraria e trasformazione afflussi-deflussi per la simulazione di eventi di piena passati e futuri 66
Session HS6 "HS6 Impacts of climate change on hydrological response and on water resources management" 1st General Assembly European Geosciences Union (EGU) Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004 65
Utilizzo della transfer entropy per l'identificazione della similarità dei processi di trasformazione afflussi deflussi 65
Quantifying the effects of nature-based solutions in reducing risks from hydrometeorological hazards: Examples from Europe 64
Daily rainfall disaggregation using artificial neural networks 64
Classificazione dei bacini in base alle caratteristiche delle serie idrometriche e pluviometriche per l’applicazione a sezioni non strumentate 64
Catchment classification using unsupervised neural networks 63
Assessing the significance of tourism and climate on residential water demand: Panel-data analysis and non-linear modelling of monthly water consumptions 62
Editor di Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 2008 60
HS46 Hydroinformatics: computational intelligence and technological developments in water science applications (Session HS46, EGU General Assembly 2007). 58
Session HS3.3 Medium and long-term hydrological forecasting for water management and water allocation, EGU General Assembly 2008 - Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008. 58
Influence of the temporal observation interval on the implementation of artificial neural networks for streamflow prediction 57
Impiego di misure nivometriche per l’analisi di un modello di accumulo e scioglimento nevoso 56
(Relazione ad invito) Calibration of spatially-distributed hydrological models: possible strategies and analysis of the effects of data availability. (solicited) 56
Relazione ad invito) Calibration of hydrological models in the spectral domain: a chance for ungauged basins? 54
Riverbank Grass-Armouring: Experiments in Laboratory Flume. 50
Totale 9.651
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.429
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 26.429

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020796 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 209 170 90 66 109
2020/20211.550 343 83 50 47 45 141 52 76 136 83 60 434
2021/20221.596 175 82 98 80 174 112 61 108 77 61 261 307
2022/20231.810 189 243 110 251 136 149 68 109 285 49 144 77
2023/2024772 27 102 45 70 50 84 35 36 26 70 69 158
2024/20252.120 215 480 342 279 609 163 32 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.386