Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.872
NA - Nord America 4.658
AS - Asia 2.284
AF - Africa 172
SA - Sud America 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 11.996
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.651
GB - Regno Unito 1.439
IT - Italia 939
CN - Cina 874
DE - Germania 702
SG - Singapore 597
SE - Svezia 514
VN - Vietnam 474
UA - Ucraina 354
RU - Federazione Russa 313
IN - India 244
FR - Francia 192
IE - Irlanda 177
ZA - Sudafrica 122
EE - Estonia 92
JO - Giordania 39
BG - Bulgaria 31
FI - Finlandia 29
BE - Belgio 19
SC - Seychelles 17
CI - Costa d'Avorio 16
TG - Togo 15
CH - Svizzera 14
GR - Grecia 14
LB - Libano 14
KR - Corea 13
JP - Giappone 12
NL - Olanda 12
PT - Portogallo 8
CA - Canada 6
PL - Polonia 5
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
BR - Brasile 4
ES - Italia 3
HR - Croazia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AM - Armenia 2
AT - Austria 2
CL - Cile 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EU - Europa 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
LT - Lituania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AU - Australia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IR - Iran 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
RO - Romania 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 11.996
Città #
Southend 1.342
Singapore 512
Fairfield 441
Chandler 404
Dong Ket 339
Princeton 337
Santa Clara 325
Ashburn 291
Ann Arbor 277
Wilmington 270
Woodbridge 200
Seattle 193
Houston 191
Jacksonville 182
Dublin 174
Nanjing 151
Cambridge 144
Boardman 143
Padova 136
Westminster 136
Berlin 91
Saint Petersburg 89
Medford 88
Milan 72
Shenyang 65
Mülheim 57
Nanchang 50
Hebei 45
Jinan 44
Dearborn 43
Tianjin 41
San Diego 40
Amman 39
Beijing 39
Changsha 38
Jiaxing 36
Bologna 35
Sofia 30
Helsinki 29
Olalla 29
Chieti 28
Florence 26
Hangzhou 26
Norwalk 26
Rome 26
Shanghai 25
Yubileyny 24
Guangzhou 22
Redwood City 20
Brussels 19
Turin 19
Kunming 18
Bremen 17
Ningbo 17
Mahé 16
Abidjan 15
Lomé 15
Falls Church 14
New York 14
San Venanzo 14
Tappahannock 14
Verona 13
Bühl 12
Taiyuan 12
Tokyo 12
Xi'an 12
Haikou 11
Pescara 11
Shenzhen 11
Zhengzhou 11
Des Moines 10
Fuzhou 10
Lanzhou 10
Palermo 10
Solofra 9
Benevento 8
Frankfurt Am Main 8
Muizenberg 8
Naples 8
Parma 8
Phoenix 8
Taizhou 8
Yongsan-gu 8
Bern 7
Falkenstein 7
Dallas 6
Hefei 6
Los Angeles 6
Paris 6
Shijiazhuang 6
Spoltore 6
Catania 5
Peso da Régua Municipality 5
Plauen 5
Quanzhou 5
Reggio Nell'emilia 5
Rivarolo Mantovano 5
Buffalo 4
Changchun 4
Chengdu 4
Totale 7.913
Nome #
artrodesi di ginocchio con chiodo endomidollare senza fusione ossea diretta nelle reinfezioni dopo revisioni settiche di ginocchio 414
Sostituti Meniscali collagenici: Tecnica e risultati 228
ACL Reconstruction Using Hamstring. Over the top Plus Lateral Plasty Technique. Results at 10 years follow-up 157
Arthrodesis After Infected Revision TKA: Retrospective Comparison of Intramedullary Nailing and External Fixation 148
Arthroscopic collagen meniscus implant results at 6 to 8 years follow up 137
Analysis of knee functional flexion axis in navigated TKA: Identification and repeatability before and after implant positioning 136
acl reconstruction: alternative technique for double-bundle reconstruction 135
High tibial osteotomy: the italian experience 133
Arthroscopic-assisted focal resurfacing of the knee with minimal bone resection: Surgical technique and preliminary clinical results 130
Over-the-top double-bundle revision ACL reconstruction. 129
ACL Reconstruction using ST and GR with single tibial tunnel Vs double tunnel: a 3 years follow-up of a prospective randomized comparative study 128
Changes in the orientation of knee functional flexion axis during passive flexion and extension movements in navigated total knee arthroplasty 126
Minimally invasive unicompartmental knee replacement: retrospective clinical and radiographic evaluation of 83 patients 124
Synthetic Meniscal Scaffolds 123
Long-term outcomes after repair of recurrent post-traumatic anterior shoulder instability: comparison of arthroscopic transglenoid suture and open Bankart reconstruction. 122
Recurrence of varus/valgus deformity after TKR at 3 years' follow-up. 122
Double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: the italian experience 122
Alternative Techniques for Double Tunnel Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 121
Arthroscopic-assisted focal resurfacing of the knee: surgical technique and preliminary results of 13 patients at 2 years follow-up. 120
