Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Enigmatic and extravagant genitalia in the spider genus Mastigusa (Araneae, Cybaeidae)-a taxonomic revision
2024 Castellucci F.; Luchetti A.; Scharff N.
Evolution of alternative reproductive systems in Bacillus stick insects
2024 Lavanchy G.; Brandt A.; Bastardot M.; Dumas Z.; Labédan M.; Massy M.; Toubiana W.; Tran Van P.; Luchetti A.; Scali V.; Mantovani B.; Schwander T.
Mitochondrial phylogenomics supports a Carboniferous origin of Xenonomia
2024 Righetti, N.; Forni, G.; Luchetti, A.
Molecular analyses of the Kalotermes dispar-complex (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae) from the Canary Islands reveal cryptic intraspecific divergence and a connection to a lone Nearctic congener
2024 Hernandez-Teixidor D.; Cussigh A.; Suarez D.; Garcia J.; Scheffrahn R.H.; Luchetti A.
Molecular and morphometrical characterization of Sicilian Reticulitermes termites (Blattodea, Termitoidae, Rhinotermitidae) with the description of a new subspecies
2024 Ghesini S.; Luchetti A.; Marini M.
Multilocus phylogenetics of Palearctic Amelini shed light on the long-standing taxonomic puzzle of the dwarf-mantises Ameles, Pseudoyersinia, and Apteromantis
2024 Luchetti, A.; Castellucci, F.; Corneti, S.; Forni, G.; Maioglio, O.; Battiston, R.
Parthenogenetic Stick Insects Exhibit Signatures of Preservation in the Molecular Architecture of Male Reproduction
2024 Forni G.; Mantovani B.; Mikheyev A.S.; Luchetti A.
Phylogeographic structure of Italian Formica pratensis (Retzius 1783) populations in the framework of the species Eurasian range
2024 Masoni, A.; Castellucci, F.; Piccinini, A.; Greco, C.; Balzani, P.; Frizzi, F.; Mattucci, F.; Giangregorio, P.; Guariento, E.; Zaccaroni, M.; Santini, G.; Luchetti, A.
Widespread HCD-tRNA derived SINEs in bivalves rely on multiple LINE partners and accumulate in genic regions
2024 Martelossi, J.; Iannello, M.; Ghiselli, F.; Luchetti, A.
Bivalves as Emerging Model Systems to Study the Mechanisms and Evolution of Sex Determination: A Genomic Point of View
2023 Nicolini F.; Ghiselli F.; Luchetti A.; Milani L.
Comparative genomics of Hox and ParaHox genes among major lineages of Branchiopoda with emphasis on tadpole shrimps
2023 Nicolini F.; Martelossi J.; Forni G.; Savojardo C.; Mantovani B.; Luchetti A.
First record of the genus Thyreosthenius (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from the Iberian Peninsula with notes on the host preference of the myrmecophilic T. biovatus
2023 Castellucci F.; Schifani E.; Garcia F.; Luchetti A.; Scharff N.
Mating behaviour, morphology and taxonomy of Pseudoyersinia betancuriae (Mantodea: Amelidae)
2023 Maioglio O.; Battiston R.; Corneti S.; Luchetti A.
Molecular systematics and phylogenetics of the spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 (Araneae, Cybaeidae)
2023 Castellucci, F.; Scharff, N.; Luchetti, A.
Multiple and diversified transposon lineages contribute to early and recent bivalve genome evolution
2023 Martelossi, J.; Nicolini, F.; Subacchi, S.; Pasquale, D.; Ghiselli, F.; Luchetti, A.
Taxonomic revision of the Australian stick insect genus Candovia (Phasmida: Necrosciinae): insight from molecular systematics and species-delimitation approaches
2023 Forni, G.; Cussigh, A.; Brock, P. D.; Jones, B. R.; Nicolini, F.; Martelossi, J.; Luchetti, A.; Mantovani, B.
Wood feeding and social living: Draft genome of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes lucifugus (Blattodea; Termitoidae)
2023 Martelossi J.; Forni G.; Iannello M.; Savojardo C.; Martelli P.L.; Casadio R.; Mantovani B.; Luchetti A.; Rota-Stabelli O.
A new trans-Ionian spider species for the Italian fauna: Habrocestum graecum Dalmas, 1920 (Araneae, Salticidae)
2022 Castellucci F.; Caroli M.; Simeon E.; Kulczycki A.; Piccinini A.; Luchetti A.; Legittimo C.M.
Exploring mitogenome evolution in Branchiopoda (Crustacea) lineages reveals gene order rearrangements in Cladocera
2022 Castellucci F.; Luchetti A.; Mantovani B.
Gene transcriptional profiles in gonads of Bacillus taxa (Phasmida) with different cytological mechanisms of automictic parthenogenesis
2022 Forni, G.; Mikheyev, A. S.; Luchetti, A.; Mantovani, B.