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The standard model of particle physics describes the fundamental particles and their interactions via the strong, electromagnetic and weak forces. It provides precise predictions for measurable quantities that can be tested experimentally. The probabilities, or branching fractions, of the strange B meson (B0s) and the B0 meson decaying into two oppositely charged muons (μ+ and μ−) are especially interesting because of their sensitivity to theories that extend the standard model. The standard model predicts that the B0s → µ+ µ− and B0 → µ+ µ− decays are very rare, with about four of the former occurring for every billion B0s mesons produced, and one of the latter occurring for every ten billion B0 mesons. A difference in the observed branching fractions with respect to the predictions of the standard model would provide a direction in which the standard model should be extended. Before the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN started operating, no evidence for either decay mode had been found. Upper limits on the branching fractions were an order of magnitude above the standard model predictions. The CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) and LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) collaborations have performed a joint analysis of the data from proton–proton collisions that they collected in 2011 at a centre-of-mass energy of seven teraelectronvolts and in 2012 at eight teraelectronvolts. Here we report the first observation of the B0s → µ+ µ− decay, with a statistical significance exceeding six standard deviations, and the best measurement so far of its branching fraction. Furthermore, we obtained evidence for the B0 → µ+ µ− decay with a statistical significance of three standard deviations. Both measurements are statistically compatible with standard model predictions and allow stringent constraints to be placed on theories beyond the standard model. The LHC experiments will resume taking data in 2015, recording proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 teraelectronvolts, which will approximately double the production rates of B0s and B0 mesons and lead to further improvements in the precision of these crucial tests of the standard model.
Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A.M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., et al. (2015). Observation of the Rare B0s → µ+ µ− Decay from the Combined Analysis of CMS and LHCb Data. NATURE, 522(7554), 68-72 [10.1038/nature14474].
Observation of the Rare B0s → µ+ µ− Decay from the Combined Analysis of CMS and LHCb Data
