Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A VNA-Based Wideband Measurement System for Large-Signal Characterization of Multiport Circuits
2024 Schulze, Christoph; Mengozzi, Mattia; Gibiino, Gian Piero; Angelotti, Alberto Maria; Florian, Corrado; Santarelli, Alberto; Heinrich, Wolfgang; Bengtsson, Olof
Accurate Evaluation of Commutations of 650 V GaN Power Switches Assisted by Electromagnetic Simulations in a 7 kW Dual Active Bridge Converter for Automotive Battery Charging Applications
2024 Reali, A.; Alemanno, A.; Rossi, C.; Florian, C.
Development of GaN-Based, 6.6 kW, 450 V, Bi-Directional On-Board Charger with Integrated 1 kW, 12 V Auxiliary DC-DC Converter with High Power Density
2024 Reali, A.; Alemanno, A.; Ronchi, F.; Rossi, C.; Florian, C.
Enhancing K-Band Dual-Input Doherty PA Performance by Bayesian Optimization
2024 Mengozzi, Mattia; Angelotti, Alberto Maria; Gibiino, Gian Piero; Schulze, Christoph; Florian, Corrado; Colantonio, Paolo; Bengtsson, Olof; Santarelli, Alberto
Evaluation of Integrated GaN Diodes as Varactors for Tunable MMIC PAs from C- to K-Band
2024 Cangini, S.; Schulze, C.; Gibiino, G. P.; Angelotti, A. M.; Yazdani, H.; Florian, C.; Bengtsson, O.; Santarelli, A.
Experimental Characterization of Drain Current Transient Effects in 'Buffer-Free' RF GaN HEMTs
2024 Cangini S.; Gibiino G.P.; Angelotti A.M.; Florian C.; Santarelli A.; Lorenzini M.
A Ka-band MMIC Power Amplifier in 100-nm GaN-on-Si technology for Space Applications
2023 Ramella, C.; Florian, C.; Del Rocio Garcia Gonzalez, M.; Davies, I.; Pirola, M.; Colantonio, P.
A Reconfigurable Setup for the On-Wafer Characterization of the Dynamic RON of 600 V GaN Switches at Variable Operating Regimes
2023 Alessio Alemanno, Alberto Maria Angelotti , Gian Piero Gibiino , Alberto Santarelli , Enrico Sangiorgi, Corrado Florian
Beam-Dependent Active Array Linearization by Global Feature-Based Machine Learning
2023 Mengozzi, Mattia; Gibiino, Gian Piero; Angelotti, Alberto M.; Florian, Corrado; Santarelli, Alberto
Characterization of the Dynamic RON of 600 V GaN Switches under Operating Conditions
2023 Alemanno, Alessio; Santarelli, Alberto; Sangiorgi, Enrico; Florian, Corrado
Design of a 350 kW DC/DC Converter in 1200-V SiC Module Technology for Automotive Component Testing
2023 Alemanno, Alessio; Ronchi, Fabio; Rossi, Carlo; Pagliuca, Jacopo; Fioravanti, Matteo; Florian, Corrado
Design of a 7.5 kW Dual Active Bridge Converter in 650 V GaN Technology for Charging Applications
2023 Alemanno A.; Morici R.; Pretelli M.; Florian C.
Modulated-Input Control and Linearization of a Multi-Port Millimeter-Wave PA by VNA-based Calibrated Wideband Measurements
2023 Mengozzi, Mattia; Gibiino, Gian Piero; Angelotti, Alberto Maria; Florian, Corrado; Santarelli, Alberto; Schulze, Christoph; Bengtsson, Olof
RF GaN-HEMT Technology Evaluation Framework Based on Drain Current Transient Measurements
2023 Cangini S.; Gibiino G.P.; Angelotti A.M.; Florian C.; Santarelli A.; Lorenzini M.
Wideband Automated Tuning of Ka-Band Dual Input Doherty MMIC PA using Bayesian optimization
2023 Mengozzi, Mattia; Angelotti, Alberto Maria; Gibiino, Gian Piero; Schulze, Christoph; Florian, Corrado; Colantonio, Paolo; Bengtsson, Olof; Santarelli, Alberto
Automatic Optimization of Input Split and Bias Voltage in Digitally Controlled Dual-Input Doherty RF PAs
2022 Mengozzi, M; Gibiino, GP; Angelotti, AM; Santarelli, A; Florian, C; Colantonio, P
Joint Dual-Input Digital Predistortion of Supply-Modulated RF PA by Surrogate-Based Multi-Objective Optimization
2022 Mengozzi M.; Angelotti A.M.; Gibiino G.P.; Florian C.; Santarelli A.
Over-the-Air Digital Predistortion of 5G FR2 Beamformer Array by exploiting Linear Response Compensation
2022 Mengozzi, M; Gibiino, GP; Angelotti, AM; Florian, C; Santarelli, A
A Ka-Band MMIC LNA in GaN-on-Si 100-nm Technology for High Dynamic Range Radar Receivers
2021 Florian C.; Traverso P.A.; Santarelli A.
GaN power amplifier digital predistortion by multi-objective optimization for maximum RF output power
2021 Mengozzi M.; Gibiino G.P.; Angelotti A.M.; Florian C.; Santarelli A.