Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
The Worse, the Better? The Daily Incidence of the COVID-19 Pandemic Influenced the Rally Effects it Fostered
2025 Roccato, Michele; Colloca, Pasquale; Russo, Silvia
Rally ‘round the flag effects are not for all : Trajectories of institutional trust among populist and non-populist voters
2024 Colloca, Pasquale; Roccato, Michele; Russo, Silvia
This Is Not the End: How the Appeal of Populism Changed Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
2024 Roccato, Michele; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale
Household crowding during the COVID-19 lockdown fosters anti-democracy even after 17 months: A 5-wave latent growth curve study
2022 Russo S.; Colloca P.; Cavazza N.; Roccato M.
How and why is the COVID-19 crisis impacting trust in institutions? A two-wave longitudinal study in Italy
2022 Nicoletta Cavazza, Silvia Russo, Pasquale Colloca, Michele Roccato
Left and right in the age of populism : has the populist zeitgeist permeated citizens’ representation of ideological labels?
2022 Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Roccato, Michele
An inquiry into urban peripheries, socio-economic distress and vote. The cases of Bologna, Florence and Rome
2021 Lorenzo Cini, Pasquale Colloca, Nicola Maggini, Federico Tomassi, Marco Valbruzzi
Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic through institutional trust : rally effects, compensatory control, and emotions
2021 Roccato M.; Colloca P.; Cavazza N.; Russo S.
Household crowding can have political effects : An empirical study on support for anti-democratic political systems during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy
2021 Cavazza N.; Russo S.; Colloca P.; Roccato M.
Moving away from Populist Votes. The Role of Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 Silvia Russo, Pasquale Colloca, Nicoletta Cavazza, Michele Roccato
Periferie urbane e disagio socio-economico: com'è cambiato il voto degli italiani tra il 2008 e il 2018
2021 Pasquale Colloca, Nicola Maggini, Marco Valbruzzi
Prospettiva subnazionale. Bologna
The Lasting Effects of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Support for Anti‐Democratic Political Systems : A Six‐Month Longitudinal Study
2021 Roccato, Michele; Russo, Silvia; Colloca, Pasquale; Cavazza, Nicoletta
A Democratic Emergency After a Health Emergency? Exposure to COVID‐19, Perceived Economic Threat and Support for Anti‐Democratic Political Systems
2020 Roccato, Michele; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Russo, Silvia
Three Roads to Populism? An Italian Field Study on the 2019 European Election
2020 Roccato, Michele; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Russo, Silvia
‘Strangers in Their Own Land’: Development and Validation of a Balanced, Unidimensional Scale to Measure the Sense of Threat to Local Traditions
2020 Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale; Corbetta, Piergiorgio; Mosso, Cristina O; Roccato, Michele
Assessment of Citizens’ Populist Orientations: Development and Validation of the POPulist ORientation (POPOR) Scale
2019 Roccato, Michele; Corbetta, Piergiorgio; Cavazza, Nicoletta; Colloca, Pasquale
The Dynamics of the Electoral Geography of the Five Star Movement: The Role of Territorial Area and Municipality Size
2019 Biancalana, Cecilia; Colloca, Pasquale
Il Movimento 5 stelle alla prova dell'istituzionalizzazione: una metamorfosi incompiuta?
2018 Biancalana, C.; Colloca, P.
Il voto populista
2018 Cavazza, N.; Colloca, P.; Corbetta, P.; Roccato, M.