V. Khachatryan;A. M. Sirunyan;A. Tumasyan;W. Adam;T. Bergauer;M. Dragicevic;J. Erö;M. Friedl;R. Frühwirth;V. M. Ghete;C. Hartl;N. Hörmann;J. Hrubec;M. Jeitler;W. Kiesenhofer;V. Knünz;M. Krammer;I. Krätschmer;D. Liko;I. Mikulec;D. Rabady;B. Rahbaran;H. Rohringer;R. Schöfbeck;J. Strauss;W. Treberer Treberspurg;W. Waltenberger;C. E. Wulz;V. Mossolov;N. Shumeiko;J. Suarez Gonzalez;S. Alderweireldt;S. Bansal;T. Cornelis;E. A. De Wolf;X. Janssen;A. Knutsson;J. Lauwers;S. Luyckx;S. Ochesanu;R. Rougny;M. Van De Klundert;H. Van Haevermaet;P. Van Mechelen;N. Van Remortel;A. Van Spilbeeck;F. Blekman;S. Blyweert;J. D'Hondt;N. Daci;N. Heracleous;J. Keaveney;S. Lowette;M. Maes;A. Olbrechts;Q. Python;D. Strom;S. Tavernier;W. Van Doninck;P. Van Mulders;G. P. Van Onsem;I. Villella;C. Caillol;B. Clerbaux;G. De Lentdecker;D. Dobur;L. Favart;A. P. R. Gay;A. Grebenyuk;A. Léonard;A. Mohammadi;L. Perniè;A. Randle conde;T. Reis;T. Seva;L. Thomas;C. Vander Velde;P. Vanlaer;J. Wang;F. Zenoni;V. Adler;K. 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Perelygin;S. Shmatov;N. Skatchkov;V. Smirnov;A. Zarubin;V. Golovtsov;Y. Ivanov;V. Kim;P. Levchenko;V. Murzin;V. Oreshkin;I. Smirnov;V. Sulimov;L. Uvarov;S. Vavilov;A. Vorobyev;A.n. Vorobyev;Y.u. Andreev;A. Dermenev;S. Gninenko;N. Golubev;M. Kirsanov;N. Krasnikov;A. Pashenkov;D. Tlisov;A. Toropin;V. Epshteyn;V. Gavrilov;N. Lychkovskaya;V. Popov;I. Pozdnyakov;G. Safronov;S. Semenov;A. Spiridonov;V. Stolin;E. Vlasov;A. Zhokin;V. Andreev;M. Azarkin;I. Dremin;M. Kirakosyan;A. Leonidov;G. Mesyats;S. V. Rusakov;A. Vinogradov;A. Belyaev;E. Boos;M. Dubinin;L. Dudko;A. Ershov;A. Gribushin;V. Klyukhin;O. Kodolova;I. Lokhtin;S. Obraztsov;S. Petrushanko;V. Savrin;A. Snigirev;I. Azhgirey;I. Bayshev;S. Bitioukov;V. Kachanov;A. Kalinin;D. Konstantinov;V. Krychkine;V. Petrov;R. Ryutin;A. Sobol;L. Tourtchanovitch;S. Troshin;N. Tyurin;A. Uzunian;A. Volkov;P. Adzic;M. Ekmedzic;J. Milosevic;V. Rekovic;J. Alcaraz Maestre;C. Battilana;E. Calvo;M. Cerrada;M. Chamizo Llatas;N. Colino;B. De La Cruz;A. Delgado Peris;D. Domínguez Vázquez;A. Escalante Del Valle;C. Fernandez Bedoya;J. P. Fernández Ramos;J. Flix;M. C. Fouz;P. Garcia Abia;O. Gonzalez Lopez;S. Goy Lopez;J. M. Hernandez;M. I. Josa;E. Navarro De Martino;A. Pérez Calero Yzquierdo;J. Puerta Pelayo;A. Quintario Olmeda;I. Redondo;L. Romero;M. S. Soares;C. Albajar;J. F. de Trocóniz;M. Missiroli;D. Moran;H. Brun;J. Cuevas;J. Fernandez Menendez;S. Folgueras;I. Gonzalez Caballero;J. A. Brochero Cifuentes;I. J. Cabrillo;A. Calderon;J. Duarte Campderros;M. Fernandez;G. Gomez;A. Graziano;A. Lopez Virto;J. Marco;R. Marco;C. Martinez Rivero;F. Matorras;F. J. Munoz Sanchez;J. Piedra Gomez;T. Rodrigo;A. Y. Rodríguez Marrero;A. Ruiz Jimeno;L. Scodellaro;I. Vila;R. Vilar Cortabitarte;D. Abbaneo;E. Auffray;G. Auzinger;M. Bachtis;P. Baillon;A. H. Ball;D. Barney;A. Benaglia;J. Bendavid;L. Benhabib;J. F. Benitez;C. Bernet;P. Bloch;A. Bocci;A. Bonato;O. Bondu;C. Botta;H. Breuker;T. Camporesi;G. Cerminara;S. Colafranceschi;M. D'Alfonso;D. d'Enterria;A. Dabrowski;A. David;F. De