P. Gasperini; GASPERINI P.; Paolo Gasperini
A theoretical comparison among macroseismic scales used in Italy
2024 Vannucci G.; Lolli B.; Gasperini P.
Back-analysis of the January 2017 earthquake-avalanche cycle in the Central Apennines
2024 Massimiliano Barbolini; Paolo Gasperini
Comment on "A Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale" by Ranjit Das, Mukat Lal Sharma, Hans Raj Wason, Deepankar Choudhury, and Gabriel Gonzalez
2024 Gasperini, P; Lolli, B
Recalibration of the Intensity Prediction Equation in Italy Using the Macroseismic Dataset DBMI15 Version 2.0
2024 Lolli, Barbara; Gasperini, Paolo; Vannucci, Gianfranco
Recalibration of the Intensity Prediction Equation in Italy Using the Macroseismic Dataset DBMI15 Version 2.0
2024 Lolli, Barbara; Gasperini, Paolo; Vannucci, Gianfranco
The estimation of b-value of the frequency-magnitude distribution and of its 1σ intervals from binned magnitude data
2024 Tinti S.; Gasperini P.
Application of the EEPAS earthquake forecasting model to Italy
2023 Biondini, E; Rhoades, DA; Gasperini, P
Comment on “Earthquake Magnitude Conversion Problem” by Ranjit Das, H. R. Wason, Gabriel Gonzalez, M. L. Sharma, Deepankar Choudhury, Conrad Lindholm, Narayan Roy, and Pablo Salazar
2023 Gasperini P.; Lolli B.; Castellaro S.
Comparison between alarm-based and probability-based earthquake forecasting methods
2023 Biondini E.; Gasperini P.
Earthquakes Parameters from Citizen Testimonies: A Retrospective Analysis of EMSC Database
2023 Gianfranco Vannucci; Paolo Gasperini; Laura Gulia; Barbara Lolli
Homogenization of magnitudes of the ISC Bulletin
2023 Lolli B.; Randazzo D.; Vannucci G.; Biondini E.; Gasperini P.
Application of EEPAS forecasting model to Italy
2022 Biondini E., Rhoades D., Gasperini P.,
Application of the EEPAS seismic forecasting method to Italy
2022 Biondini E., Rhoades D., Gasperini P.,
Comment on “High-Definition Mapping of the Gutenberg–Richter b-Value and Its Relevance: A Case Study in Italy” by M. Taroni, J. Zhuang, and W. Marzocchi
2022 Gulia, Laura; Gasperini, Paolo; Wiemer, Stefan
Contamination of frequency-magnitude slope (b-value) by quarry blasts: An example for italy
2021 Gulia L.; Gasperini P.
Inhomogeneity of macroseismic intensities in italy and consequences for macroseismic magnitude estimation
2021 Vannucci G.; Lolli B.; Gasperini P.
Retrospective short-term forecasting experiment in Italy based on the occurrence of strong (fore) shocks
2021 Gasperini, P; Biondini, E; Lolli, B; Petruccelli, A; Vannucci, G
The new Italian seismic hazard model (MPS19)
2021 Meletti, C.; Marzocchi, W.; D'Amico, V.; Lanzano, G.; Luzi, L.; Martinelli, F.; Pace, B.; Rovida, A.; Taroni, M.; Visini, F.; Akinci, A.; Anzidei, M.; Avallone, A.; Azzaro, R.; Barani, S.; Barberi, G.; Barreca, G.; Basili, R.; Bird, P.; Bonini, M.; Burrato, P.; Busetti, M.; Camassi, R.; Carafa, M. M. C.; Cavaliere, A.; Cecere, G.; Cheloni, D.; Chioccarelli, E.; Console, R.; Corti, G.; D'Agostino, N.; Cin, M. D.; D'Ambrosio, C.; D'Amico, M.; D'Amico, S.; Devoti, R.; Esposito, A.; Faenza, L.; Falcone, G.; Felicetta, C.; Fracassi, U.; Franco, L.; Galvani, A.; Gasperini, P.; Gee, R.; Capera, A. A. G.; Iervolino, I.; Kastelic, V.; Lai, C. G.; Locati, M.; Lolli, B.; Maesano, F. E.; Marchesini, A.; Mariucci, M. T.; Martelli, L.; Massa, M.; Metois, M.; Monaco, C.; Montone, P.; Moschetti, M.; Murru, M.; Pacor, F.; Pagani, M.; Pasolini, C.; Peresan, A.; Peruzza, L.; Pietrantonio, G.; Poli, M. E.; Pondrelli, S.; Puglia, R.; Rebez, A.; Riguzzi, F.; Roselli, P.; Rotondi, R.; Russo, E.; Sani, F.; Santulin, M.; Selvaggi, G.; Scafidi, D.; Selva, J.; Sepe, V.; Serpelloni, E.; Slejko, D.; Spallarossa, D.; Stallone, A.; Tamaro, A.; Tarabusi, G.; Tiberti, M. M.; Tuve, T.; Valensise, G.; Vallone, R.; Vannoli, P.; Vannucci, G.; Varini, E.; Zanferrari, A.; Zuccolo, E.; Danciu, L.; Schorlemmer, D.; Bazzurro, P.; Giardini, D.; Modena, C.; Mulargia, F.; Seno, S.
Full-Waveform based methods for Microseismic Monitoring Operations: An Application to Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Hengill Geothermal Area, Iceland
2020 Rossi C.; Grigoli F.; Cesca S.; Heimann S.; Gasperini P.; Hjorleifsdottir V.; Dahm T.; Bean C.J.; Wiemer S.; Scarabello L.; Nooshiri N.; Clinton J.F.; Obermann A.; Agustsson K.; Agustsdottir T.
Short-term retrospective forecasting of earthquakes based on temporal variations of the b-value of the magnitude-frequency distribution
2020 Biondini E., Gasperini P., Petruccelli A., Lolli B., Vannucci G.
Titolo | Autore(i) | Anno | Periodico | Editore | Tipo | File |
A theoretical comparison among macroseismic scales used in Italy | Vannucci G.; Lolli B.; Gasperini P. | 2024-01-01 | BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | s10518-024-01921-0.pdf |
Back-analysis of the January 2017 earthquake-avalanche cycle in the Central Apennines | Massimiliano Barbolini; Paolo Gasperini | 2024-01-01 | - | ISSW | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |
Comment on "A Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale" by Ranjit Das, Mukat Lal Sharma, Hans Raj Wason, Deepankar Choudhury, and Gabriel Gonzalez | Gasperini, P; Lolli, B | 2024-01-01 | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Recalibration of the Intensity Prediction Equation in Italy Using the Macroseismic Dataset DBMI15 Version 2.0 | Lolli, Barbara; Gasperini, Paolo; Vannucci, Gianfranco | 2024-01-01 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Recalibration of the Intensity Prediction Equation in Italy Using the Macroseismic Dataset DBMI15 Version 2.0 | Lolli, Barbara; Gasperini, Paolo; Vannucci, Gianfranco | 2024-01-01 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
The estimation of b-value of the frequency-magnitude distribution and of its 1σ intervals from binned magnitude data | Tinti S.; Gasperini P. | 2024-01-01 | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 125-Tinti_Gasperini_2024.pdf; 125-Tinti_Gasperini_2024_supp.pdf |
Application of the EEPAS earthquake forecasting model to Italy | Biondini, E; Rhoades, DA; Gasperini, P | 2023-01-01 | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | ggad123.pdf |
Comment on “Earthquake Magnitude Conversion Problem” by Ranjit Das, H. R. Wason, Gabriel Gonzalez, M. L. Sharma, Deepankar Choudhury, Conrad Lindholm, Narayan Roy, and Pablo Salazar | Gasperini P.; Lolli B.; Castellaro S. | 2023-01-01 | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | - |
Comparison between alarm-based and probability-based earthquake forecasting methods | Biondini E.; Gasperini P. | 2023-01-01 | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | ggad312.pdf |
Earthquakes Parameters from Citizen Testimonies: A Retrospective Analysis of EMSC Database | Gianfranco Vannucci; Paolo Gasperini; Laura Gulia; Barbara Lolli | 2023-01-01 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Vannucci_et_al_2023_postprint.pdf; srl-2023245_supplement.docx |
Homogenization of magnitudes of the ISC Bulletin | Lolli B.; Randazzo D.; Vannucci G.; Biondini E.; Gasperini P. | 2023-01-01 | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | ggad164.pdf |
Application of EEPAS forecasting model to Italy | Biondini E., Rhoades D., Gasperini P., | 2022-01-01 | - | - | 4.03 Poster | - |
Application of the EEPAS seismic forecasting method to Italy | Biondini E., Rhoades D., Gasperini P., | 2022-01-01 | - | - | 4.02 Riassunto (Abstract) | - |
Comment on “High-Definition Mapping of the Gutenberg–Richter b-Value and Its Relevance: A Case Study in Italy” by M. Taroni, J. Zhuang, and W. Marzocchi | Gulia, Laura; Gasperini, Paolo; Wiemer, Stefan | 2022-01-01 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Gulia_Gasperini_Wiemer_draft.pdf |
Contamination of frequency-magnitude slope (b-value) by quarry blasts: An example for italy | Gulia L.; Gasperini P. | 2021-01-01 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Gulia_Gasperini_draft.pdf |
Inhomogeneity of macroseismic intensities in italy and consequences for macroseismic magnitude estimation | Vannucci G.; Lolli B.; Gasperini P. | 2021-01-01 | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | Vannucci_et_al_SRL2021_pre_draft (3).pdf |
Retrospective short-term forecasting experiment in Italy based on the occurrence of strong (fore) shocks | Gasperini, P; Biondini, E; Lolli, B; Petruccelli, A; Vannucci, G | 2021-01-01 | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 112-Gasperini_et_al_2021.pdf |
The new Italian seismic hazard model (MPS19) | Meletti, C.; Marzocchi, W.; D'Amico, V.; Lanzano, G.; Luzi, L.; Martinelli, F.; Pace, B.; Rovida,... A.; Taroni, M.; Visini, F.; Akinci, A.; Anzidei, M.; Avallone, A.; Azzaro, R.; Barani, S.; Barberi, G.; Barreca, G.; Basili, R.; Bird, P.; Bonini, M.; Burrato, P.; Busetti, M.; Camassi, R.; Carafa, M. M. C.; Cavaliere, A.; Cecere, G.; Cheloni, D.; Chioccarelli, E.; Console, R.; Corti, G.; D'Agostino, N.; Cin, M. D.; D'Ambrosio, C.; D'Amico, M.; D'Amico, S.; Devoti, R.; Esposito, A.; Faenza, L.; Falcone, G.; Felicetta, C.; Fracassi, U.; Franco, L.; Galvani, A.; Gasperini, P.; Gee, R.; Capera, A. A. G.; Iervolino, I.; Kastelic, V.; Lai, C. G.; Locati, M.; Lolli, B.; Maesano, F. E.; Marchesini, A.; Mariucci, M. T.; Martelli, L.; Massa, M.; Metois, M.; Monaco, C.; Montone, P.; Moschetti, M.; Murru, M.; Pacor, F.; Pagani, M.; Pasolini, C.; Peresan, A.; Peruzza, L.; Pietrantonio, G.; Poli, M. E.; Pondrelli, S.; Puglia, R.; Rebez, A.; Riguzzi, F.; Roselli, P.; Rotondi, R.; Russo, E.; Sani, F.; Santulin, M.; Selvaggi, G.; Scafidi, D.; Selva, J.; Sepe, V.; Serpelloni, E.; Slejko, D.; Spallarossa, D.; Stallone, A.; Tamaro, A.; Tarabusi, G.; Tiberti, M. M.; Tuve, T.; Valensise, G.; Vallone, R.; Vannoli, P.; Vannucci, G.; Varini, E.; Zanferrari, A.; Zuccolo, E.; Danciu, L.; Schorlemmer, D.; Bazzurro, P.; Giardini, D.; Modena, C.; Mulargia, F.; Seno, S. | 2021-01-01 | ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 115_Meletti_et_al_2021.pdf; 115_Meletti_et_al_2021_suppl.pdf |
Full-Waveform based methods for Microseismic Monitoring Operations: An Application to Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Hengill Geothermal Area, Iceland | Rossi C.; Grigoli F.; Cesca S.; Heimann S.; Gasperini P.; Hjorleifsdottir V.; Dahm T.; Bean C.J.;... Wiemer S.; Scarabello L.; Nooshiri N.; Clinton J.F.; Obermann A.; Agustsson K.; Agustsdottir T. | 2020-01-01 | ADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCES | - | 1.01 Articolo in rivista | 111-Rossi_et_al_2020.pdf |
Short-term retrospective forecasting of earthquakes based on temporal variations of the b-value of the magnitude-frequency distribution | Biondini E., Gasperini P., Petruccelli A., Lolli B., Vannucci G. | 2020-01-01 | - | - | 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno | - |