Development of an UHPLC-diode arrays detector (DAD) method for the analysis of polydatin in human plasma
2021 Montanari S.; Davani L.; Tumiatti V.; Dimilta M.; Gaddi A.V.; De Simone A.; Andrisano V.
Criteri di appropriatezza clinica, tecnologica e strumentale nell'assistenza alle malattie del sistema cardiovascolare
2010 Alessandro Boccanelli; Pier Giorgio Cao; Luigi Chiariello; Roberto Chiesa; Gian Paolo Cornalba; Antonio V. Gaddi; Giovanni Gandini; Gian Luigi Lenzi; Valentino Martelli; Francesco Musumeci; Fabrizio Oleari; Filippo Palumbo; Giovanni Simonetti; Alberto Zangrillo
Diffused intima-media thickness regression after 20 months of pravastatin 40 mg treatment: a case report.
2010 Bove M.; Carnevali L.; Cicero A.; Gaddi A.
eHealth: uno strumento di prevenzione cardiovascolare
2010 Corazza F; Bellia F; Rinaldi G; Gaddi A
Elevated circulating LDL phenol levels in men who consumed virgin rather than refined olive oil are associated with less oxidation of plasma LDL.
2010 De la Torre-Carbot K; Chávez-Servín JL; Jaúregui O; Castellote AI; Lamuela-Raventós RM; Nurmi T; Poulsen HE; Gaddi AV; Kaikkonen J; Zunft HF; Kiesewetter H; Fitó M; Covas MI; López-Sabater MC.
Long-term effect of a dietary education program on postmenopausal cardiovascular risk and metabolic syndrome: The Brisighella Heart Study.
2010 Cicero AFG; Dormi A; D’Addato S; Gaddi AV; Borghi C; Brisighella Heart Study Group.
Massa Lombarda Project (Prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases: Instant Individual Definition and Bluc@ardio Project)
2010 Gaddi AV (Main investigator; ricerca); Noera G (Presidente HRS e coordinatore generale); Gaddoni M; Nascetti S; et al.
Nephroprotective action of glycosaminoglycans: why the pharmacological properties of sulodexide might be reconsidered.
2010 Gaddi A.; Cicero A.; Gambaro G.
Novel mutation in the ApoB Gene (Apo B-15.56): A Case Report.
2010 Bove M.; Carnevali L.; Cicero A.; Tarugi P.; Gaddi A.
Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids supplementation and blood pressure levels in hypertriglyceridemic patients with untreated normal-high blood pressure and with or without metabolic syndrome: a retrospective study.
2010 Cicero AF; Derosa G; Di Gregori V; Bove M; Gaddi AV; Borghi C.
Otoscopic findings in hypercholesterolemic subjects
2010 Pirodda A; Bruzzi C; Ferri GG; Modugno GC; Gaddi A.
Progetto Best Practice - Ipercolesterolemia (cfr sito)
2010 Barbieri C (Coordinatore); Gaddi A.; AAVV
Proteine della Soia. Effetti metabolici e ruolo nella prevenzione cardiovascolare
2010 De Nitto S.; Gaddi AV; Ghirlanda G.; Guardamagna O.; Lello S.; Poli A; Volpe M.; Volpe R.
Psychosocial factors and metabolic parameters: is there any association in elderly people? The Massa Lombarda Project
2010 Bove M; Carnevali L; Cicero AF; Grandi E; Gaddoni M; Noera G; Gaddi A
Psyllium improve dyslipidemias, hyperglycemia and hypertension while guar gum reduces more rapidly body weight in patients affected by metabolic syndrome following an AHA Step 2 diet.
2010 Cicero AFG; Derosa G; Bove M; Imola F; Gaddi AV; Borghi C.
A dietary education program involving the general population balances the effects of menopause on cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome incidence: data from the Brisghella Heart Study
2009 Cicero AFG; Dormi A; D'Addato S; Grandi E; Gaddi AV; Borghi C.
Effect of a sequential training program on inflammatory, prothrombotic and vascular remodelling biomarkers in hypertensive overweight patients with or without metabolic syndrome
2009 Cicero AFG; Derosa G; Bove M; Di Gregori V; Gaddi AV; Borghi C.
Gender specific haemodinamic and metabolic effects of a sequential training program on hypertensive overweight patients.
2009 Cicero AFG; Derosa G; Bove M; Di Gregori V; Gaddi AV; Borghi C.
Gender-specific haemodynamic and metabolic effects of a sequential training programme on overweight-obese hypertensives.
2009 Cicero AFG; Derosa G; D'angelo A; Bove M; Gaddi AV; Borghi C.
Incontro sull'eccellenza didattica tra Dodenti della Facoltà di Medicina del Karolinska Institute e dell'Università di Bologna
2009 Gaddi A; Mazzotti G.