Knee arthrodesis with a press-fit modular intramedullary nail without bone-on-bone fusion after an infected revision TKA. 118
Deep-dished highly congruent tibial insert in CR-TKA does not prevent patellar tendon angle increase and patellar anterior translation 117
Analisi cinematica di due differenti orientazioni dei tunnel durante la ricostruzione di LCA 116
Accuracy and reliability of hip joint center with navigation system 115
Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction using the over the top passage of hamstring tendons 115
I progressi dell'ortopedia a Bologna: Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli. La IX divisone ed il Laboratorio di Biomeccanica 112
Minimum thickness of all-poly tibial component unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in patients younger than 60 years does not increase revision rate for aseptic loosening. 112
ST/G ACL reconstruction: double strand plus extra-articular sling vs double bundle, randomized study at 3-year follow-up 110
High rate of implant loosening for uncemented resurfacing-type medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty 110
Scelte chirurgiche e riabilitazione accelerata: Cartilagine 107
The adductor tubercle: A reliable landmark for analysing the level of the femorotibial joint line 107
Il trattamento delle lesioni legamentose acute della caviglia 106
La revisione in 2 tempi 106
A Computer Assited Surgical Technique for Total Knee Arthroplasty Revision 106
The adductor tubercle as an important landmark to determine the joint line level in total knee arthroplasty: from radiographs to surgical theatre. 106
Minimum thickness of all-poly tibial component unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in patients younger than 60 years does not increase revision rate for aseptic loosening 105
Studio prospettico randomizzato di 3 tecniche chirurgiche di ricostruzione LCA: risultati clinici e radiografici a 5 anni di follow-up 104
ACL reconstruction: patellar tendon vs double bundle st/g. Clinical, instrumental and radiographic prospective randomized comparative study at minimum follow up of 7 years 104
Three different cruciate-sacrificing TKA designs: minor intraoperative kinematic differences and negligible clinical differences 104
ACL Reconstruction using Hamstring: Single vs Double Bundle Technique. Randomized Comparative Study with 3 years follow-up 104
Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: The Italian Experience. 103
MPTL (Medial patellotibial ligament) Reconstruction 103
Il trattamento delle lesioni legamentose acute nella caviglia 102
Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis: an effective tool to predict implant survival after an all-poly unicompartmental knee arthroplasty—a 10 year follow-up study 102
Prospective and randomyzed comparison of three techniques of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction a clinical and radiographic evaluation at 5 years follow-up 101
La protesi totale modifica l’asse di flessione del ginocchio sul piano frontale ed assiale a prescindere dall’allineamento dell’arto 101
Relationship between coracoacromial arch and rotator cuff analysed by a computer-assisted method 100
Good survivorship of all-polyethylene tibial component UKA at long-term follow-up 100
Ricostruzione LCA con tendini del semitendinoso e gracile mediante tecnica con singolo tunnel tibiale versus doppio tunnel. Studio prospettico randomizzato comparativo a follow-up di 3 anni 99
Recurrence of varus/valgus deformity after TKR at 3 years’ follow-up 99
Arthroscopic ACI: 7 years follow-up study 98
Fisiopatologia dell'instabilitá femoro-rotulea 97
Surgical options for Patello-femoral joint 97
All-inside arthroscopic lateral collagen meniscus implant: preliminary results (20 months follow-up) 96
Is unicompartmental arthroplasty an acceptable option for spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee? 95
Pathophysiology of Lateral Patellar Dislocation 95
Double-bundle ACL reconstruction: influence of femoral tunnel orientation in knee laxity analysed with a navigation system - an in-vitro biomechanical study 95
Retrospective analysis of ACL reconstruction with hamstrings plus extra-articular plasty at 10-13 years follow up 94
Computer –Assisted ACL reconstruction 94
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in patients over 75 years: a definitive solution? 93
Does chronic medial collateral ligament laxity influence the outcome of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction? A PROSPECTIVE EVALUATION WITH A MINIMUM THREE-YEAR FOLLOW-UP 90
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 90