Guio;A. De Roeck;S. De Visscher;E. Di Marco;M. Dobson;M. Dordevic;N. Dupont Sagorin;A. Elliott Peisert;G. Franzoni;W. Funk;D. Gigi;K. Gill;D. Giordano;M. Girone;F. Glege;R. Guida;S. Gundacker;M. Guthoff;J. Hammer;M. Hansen;P. Harris;J. Hegeman;V. Innocente;P. Janot;K. Kousouris;K. Krajczar;P. Lecoq;C. Lourenço;N. Magini;L. Malgeri;M. Mannelli;J. Marrouche;L. Masetti;F. Meijers;S. Mersi;E. Meschi;F. Moortgat;S. Morovic;M. Mulders;L. Orsini;L. Pape;E. Perez;L. Perrozzi;A. Petrilli;G. Petrucciani;A. Pfeiffer;M. Pimiä;D. Piparo;M. Plagge;A. Racz;G. Rolandi;M. Rovere;H. Sakulin;C. Schäfer;C. Schwick;A. Sharma;P. Siegrist;P. Silva;M. Simon;P. Sphicas;D. Spiga;J. Steggemann;B. Stieger;M. Stoye;Y. Takahashi;D. Treille;A. Tsirou;G. I. Veres;N. Wardle;H. K. Wöhri;H. Wollny;W. D. Zeuner;W. Bertl;K. Deiters;W. Erdmann;R. Horisberger;Q. Ingram;H. C. Kaestli;D. Kotlinski;D. Renker;T. Rohe;F. Bachmair;L. Bäni;L. Bianchini;M. A. Buchmann;B. Casal;N. Chanon;G. Dissertori;M. Dittmar;M. Donegà;M. Dünser;P. Eller;C. Grab;D. Hits;J. Hoss;W. Lustermann;B. Mangano;A. C. Marini;M. Marionneau;P. Martinez Ruiz del Arbol;M. Masciovecchio;D. Meister;N. Mohr;P. Musella;C. Nägeli;F. Nessi Tedaldi;F. Pandolfi;F. Pauss;M. Peruzzi;M. Quittnat;L. Rebane;M. Rossini;A. Starodumov;M. Takahashi;K. Theofilatos;R. Wallny;H. A. Weber;C. Amsler;M. F. Canelli;V. Chiochia;A. De Cosa;A. Hinzmann;T. Hreus;B. Kilminster;C. Lange;B. Millan Mejias;J. Ngadiuba;D. Pinna;P. Robmann;F. J. Ronga;S. Taroni;M. Verzetti;Y. Yang;M. Cardaci;K. H. Chen;C. Ferro;C. M. Kuo;W. Lin;Y. J. Lu;R. Volpe;S. S. Yu;P. Chang;Y. H. Chang;Y. W. Chang;Y. Chao;K. F. Chen;P. H. Chen;C. Dietz;U. Grundler;W. S. Hou;K. Y. Kao;Y. F. Liu;R. S. Lu;D. Majumder;E. Petrakou;Y. M. Tzeng;R. Wilken;B. Asavapibhop;G. Singh;N. Srimanobhas;N. Suwonjandee;A. Adiguzel;M. N. Bakirci;S. Cerci;C. Dozen;I. Dumanoglu;E. Eskut;S. Girgis;G. Gokbulut;E. Gurpinar;I. Hos;E. E. Kangal;A. Kayis Topaksu;G. Onengut;K. Ozdemir;S. Ozturk;A. Polatoz;D. Sunar Cerci;B. Tali;H. Topakli;M. Vergili;I. V. Akin;B. Bilin;S. Bilmis;H. Gamsizkan;B. Isildak;G. Karapinar;K. Ocalan;S. Sekmen;U. E. Surat;M. Yalvac;M. Zeyrek;E. A. Albayrak;E. Gülmez;M. Kaya;O. Kaya;T. Yetkin;K. Cankocak;F. I. Vardarlı;L. Levchuk;P. Sorokin;J. J. Brooke;E. Clement;D. Cussans;H. Flacher;J. Goldstein;M. Grimes;G. P. Heath;H. F. Heath;J. Jacob;L. Kreczko;C. Lucas;Z. Meng;D. M. Newbold;S. Paramesvaran;A. Poll;T. Sakuma;S. Senkin;V. J. Smith;K. W. Bell;A. Belyaev;C. Brew;R. M. Brown;D. J. A. Cockerill;J. A. Coughlan;K. Harder;S. Harper;E. Olaiya;D. Petyt;C. H. Shepherd Themistocleous;A. Thea;I. R. Tomalin;T. Williams;W. J. Womersley;S. D. Worm;M. Baber;R. Bainbridge;O. Buchmuller;D. Burton;D. Colling;N. Cripps;P. Dauncey;G. Davies;M. Della