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Search for the Z boson decay to $ττμμ$ in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV Collaboration, Cms; Brivio, Ilaria; Battilana, C.; Bonacorsi, D.; Borgonovi, L.; Castro, A.; Cuff...iani, M.; Diotalevi, T.; Fanfani, A.; Giommi, L.; Guiducci, L.; Lorusso, M.; Paggi, G.; Rossi Tisbeni, S.; Rovelli, T.; Siroli, G.  P. 2024-01-01 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
To Profile or To Marginalize -- A SMEFT Case Study Brivio, Ilaria; Bruggisser, Sebastian; Elmer, Nina; Geoffray, Emma; Luchmann, Michel; Plehn, Tilman 2024-01-01 SCIPOST PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista SciPostPhys_16_1_035.pdf
Jet Bundle Geometry of Scalar Field Theories Mohammad Alminawi, Ilaria Brivio, Joe Davighi 2023-01-01 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Alminawi_2024_J._Phys._A__Math._Theor._57_435401-2-85.pdf
A sensitivity study of VBS and diboson WW to dimension-6 EFT operators at the LHC Bellan, Riccardo; Boldrini, Giacomo; Brambilla, D; Brivio, Ilaria,Brusa, Riccardo; Cetorelli, Fla...via; Chiusi, M; Covarelli, Roberto; Del Tatto, Vittorio; Govoni, Pietro; Massironi, Andrea; Olivi, L.; Ortona, Giacomo; Pizzati, Giorgio; Tarabini, Alessandro; Vagnerini, Antonio; Vernazza, Elena; Xiao, J. 2022-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista VBS SMEFT.pdf
From models to SMEFT and back? Brivio, Ilaria; Bruggisser, Sebastian; Geoffray, Emma; Killian, Wolfgang; Krämer, Michael; Luchma...nn, Michel; Plehn, Tilman; Summ, Benjamin 2022-01-01 SCIPOST PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista models to SMEFT and back.pdf
Nonresonant searches for axion-like particles in vector boson scattering processes at the LHC Bonilla, J.; Brivio, I.; Machado-Rodriguez, J.; de Troconiz, J. F. 2022-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista nonresonantALP.pdf
One-loop corrections to ALP effective couplings Bonilla, Jes\'us; Brivio, I.; Gavela, M. B.; Sanz, V. 2022-01-01 POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno EPS-HEP2021_497.pdf
Nonresonant Axion-Like Particle Searches at the LHC: Implications for Vector Boson Scattering Bonilla J.; Brivio I.; Machado J.; de Trocóniz J.F. 2021-01-01 POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno EPS-HEP2021_692.pdf
One-loop corrections to ALP couplings Bonilla, J.; Brivio, I.; Gavela, M. B.; Sanz, V. 2021-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista oneloopALP.pdf
SMEFTsim 3.0 -- a practical guide Brivio; Ilaria 2021-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista SMEFTsim 3.pdf
Unitarity constraints on ALP interactions Brivio, I.; \'Eboli, O. J. P.; Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. 2021-01-01 PHYSICAL REVIEW D - 1.01 Articolo in rivista unitarityALP PhysRevD.104.035027.pdf
O new physics, where art thou? A global search in the top sector Brivio, Ilaria; Bruggisser, Sebastian; Maltoni, Fabio; Moutafis, Rhea; Plehn, Tilman; Vryonidou, ...Eleni; Westhoff, Susanne; Zhang, Cen 2020-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Brivio2020_Article_ONewPhysicsWhereArtThouAGlobal.pdf
SMEFTsim Brivio, I 2020-01-01 - - 7.04 Software -
Computing Tools for the SMEFT Brivio, Ilaria; others 2019-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Examining the neutrino option Brivio I.; Trott M. 2019-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Leptogenesis in the Neutrino Option Brivio I; Moffat K; Pascoli S; Petcov ST; Turner J 2019-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Brivio2019_Article_LeptogenesisInTheNeutrinoOptio (1).pdf
Proposal for the validation of Monte Carlo implementations of the standard model effective field theory Maltoni, Fabio; Brivio, Ilaria; others 2019-01-01 - - 7.13 Rapporto tecnico -
The axion and the Goldstone Higgs Brivio I; Gavela MB; Pascoli S; del Rey R; Saa S 2019-01-01 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 11585_805629_postprint.pdf
The Higgs width in the SMEFT Ilaria Brivio; Tyler Corbett; Michael Trott 2019-01-01 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
The standard model as an effective field theory Brivio I.; Trott M. 2019-01-01 PHYSICS REPORTS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 1706.08945v3.pdf