Accuracy, reliability, and repeatability of navigation system in clinical practice 89
Does total knee arthroplasty modify flexion axis of the knee? 89
Ricostruzione Anatomica del Legamento Crociato Anteriore con Passaggio in posizione over the top dei tendini gracile e semitendinoso 88
Prospective randomized study of single plus lateral plasty versus double bundle ACL technique. Results at minimum 3 years f. u. 87
Sostituti Meniscali collagenici: Tecnica e risultati 87
Come migliorare i risultati nel trattamento della patologia femoro-rotulea 87
Sports after Total Knee Prosthesis 87
Arthroscopic Lateral Collagen Meniscus Implant (CMI): Prospective European Multicentric Study with 2 year minimum Follow-Up 86
Long term results of allograft 85
Tibial tubercle osteotomy or quadriceps snip in two-stage revision for prosthetic knee infection? A randomized prospective study 85
Arthroscopic UNI 84
Greffe de cartilage sous arthroscopie [Arthroscopic cartilage transplantation] [Cartilage transplantation under arthroscopy] 84
Trattamento mini-invasivo nella sostituzione monocompartimentale di ginocchio: rewiew della letteratura 82
Single-bundle patellar tendon versus non-anatomical double-bundle hamstrings ACL reconstruction: a prospective randomized study at 8-year minimum follow-up 82
BPTB vs Double Bundle Hamstrings ACL reconstruction. Randomized Comparative study with 8 y. min. FU 80
Suggestions and awareness for accelerated rehabilitation of cartilage lesions 79
I progressi dell'ortopedia a Bologna: Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli. La IX divisone ed il Laboratorio di Biomeccanica 78
D6-Kinematic analysis of two different tunnel orientations in double-bundle ACL reconstruction 77
Does Hamstring Intra- and Extra-Articular ACL Reconstruction Increase Osteoarthritis at Long Term Follow-Up? 77
Ricostruzione anatomica del legamento crociato anteriore con passaggio in posizione over the top dei tendini di gracile e semitendinoso 76
Minimally invasive unicompartmental knee prosthesis: evaluation of 100 cases at a mean follow-up of 60 months 75
Risultati a 5 anni di follow-up di impianto artroscopico di menisco collagenico 75
Revisione in due tempi nelle mobilizzazioni settiche delle protesi di ginocchio – Studio clinico e radiografico retrospettivo di 87 pazienti con follow-up da 3 a 14 anni 75
Trapianti osteocondrali massivi omologhi 74
In-vitro evaluation of two different femoral tunnel orientations in double-bundle ACL reconstruction” 73
osteotomia della tuberosità tibiale anteriore vs quadriceps snip nelle revisioni in due tempi per infezione protesica del gincchio: studio prospettico randomizzato comparativo di 81 pazienti a 8anni di follow-up medio 72
La ricostruzione di crociato anteriore previene l’artrosi? 71
Modified Elmslie-Trillat procedure for severe patellar instability 71
Return to sport activity after unicompartimental knee arthroplasty 71
Does total knee arthroplasty modify flexion axis of the knee on frontal and axial plane regardless from limb alignment? 70
Trattamento chirurgico delle lesioni miotendinee del ginocchio: la rottura del tendine quadricipitale 69
Lateral collagen meniscus implant (LCMI): prospective European multicenter study with 2 year minimum follow-up 68
osteotomia della tuberosità tibiale o quad snip nelle revisioni settiche in 2 tempi? studio prospettico randomizzato comparatico a 8 anni di follow-up 68
Unicompartimental knee replacement: satisfactory 14-years implant survivorship with all-poly tibial component 68
Medial unicompartimental focal resurfacing of the knee. Techinque and clinical results at 2 years follow-up 66
Protesi monocompartimentale di ginocchio con componente tibiale interamente in polietilene – Risultati a lungo termine e sopravvivenza dell’impianto in 273 pazienti a follow-up da 3 a 10 anni 66
Ricostruzione del LCA con ST/G: tecnica a singolo o doppio fascio. Studio randomizzato comparativo a 3 anni follow-up 65
Un nuovo fissatore esterno articolato nel trattamento di ricostruzioni articolari di ginocchio 65
Traumatic Anterior Dislocation of Shoulder: Arthroscopic Versus Open Stabilization at 10 to 17 year Follow UP 64
Totale 10.178
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.639
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.639

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 382 134 116 176
2020/20211.498 353 89 27 54 47 65 29 86 95 62 58 533
2021/20222.200 261 137 88 154 268 182 45 135 54 146 322 408
2022/20232.110 304 316 124 300 83 119 102 99 363 63 169 68
2023/2024445 29 62 26 33 32 75 52 18 13 48 37 20
2024/20251.787 141 486 218 125 525 90 154 42 6 0 0 0
Totale 12.188