Negra;P. Dunne;W. Ferguson;J. Fulcher;D. Futyan;G. Hall;G. Iles;M. Jarvis;G. Karapostoli;M. Kenzie;R. Lane;R. Lucas;L. Lyons;A. M. Magnan;S. Malik;B. Mathias;J. Nash;A. Nikitenko;J. Pela;M. Pesaresi;K. Petridis;D. M. Raymond;S. Rogerson;A. Rose;C. Seez;P. Sharp;A. Tapper;M. Vazquez Acosta;T. Virdee;S. C. Zenz;J. E. Cole;P. R. Hobson;A. Khan;P. Kyberd;D. Leggat;D. Leslie;I. D. Reid;P. Symonds;L. Teodorescu;M. Turner;J. Dittmann;K. Hatakeyama;A. Kasmi;H. Liu;T. Scarborough;O. Charaf;S. I. Cooper;C. Henderson;P. Rumerio;A. Avetisyan;T. Bose;C. Fantasia;P. Lawson;C. Richardson;J. Rohlf;J. S.t. John;L. Sulak;J. Alimena;E. Berry;S. Bhattacharya;G. Christopher;D. Cutts;Z. Demiragli;N. Dhingra;A. Ferapontov;A. Garabedian;U. Heintz;G. Kukartsev;E. Laird;G. Landsberg;M. Luk;M. Narain;M. Segala;T. Sinthuprasith;T. Speer;J. Swanson;R. Breedon;G. Breto;M. Calderon De La Barca Sanchez;S. Chauhan;M. Chertok;J. Conway;R. Conway;P. T. Cox;R. Erbacher;M. Gardner;W. Ko;R. Lander;M. Mulhearn;D. Pellett;J. Pilot;F. Ricci Tam;S. Shalhout;J. Smith;M. Squires;D. Stolp;M. Tripathi;S. Wilbur;R. Yohay;R. Cousins;P. Everaerts;C. Farrell;J. Hauser;M. Ignatenko;G. Rakness;E. Takasugi;V. Valuev;M. Weber;K. Burt;R. Clare;J. Ellison;J. W. Gary;G. Hanson;J. Heilman;M. Ivova Rikova;P. Jandir;E. Kennedy;F. Lacroix;O. R. Long;A. Luthra;M. Malberti;M. Olmedo Negrete;A. Shrinivas;S. Sumowidagdo;S. Wimpenny;J. G. Branson;G. B. Cerati;S. Cittolin;R. T. D'Agnolo;A. Holzner;R. Kelley;D. Klein;D. Kovalskyi;J. Letts;I. Macneill;D. Olivito;S. Padhi;C. Palmer;M. Pieri;M. Sani;V. Sharma;S. Simon;Y. Tu;A. Vartak;C. Welke;F. Würthwein;A. Yagil;D. Barge;J. Bradmiller Feld;C. Campagnari;T. Danielson;A. Dishaw;V. Dutta;K. Flowers;M. Franco Sevilla;P. Geffert;C. George;F. Golf;L. Gouskos;J. Incandela;C. Justus;N. Mccoll;J. Richman;D. Stuart;W. To;C. West;J. Yoo;A. Apresyan;A. Bornheim;J. Bunn;Y. Chen;J. Duarte;A. Mott;H. B. Newman;C. Pena;M. Pierini;M. Spiropulu;J. R. Vlimant;R. Wilkinson;S. Xie;R. Y. Zhu;V. Azzolini;A. Calamba;B. Carlson;T. Ferguson;Y. Iiyama;M. Paulini;J. Russ;H. Vogel;I. Vorobiev;J. P. Cumalat;W. T. Ford;A. Gaz;M. Krohn;E. Luiggi Lopez;U. Nauenberg;J. G. Smith;K. Stenson;S. R. Wagner;J. Alexander;A. Chatterjee;J. Chaves;J. Chu;S. Dittmer;N. Eggert;N. Mirman;G. Nicolas Kaufman;J. R. Patterson;A. Ryd;E. Salvati;L. Skinnari;W. Sun;W. D. Teo;J. Thom;J. Thompson;J. Tucker;Y. Weng;L. Winstrom;P. Wittich;D. Winn;S. Abdullin;M. Albrow;J. Anderson;G. Apollinari;L. A. T. Bauerdick;A. Beretvas;J. Berryhill;P. C. Bhat;G. Bolla;K. Burkett;J. N. Butler;H. W. K. Cheung;F. Chlebana;S. Cihangir;V. D. Elvira;I. Fisk;J. Freeman;Y. Gao;E. Gottschalk;L. Gray;D. Green;S. Grünendahl;O. Gutsche;J. Hanlon;D. Hare;R. M. Harris;J. Hirschauer;B. Hooberman;S. Jindariani;M. Johnson;U. Joshi;K. Kaadze;B. Klima;B. Kreis;S. Kwan;J. Linacre;D. Lincoln;R. Lipton;T. Liu;J. Lykken;K. Maeshima;J. M. Marraffino;V. I. Martinez