Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Strangers’ property
2024 Fabbri, Marco; Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe; Rizzolli, Matteo
How Institutions Shape Morality
2023 Dari-Mattiacci, G; Fabbri, M
Institutional quality shapes cooperation with out-group strangers
2022 Fabbri M.
Land Titling and Litigation
2022 Benito Arru{\~n}ada; Marco Fabbri; Michael Faure
Multilevel Hidden Markov Models for Behavioral Data: A Hawk-and-Dove Experiment
2022 Maruotti, Antonello; Fabbri, Marco; Rizzolli, Matteo
Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law: possession, property, and coordination in a Hawk–Dove Experiment
2021 Marco Fabbri; Matteo Rizzolli; Antonello Maruotti
Property rights and prosocial behavior: Evidence from a land tenure reform implemented as randomized control-trial
2021 Fabbri M.
The ineffectiveness of 'observe and report' patrols on crime
2021 Fabbri, M; Klick, J
The Virtuous Cycle of Property
2021 Fabbri, M; Dari-Mattiacci, G
Ride Your Luck! A Field Experiment on Lottery-Based Incentives for Compliance
2019 Fabbri, Marco; Nicola Barbieri, Paolo; Bigoni, Maria
Shaping Tastes and Values through the Law: Law and Economics Meets Cultural Economics
2019 Fabbri M.
Compliance Externalities and the Role-Model Effect on Law Abidance: Field and Survey Experimental Evidence
2018 Fabbri, M; Hoeppner, S
Distributive justice, public policies and the comparison of legal rules: Quantify the "price of equity"
2018 Fabbri M.; Gc Britto D.
Toward a “constitution” for behavioral policy-making
2018 Fabbri M.; Faure M.
Social influence on third-party punishment: An experiment
2017 Fabbri, Marco; Carbonara, Emanuela
Tax lotteries: The crowding-out of tax morale and long-run welfare effects
2016 Fabbri M.; Wilks D.C.
Shaping tax norms through lotteries
2015 Fabbri M.
Accrescere il Capitale Sociale in presenza di Norme Sociali Inefficienti: una Politica a Costo Zero
2013 Fabbri, Marco
“Do you want a receipt?” Combating VAT and RST evasion with lottery tickets
2013 Fabbri, Marco