The ever-shrinking lithographic technologies available to chip designers enable performance and functionality breakthroughs; yet, they bring new hard problems. For example, multiprocessor systems-on-chip featuring several processing elements can be conceived, but efficiently interconnecting them while keeping the design complexity manageable is a challenge. Traditional buses are easy to deploy, but cannot provide enough bandwidth for such complex systems. A departure from legacy architectures is therefore called for. One radical path is represented by packet-switching networks-on-chip, whereas a more conservative approach interleaves bandwidth-rich components (e.g., crossbars) within the preexisting fabrics. This paper is aimed at analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of these alternative approaches by performing a thorough analysis based on actual chip floorplans after the interconnection place&route stages and after a clock tree has been distributed across the layout. Performance, area, and power results will be discussed while keeping an eye on the scalability prospects in future technology nodes. Index Terms—Floorplan, interconnection systems, networkson- chip (NoCs), power consumption, scalability, synthesis flow.

F. Angiolini, P. Meloni, S. Carta, L. Raffo, L. Benini (2007). A Layout-Aware Analysis of Networks-on-Chip and Traditional Interconnects for MPSoCs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, 26, Issue 3, 421-434 [10.1109/TCAD.2006.888287].

A Layout-Aware Analysis of Networks-on-Chip and Traditional Interconnects for MPSoCs



The ever-shrinking lithographic technologies available to chip designers enable performance and functionality breakthroughs; yet, they bring new hard problems. For example, multiprocessor systems-on-chip featuring several processing elements can be conceived, but efficiently interconnecting them while keeping the design complexity manageable is a challenge. Traditional buses are easy to deploy, but cannot provide enough bandwidth for such complex systems. A departure from legacy architectures is therefore called for. One radical path is represented by packet-switching networks-on-chip, whereas a more conservative approach interleaves bandwidth-rich components (e.g., crossbars) within the preexisting fabrics. This paper is aimed at analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of these alternative approaches by performing a thorough analysis based on actual chip floorplans after the interconnection place&route stages and after a clock tree has been distributed across the layout. Performance, area, and power results will be discussed while keeping an eye on the scalability prospects in future technology nodes. Index Terms—Floorplan, interconnection systems, networkson- chip (NoCs), power consumption, scalability, synthesis flow.
F. Angiolini, P. Meloni, S. Carta, L. Raffo, L. Benini (2007). A Layout-Aware Analysis of Networks-on-Chip and Traditional Interconnects for MPSoCs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, 26, Issue 3, 421-434 [10.1109/TCAD.2006.888287].
F. Angiolini; P. Meloni; S. Carta; L. Raffo; L. Benini
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