Outschoorn;S. Maruyama;D. Mason;P. McBride;P. Merkel;K. Mishra;S. Mrenna;S. Nahn;C. Newman Holmes;V. O'Dell;O. Prokofyev;E. Sexton Kennedy;S. Sharma;A. Soha;W. J. Spalding;L. Spiegel;L. Taylor;S. Tkaczyk;N. V. Tran;L. Uplegger;E. W. Vaandering;R. Vidal;A. Whitbeck;J. Whitmore;F. Yang;D. Acosta;P. Avery;P. Bortignon;D. Bourilkov;M. Carver;D. Curry;S. Das;M. De Gruttola;G. P. Di Giovanni;R. D. Field;M. Fisher;I. K. Furic;J. Hugon;J. Konigsberg;A. Korytov;T. Kypreos;J. F. Low;K. Matchev;H. Mei;P. Milenovic;G. Mitselmakher;L. Muniz;A. Rinkevicius;L. Shchutska;M. Snowball;D. Sperka;J. Yelton;M. Zakaria;S. Hewamanage;S. Linn;P. Markowitz;G. Martinez;J. L. Rodriguez;T. Adams;A. Askew;J. Bochenek;B. Diamond;J. Haas;S. Hagopian;V. Hagopian;K. F. Johnson;H. Prosper;V. Veeraraghavan;M. Weinberg;M. M. Baarmand;M. Hohlmann;H. Kalakhety;F. Yumiceva;M. R. Adams;L. Apanasevich;D. Berry;R. R. Betts;I. Bucinskaite;R. Cavanaugh;O. Evdokimov;L. Gauthier;C. E. Gerber;D. J. Hofman;P. Kurt;D. H. Moon;C. O'Brien;I. D. Sandoval Gonzalez;C. Silkworth;P. Turner;N. Varelas;B. Bilki;W. Clarida;K. Dilsiz;M. Haytmyradov;J. P. Merlo;H. Mermerkaya;A. Mestvirishvili;A. Moeller;J. Nachtman;H. Ogul;Y. Onel;F. Ozok;A. Penzo;R. Rahmat;S. Sen;P. Tan;E. Tiras;J. Wetzel;K. Yi;B. A. Barnett;B. Blumenfeld;S. Bolognesi;D. Fehling;A. V. Gritsan;P. Maksimovic;C. Martin;M. Swartz;P. Baringer;A. Bean;G. Benelli;C. Bruner;R. P. Kenny III;M. Malek;M. Murray;D. Noonan;S. Sanders;J. Sekaric;R. Stringer;Q. Wang;J. S. Wood;I. Chakaberia;A. Ivanov;S. Khalil;M. Makouski;Y. Maravin;L. K. Saini;N. Skhirtladze;I. Svintradze;J. Gronberg;D. Lange;F. Rebassoo;D. Wright;A. Baden;A. Belloni;B. Calvert;S. C. Eno;J. A. Gomez;N. J. Hadley;R. G. Kellogg;T. Kolberg;Y. Lu;A. C. Mignerey;K. Pedro;A. Skuja;M. B. Tonjes;S. C. Tonwar;A. Apyan;R. Barbieri;G. Bauer;W. Busza;I. A. Cali;M. Chan;L. Di Matteo;G. Gomez Ceballos;M. Goncharov;D. Gulhan;M. Klute;Y. S. Lai;Y. J. Lee;A. Levin;P. D. Luckey;T. Ma;C. Paus;D. Ralph;C. Roland;G. Roland;G. S. F. Stephans;K. Sumorok;D. Velicanu;J. Veverka;B. Wyslouch;M. Yang;M. Zanetti;V. Zhukova;B. Dahmes;A. Gude;S. C. Kao;K. Klapoetke;Y. Kubota;J. Mans;N. Pastika;R. Rusack;A. Singovsky;N. Tambe;J. Turkewitz;J. G. Acosta;S. Oliveros;E. Avdeeva;K. Bloom;S. Bose;D. R. Claes;A. Dominguez;R. Gonzalez Suarez;J. Keller;D. Knowlton;I. Kravchenko;J. Lazo Flores;F. Meier;F. Ratnikov;G. R. Snow;M. Zvada;J. Dolen;A. Godshalk;I. Iashvili;A. Kharchilava;A. Kumar;S. Rappoccio;G. Alverson;E. Barberis;D. Baumgartel;M. Chasco;A. Massironi;D. M. Morse;D. Nash;T. Orimoto;D. Trocino;R. J. Wang;D. Wood;J. Zhang;K. A. Hahn;A. Kubik;N. Mucia;N. Odell;B. Pollack;A. Pozdnyakov;M. Schmitt;S. Stoynev;K. Sung;M. Velasco;S. Won;A. Brinkerhoff;K. M. Chan;A. Drozdetskiy;M. Hildreth;C. Jessop;D. J. Karmgard;N. Kellams;K. Lannon;S. Lynch;N. Marinelli;Y. Musienko;T. Pearson;M. Planer;R. Ruchti;G. Smith;N. Valls;M. Wayne;M. Wolf;A. Woodard;L. Antonelli;J. Brinson;B. Bylsma;L. S. Durkin;S. Flowers;A. Hart;C. Hill;R. Hughes;K. Kotov;T. Y. Ling;W. Luo;D. Puigh;M. Rodenburg;B. L. Winer;H. Wolfe;H. W. Wulsin;O. Driga;P. Elmer;J. Hardenbrook;P. Hebda;A. Hunt;S. A. Koay;P. Lujan;D. Marlow;T. Medvedeva;M. Mooney;J. Olsen;P. Piroué;X. Quan;H. Saka;D. Stickland;C. Tully;J. S. Werner;A. Zuranski;E. Brownson;S. Malik;H. Mendez;J. E. Ramirez Vargas;V. E. Barnes;D. Benedetti;D. Bortoletto;M. De Mattia;L. Gutay;Z. Hu;M. K. Jha;M. Jones;K. Jung;M. Kress;N. Leonardo;D. H. Miller;N. Neumeister;B. C. Radburn Smith;X. Shi;I. Shipsey;D. Silvers;A. Svyatkovskiy;F. Wang;W. Xie;L. Xu;J. Zablocki;N. Parashar;J. Stupak;A. Adair;B. Akgun;K. M. Ecklund;F. J. M. Geurts;W. Li;B. Michlin;B. P. Padley;R. Redjimi;J. Roberts;J. Zabel;B. Betchart;A. Bodek;R. Covarelli;P. de Barbaro;R. Demina;Y. Eshaq;T. Ferbel;A. Garcia Bellido;P. Goldenzweig;J. Han;A. Harel;A. Khukhunaishvili;S. Korjenevski;G. Petrillo;D. Vishnevskiy;R. Ciesielski;L. Demortier;K. Goulianos;C. Mesropian;S. Arora;A. Barker;J. P. Chou;C. Contreras Campana;E. Contreras Campana;D. Duggan;D. Ferencek;Y. Gershtein;R. Gray;E. Halkiadakis;D. Hidas;S. Kaplan;A. Lath;S. Panwalkar;M. Park;R. Patel;S. Salur;S. Schnetzer;S. Somalwar;R. Stone;S. Thomas;P. Thomassen;M. Walker;K. Rose;S. Spanier;A. York;O. Bouhali;A. Castaneda Hernandez;R. Eusebi;W. Flanagan;J. Gilmore;T. Kamon;V. Khotilovich;V. Krutelyov;R. Montalvo;I. Osipenkov;Y. Pakhotin;A. Perloff;J. Roe;A. Rose;A. Safonov;I. Suarez;A. Tatarinov;K. A. Ulmer;N. Akchurin;C. Cowden;J. Damgov;C. Dragoiu;P. R. Dudero;J. Faulkner;K. Kovitanggoon;S. Kunori;S. W. Lee;T. Libeiro;I. Volobouev;E. Appelt;A. G. Delannoy;S. Greene;A. Gurrola;W. Johns;C. Maguire;Y. Mao;A. Melo;M. Sharma;P. Sheldon;B. Snook;S. Tuo;J. Velkovska;M. W. Arenton;S. Boutle;B. Cox;B. Francis;J. Goodell;R. Hirosky;A. Ledovskoy;H. Li;C. Lin;C. Neu;J. Wood;C. Clarke;R. Harr;P. E. Karchin;C. Kottachchi Kankanamge Don;P. Lamichhane;J. Sturdy;D. A. Belknap;D. Carlsmith;M. Cepeda;S. Dasu;L. Dodd;S. Duric;E. Friis;R. Hall Wilton;M. Herndon;A. Hervé;P. Klabbers;A. Lanaro;C. Lazaridis;A. Levine;R. Loveless;A. Mohapatra;I. Ojalvo;T. Perry;G. A. Pierro;G. Polese;I. Ross;T. Sarangi;A. Savin;W. H. Smith;D. Taylor;C. Vuosalo;N. Woods I. Bediaga;J. M. De Miranda;F. Ferreira Rodrigues;A. Gomes;A. Massafferri;A. C. dos Reis;A. B. Rodrigues;S. Amato;K. Carvalho Akiba;L. De Paula;O. Francisco;M. Gandelman;A. Hicheur;J. H. Lopes;D. Martins Tostes;I. Nasteva;J. M. Otalora Goicochea;E. Polycarpo;C. Potterat;M. S. Rangel;V. Salustino Guimaraes;B. Souza De Paula;D. Vieira;L. An;Y. Gao;F. Jing;Y. Li;Z. Yang;X. Yuan;Y. Zhang;L. Zhong;L. Beaucourt;M. Chefdeville;D. Decamp;N. Déléage;P.h. Ghez;J. P. Lees;J. F. Marchand;M. N. Minard;B. Pietrzyk;W. Qian;S. T'Jampens;V. Tisserand;E. Tournefier;Z. Ajaltouni;M. Baalouch;E. Cogneras;O. Deschamps;I. El Rifai;M. Grabalosa Gándara;P. Henrard;M. Hoballah;R. Lefèvre;J. Maratas;S. Monteil;V. Niess;P. Perret;C. Adrover;S. Akar;E. Aslanides;J. Cogan;W. Kanso;R. Le Gac;O. Leroy;G. Mancinelli;A. Mordà;M. Perrin Terrin;J. Serrano;A. Tsaregorodtsev;Y. Amhis;S. Barsuk;M. Borsato;O. Kochebina;J. Lefrançois;F. Machefert;A. Martín Sánchez;M. Nicol;P. Robbe;M. H. Schune;M. Teklishyn;A. Vallier;B. Viaud;G. Wormser;E. Ben Haim;M. Charles;S. Coquereau;P. David;L. Del Buono;L. Henry;F. Polci;J. Albrecht;T. Brambach;C.h. Cauet;M. Deckenhoff;U. Eitschberger;R. Ekelhof;L. Gavardi;F. Kruse;F. Meier;R. Niet;C. J. Parkinson;M. Schlupp;A. Shires;B. Spaan;S. Swientek;J. Wishahi;O. Aquines Gutierrez;J. Blouw;M. Britsch;M. Fontana;D. Popov;M. Schmelling;D. Volyanskyy;M. Zavertyaev;S. Bachmann;A. Bien;A. Comerma Montells;M. De Cian;F. Dordei;S. Esen;C. Färber;E. Gersabeck;L. Grillo;X. Han;S. Hansmann Menzemer;A. Jaeger;M. Kolpin;K. Kreplin;G. Krocker;B. Leverington;J. Marks;M. Meissner;M. Neuner;T. Nikodem;P. Seyfert;M. Stahl;S. Stahl;U. Uwer;M. Vesterinen;S. Wandernoth;D. Wiedner;A. Zhelezov;R. McNulty;R. Wallace;W. C. Zhang;A. Palano;CARBONE, ANGELO;A. Falabella;GALLI, DOMENICO;U. Marconi;MOGGI, NICCOLO';MUSSINI, MANUEL;PERAZZINI, STEFANO;VAGNONI, VINCENZO MARIA;G. Valenti;ZANGOLI, MARIA;W. Bonivento;S. Cadeddu;A. Cardini;V. Cogoni;A. Contu;A. Lai;B. Liu;G. Manca;R. Oldeman;B. Saitta;C. Vacca;M. Andreotti;W. Baldini;C. Bozzi;R. Calabrese;M. Corvo;M. Fiore;M. Fiorini;E. Luppi;L. L. Pappalardo;I. Shapoval;G. Tellarini;L. Tomassetti;S. Vecchi;L. Anderlini;A. Bizzeti;M. Frosini;G. Graziani;G. Passaleva;M. Veltri;G. Bencivenni;P. Campana;P. De Simone;G. Lanfranchi;M. Palutan;M. Rama;A. Sarti;B. Sciascia;R. Vazquez Gomez;R. Cardinale;F. Fontanelli;S. Gambetta;PATRIGNANI, CLAUDIA;A. Petrolini;A. Pistone;M. Calvi;L. Cassina;C. Gotti;B. Khanji;M. Kucharczyk;C. Matteuzzi;J. Fu;A. Geraci;N. Neri;F. Palombo;S. Amerio;G. Collazuol;S. Gallorini;A. Gianelle;D. Lucchesi;A. Lupato;M. Morandin;M. Rotondo;L. Sestini;G. Simi;R. Stroili;F. Bedeschi;R. Cenci;S. Leo;P. Marino;M. J. Morello;G. Punzi;S. Stracka;J. Walsh;G. Carboni;E. Furfaro;E. Santovetti;A. Satta;A. A. Alves Jr;G. Auriemma;V. Bocci;G. Martellotti;G. Penso;D. Pinci;R. Santacesaria;C. Satriano;A. Sciubba;A. Dziurda;W. Kucewicz;T. Lesiak;B. Rachwal;M. Witek;M. Firlej;T. Fiutowski;M. Idzik;P. Morawski;J. Moron;A. Oblakowska Mucha;K. Swientek;T. Szumlak;V. Batozskaya;K. Klimaszewski;K. Kurek;M. 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Skwarnicki;S. Stone;J. Wang;Z. Xing;L. Zhang;C. Baesso;M. Cruz Torres;C. Göbel;J. Molina Rodriguez;Y. Xie;D. A. Milanes;O. Grünberg;M. Heß;C. Voß;R. Waldi;T. Likhomanenko;A. Malinin;V. Shevchenko;A. Ustyuzhanin;F. Martinez Vidal;A. Oyanguren;P. Ruiz Valls;C. Sanchez Mayordomo;C. J. G. Onderwater;H. W. Wilschut;E. Pesen
The standard model of particle physics describes the fundamental particles and their interactions via the strong, electromagnetic and weak forces. It provides precise predictions for measurable quantities that can be tested experimentally. The probabilities, or branching fractions, of the strange B meson (B0s) and the B0 meson decaying into two oppositely charged muons (μ+ and μ−) are especially interesting because of their sensitivity to theories that extend the standard model. The standard model predicts that the B0s → µ+ µ− and B0 → µ+ µ− decays are very rare, with about four of the former occurring for every billion B0s mesons produced, and one of the latter occurring for every ten billion B0 mesons. A difference in the observed branching fractions with respect to the predictions of the standard model would provide a direction in which the standard model should be extended. Before the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN started operating, no evidence for either decay mode had been found. Upper limits on the branching fractions were an order of magnitude above the standard model predictions. The CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) and LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) collaborations have performed a joint analysis of the data from proton–proton collisions that they collected in 2011 at a centre-of-mass energy of seven teraelectronvolts and in 2012 at eight teraelectronvolts. Here we report the first observation of the B0s → µ+ µ− decay, with a statistical significance exceeding six standard deviations, and the best measurement so far of its branching fraction. Furthermore, we obtained evidence for the B0 → µ+ µ− decay with a statistical significance of three standard deviations. Both measurements are statistically compatible with standard model predictions and allow stringent constraints to be placed on theories beyond the standard model. The LHC experiments will resume taking data in 2015, recording proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 teraelectronvolts, which will approximately double the production rates of B0s and B0 mesons and lead to further improvements in the precision of these crucial tests of the standard model.
Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A.M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., et al. (2015). Observation of the Rare B0s → µ+ µ− Decay from the Combined Analysis of CMS and LHCb Data. NATURE, 522(7554), 68-72 [10.1038/nature14474].
Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Friedl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V. M.; Hartl, C.; H...espandi
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