Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Acceleration waves in a spherical oscillating gas bubble containing a gas mixture
In corso di stampa Brini, F.; Seccia, L.
Hyperbolicity Region of a Rational Extended Thermodynamics Model with 14 Moments for a Non-polytropic Gas
2024 Brini, F.; Ruggeri, T.
The role of the dynamic pressure in the behavior of an oscillating gas bubble
2024 Brini F.; Seccia L.
Acceleration Waves in Cylindrical Shrinking Gas Bubbles
2023 Brini F.; Seccia L.
Acceleration waves and oscillating gas bubbles modelled by rational extended thermodynamics
2022 Francesca Brini; Leonardo Seccia
Acceleration waves in rational extended thermodynamics of rarefied monatomic gases
2020 Brini F.; Seccia L.
Hyperbolicity of first and second order extended thermodynamics theory of polyatomic rarefied gases
2020 Brini, Francesca; Ruggeri, Tommaso
Second-order approximation of extended thermodynamics of a monatomic gas and hyperbolicity region
2020 Brini F.; Ruggeri T.
A rational extended thermodynamics model for metal electrons in bounded domains
2019 Barbera, Elvira; Brini, Francesca
Esercizi e Temi d'esame di Meccanica Razionale
2019 Francesca Brini, Augusto Muracchini, Tommaso Ruggeri, Leonardo Seccia
Some 2D heat transfer problems in metals described by a linearized extended thermodynamics model
2018 E. Barbera, F. Brini
Non-isothermal axial flow of a rarefied gas between two coaxial cylinders
2017 Barbera, Elvira; Brini, Francesca
Stationary heat transfer in helicoidal flows of a rarefied gas
2017 Barbera, E.; Brini, F.
Frame dependence of stationary heat transfer in an inert mixture of ideal gases
2014 Elvira Barbera; Francesca Brini
Heat Transfer Problem in a Van Der Waals Gas
2014 Elvira Barbera;Francesca Brini;Masaru Sugiyama
Some Linear Effects of Rotation on the Heat Transfer Problem in Rarefied Gases and Rarefied Gas Mixtures
2014 Elvira Barbera;Francesca Brini
The role of the dynamic pressure in stationary heat conduction of a rarefied polyatomic gas
2014 Takashi Arima; Elvira Barbera ; Francesca Brini; Masaru Sugiyama
An approximated model of multi-temperature mixtures for the description of second sound propagation
2013 F. Brini; L. Seccia; A. Muracchini
An extended thermodynamics description of stationary heat transfer in binary gas mixtures confined in radial symmetric bounded domains
2012 E. Barbera; F. Brini
Heat transfer in multi-component gas mixtures described by extended thermodynamics
2012 E.Barbera; F.Brini