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Titolo Autore(i) Anno Periodico Editore Tipo File
Data Collection and Statistical Analysis for the Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Masonry Ferretti, Francesca; Tilocca, Anna Rosa; Mazzotti, Claudio 2025-01-01 - Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Determination of Masonry Compressive Strength Properties by Testing Cores Ferretti, Francesca; Incerti, Andrea; Mazzotti, Claudio 2025-01-01 - Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Dissipative CLT-Based Seismic Upgrading System for RC-Framed Structures: Experimental Characterization, Numerical Modelling, and Design Guidelines Barbagallo, F.; Licciardello, E.; Marino, E. M.; Mazzotti, C.; Pozza, L. 2025-01-01 EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Glass fibre-based FRCM systems under mild temperature exposures Canestri, Matteo; Ferretti, Francesca; Mazzotti, Claudio 2025-01-01 JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Insights on Lattice Discrete Particle Model Calibration and Validation Procedure to Simulate Polypropylene and Steel Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Poudel, Sushant; Cibelli, Antonio; Del Prete, Clementina; Wan-Wendner, Roman; Mazzotti, Claudio; ... espandiBuratti, Nicola 2025-01-01 FIBERS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Temperature-Affected Behaviour of Basalt and Aramid-Glass Fibres FRCM Systems Canestri, Matteo; Ferretti, Francesca; Mazzotti, Claudio 2025-01-01 - Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
A finite element model of CLT panel and friction dampers for seismic upgrading of RC structures. Barbagallo, F.; Licciardello, E.; Marino, E. M.; Pozza, L.; Mazzotti, C. 2024-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
An interpretation of the new guidelines multilevel approach for a railway bridge Tilocca, A. R.; Incerti, A.; Pozza, L.; Mazzotti, C.; Savoia, M. 2024-01-01 PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Elsevier B.V. 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Application of Italian Guidelines for structural-foundational and seismic risk classification of bridges: the Fabre experience on a large bridge inventory Salvatore, Walter; Uva, Giuseppina; Venanzi, Ilaria; Mazzotti, Claudio; Morici, Michele; Natali, ... espandiAgnese; Dall'Asta, Andrea; Ubertini, Filippo; Mannella, Paolo; Lepori, Lorenzo; Pellicanò, Francesco; Calò, Mirko; Cardillo, Enrico; Nettis, Andrea; Bencivenga, Pasquale; Brando, Giuseppe; Borlenghi, Paolo; Carbonari, Sandro; Clemente, Paolo; D'Amato, Michele; De Matteis, Gianfranco; Di Lallo, Ylenia; Facconi, Luca; Gara, Fabrizio; Gattesco, Natalino; Gentile, Carmelo; Ierimonti, Laura; Lomonaco, Anna; Manarin, Silvia; Masciotta, Giovanna; Mazzelli, Alessandro; Meoni, Andrea; Messina, Vincenzo; Minelli, Fausto; Noè, Salvatore; Pellegrino, Carlo; Puntel, Eric; Quaglini, Virginio; Ragni, Laura; Ranaldo, Antonella; Sangiuliano, Lorenzo; Ruggieri, Sergio; Zanini, Mariano; Zizi, Mattia; Zona, Alessandro; Caliò, Ivo; Ferro, Giuseppe Andrea; Fossetti, Marinella; Lupoi, Alessio; Proverbio, Edoardo 2024-01-01 PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Elsevier B.V. 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Evaluation of the residual prestressing force in reinforced concrete elements by means of prestress release tests Bellini, Alessandro; Mazzotti, Claudio 2024-01-01 PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Elsevier B.V. 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for bridge inspection Roumia, Nzeeh; Mazzotti, Claudio 2024-01-01 - CRC Press/Balkema 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
In piedi tra le macerie. Didattica e ricerca all’indomani del sisma del 2012 Ugolini, Andrea; Pretelli, Marco; Castellazzi, Giovanni; Mazzotti, Claudio 2024-01-01 - QUASAR 2.01 Capitolo / saggio in libro -
Numerical study on the behavior of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete subjected to moderate temperature variations using LDPM theory Mishra, S.; Wan-Wendner, R.; Prete, C. D.; Mazzotti, C.; Buratti, N. 2024-01-01 CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Masonry and RC Building Stocks: A Simplified Methodology Ferretti, Francesca; Mazzotti, Claudio; Savoia, Marco 2024-01-01 BUILDINGS - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Streamlining FE and BIM Modeling for Historic Buildings with Point Cloud Transformation Lo Presti, N.; Castellazzi, G.; D'Altri, A. M.; Bertani, G.; de Miranda, S.; Azenha, M.; Roggio, ... espandiD. S.; Bitelli, G.; Ferretti, F.; Rende, N.; Mazzotti, C. 2024-01-01 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista eBIM_article_rev14_IJAH_review_red.pdf
Temperature effect on the modal frequencies of a steel railway bridge Ponsi, Federico; Varzaneh, Ghita Eslami; Bassoli, Elisa; Briseghella, Bruno; Mazzotti, Claudio; V... espandiincenzi, Loris 2024-01-01 PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Elsevier B.V. 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Uniaxial Tension Tests on Macro-synthetic FRC at Different Environmental Temperatures Caballero-Jorna, Marta; Virgulto, Giorgio; Serna, Pedro; Mazzotti, Claudio; Buratti, Nicola 2024-01-01 - Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Advancing Cultural Heritage Structures Conservation: Integrating BIM and Cloud-Based Solutions for Enhanced Management and Visualization Castellazzi G.; Cardillo E.; Lo Presti N.; D'Altri A.M.; de Miranda S.; Bertani G.; Ferretti F.; ... espandiMazzotti C. 2023-01-01 HERITAGE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista 2023_Advancing Cultural Heritage Structures Conservation_compressed.pdf
Confinement of masonry columns through SRG: experimental results and analytical prediction Canestri M., Ferretti F., Mazzotti C. 2023-01-01 PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
MODAL IDENTIFICATION AND MODEL UPDATING OF AN INNOVATIVE AUTOMATIC SELF-SUPPORTING TIMBER WAREHOUSE: THE CASE STUDY OF ROTHOBLAAS HEADQUARTERS EXPANSION Callegari E.; Girardi R.; Gottardi L.; Incerti A.; Mazzotti C.; Pozza L.; Rodemeier S.; Sestigian... espandii L.; Tommasini M. 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -