The Eastern Mediterranean Sea mean sea level decadal slowdown: the effects of the water budget
2025 Borile, Federica; Pinardi, Nadia; Lyubartsev, Vladyslav; Ghani, Mahmud Hasan; Navarra, Antonio; Alessandri, Jacopo; Clementi, Emanuela; Coppini, Giovanni; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Verri, Giorgia; da Costa, Vladimir Santos; Scoccimarro, Enrico; Misurale, Francesco; Novellino, Antonio; Oddo, Paolo
Assessing storm surge model performance: what error indicators can measure the model's skill?
2024 Campos-Caba, Rodrigo; Alessandri, Jacopo; Camus, Paula; Mazzino, Andrea; Ferrari, Francesco; Federico, Ivan; Vousdoukas, Michalis; Tondello, Massimo; Mentaschi, Lorenzo
Marine climate indicators in the Adriatic Sea
2024 Santos da Costa, Vladimir; Alessandri, Jacopo; Verri, Giorgia; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; Guerra, Roberta; Pinardi, Nadia
Projected climate oligotrophication of the Adriatic marine ecosystems
2024 Lorenzo Mentaschi, Tomas Lovato, Momme Butenschön, Jacopo Alessandri, Leonardo Aragão, Giorgia Verri, Roberta Guerra, Giovanni Coppini, Nadia Pinardi
A modeling application of integrated nature based solutions (NBS) for coastal erosion and flooding mitigation in the Emilia-Romagna coastline (Northeast Italy)
2023 Unguendoli, Silvia; Biolchi, Luis Germano; Aguzzi, Margherita; Pillai, Umesh Pranavam Ayyappan; Alessandri, Jacopo; Valentini, Andrea
Shelf slope, estuarine dynamics and river plumes in a z* vertical coordinate, unstructured grid model
2023 Verri G.; Barletta I.; Pinardi N.; Federico I.; Alessandri J.; Coppini G.
Storm Surge Ensemble Prediction System for Lagoons and Transitional Environments
2023 Alessandri, Jacopo; Pinardi, Nadia; Federico, Ivan; Valentini, Andrea
A Digital Twin modelling framework for the assessment of seagrass Nature Based Solutions against storm surges
2022 Pillai, Umesh Pranavam Ayyappan; Pinardi, Nadia; Alessandri, Jacopo; Federico, Ivan; Causio, Salvatore; Unguendoli, Silvia; Valentini, Andrea; Staneva, Joanna
Downscaling With an Unstructured Coastal-Ocean Model to the Goro Lagoon and the Po River Delta Branches
2021 Maicu F.; Alessandri J.; Pinardi N.; Verri G.; Umgiesser G.; Lovo S.; Turolla S.; Paccagnella T.; Valentini A.
On the management of nature-based solutions in open-air laboratories: New insights and future perspectives
2021 Gallotti G.; Santo M.A.; Apostolidou I.; Alessandri J.; Armigliato A.; Basu B.; Debele S.; Domeneghetti A.; Gonzalez-Ollauri A.; Kumar P.; Mentzafou A.; Pilla F.; Pulvirenti B.; Ruggieri P.; Sahani J.; Salmivaara A.; Basu A.S.; Spyrou C.; Pinardi N.; Toth E.; Unguendoli S.; Pillai U.P.A.; Valentini A.; Varlas G.; Zaniboni F.; Di Sabatino S.