Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
A typical postwar workshop: Insights into Simon Hantaï’s oil paint palette
2024 Dalecky L.; Bonaduce I.; Anheim É.; Nasa J.L.; L'Héronde M.; Morel C.; Catelli E.; Prati S.; Li Z.; Beck L.; Caffy I.; Delqué-Količ E.; Chevalier A.; Bertrand L.
Microporous electrospun nonwovens combined with green solvents for the selective peel-off of thin coatings from painting surfaces
2024 Ramacciotti, Francesca; Sciutto, Giorgia; Cazals, Laure; Biagini, Denise; Reale, Serena; Degano, Ilaria; Focarete, Maria Letizia; Mazzeo, Rocco; Thoury, Mathieu; Bertrand, Loïc; Gualandi, Chiara; Prati, Silvia
Multimodal HSI Combined with Multiblock Data Fusion: A New Tool for the Study of Time-Dependent Alteration Processes in Dyed Textiles
2024 Li, Z.; Candeo, A.; Catelli, E.; Ghirardello, M.; Oliveri, P.; Manzoni, C.; Prati, S.; Comelli, D.; Sciutto, G.
Nanofibrous Photothermal Materials from Natural Resources: A Green Approach for Artwork Restoration
2024 Menichetti, A.; Ramacciotti, F.; Sciutto, G.; Focarete, M. L.; Montalti, M.; Prati, S.; Gualandi, C.
A non-invasive diagnostic tool for cellulose acetate films using a portable miniaturized near infrared spectrometer
2023 Chavez Lozano, M. V.; Catelli, E.; Sciutto, G.; Prati, S.; Genorini, E.; Mazzeo, R.
Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to map collagen content in prehistoric bones for radiocarbon dating
2023 Malegori, Cristina; Sciutto, Giorgia; Oliveri, Paolo; Prati, Silvia; Gatti, Lucrezia; Catelli, Emilio; Benazzi, Stefano; Cercatillo, Silvia; Palecek, Dragana; Mazzeo, Rocco; Talamo, Sahra
Shedding Light on Osteosarcoma Cell Differentiation: Impact on Biomineralization and Mitochondria Morphology
2023 Francesca Rossi, Giovanna Picone , Concettina Cappadone , Andrea Sorrentino , Marta Columbaro , Giovanna Farruggia, Emilio Catelli , Giorgia Sciutto , Silvia Prati , Robert Oliete , Alice Pasini , Eva Pereiro , Stefano Iotti , Emil Malucelli
Towards the non-destructive analysis of multilayered samples: A novel XRF-VNIR-SWIR hyperspectral imaging system combined with multiblock data processing
2023 Catelli E.; Li Z.; Sciutto G.; Oliveri P.; Prati S.; Occhipinti M.; Tocchio A.; Alberti R.; Frizzi T.; Malegori C.; Mazzeo R.
A Movie Should Be Forever: Monitoring the Degradation Pathway of Photographic Films
2022 Di Zazzo L.; Magna G.; Capuano R.; Prati S.; Sciutto G.; Lozano M.C.; Mazzeo R.; Di Natale C.; Paolesse R.
An effective strategy for the monitoring of microplastics in complex aquatic matrices: Exploiting the potential of near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI)
2022 Piarulli S.; Malegori C.; Grasselli F.; Airoldi L.; Prati S.; Mazzeo R.; Sciutto G.; Oliveri P.
Analytical studies on commercial artists’ colour charts from Das Deutsche Farbenbuch (1925)—identification of synthetic and natural organic colourants by Raman microscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and metal underlayer ATR-FTIR spectroscopy
2022 Sessa C.; Steuer C.; Quintero Balbas D.; Sciutto G.; Prati S.; Stege H.
Combining elemental and immunochemical analyses to characterize diagenetic alteration patterns in ancient skeletal remains
2022 Gatti L.; Lugli F.; Sciutto G.; Zangheri M.; Prati S.; Mirasoli M.; Silvestrini S.; Benazzi S.; Tutken T.; Douka K.; Collina C.; Boschin F.; Romandini M.; Iacumin P.; Guardigli M.; Roda A.; Mazzeo R.
Deep eutectic solvents: green solvents for the removal of degraded gelatin on cellulose nitrate cinematographic films
2022 Lozano M.V.C.; Sciutto G.; Prati S.; Mazzeo R.
Development of a multi-method analytical approach based on the combination of synchrotron radiation X-ray micro-analytical techniques and vibrational micro-spectroscopy methods to unveil the causes and mechanism of darkening of "fake-gilded" decorations in a Cimabue painting
2022 Monico, L.; Prati, S.; Sciutto, G.; Catelli, E.; Romani, A.; Balbas, D. Q.; Li, Z.; De Meyer, S.; Nuyts, G.; Janssens, K.; Cotte, M.; Garrevoet, J.; Falkenberg, G.; Tardillo Suarez, V. I.; Tucoulou, R.; Mazzeo, R.
Digital restoration of colour cinematic films using imaging spectroscopy and machine learning
2022 Liu L.; Catelli E.; Katsaggelos A.; Sciutto G.; Mazzeo R.; Milanic M.; Stergar J.; Prati S.; Walton M.
Multiscale Femoral Neck Imaging and Multimodal Trabeculae Quality Characterization in an Osteoporotic Bone Sample
2022 Soldati E.; Roseren F.; Guenoun D.; Mancini L.; Catelli E.; Prati S.; Sciutto G.; Vicente J.; Iotti S.; Bendahan D.; Malucelli E.; Pithioux M.
Primi risultati di un’analisi multidisciplinare di un femore umano associato ai livelli del Musteriano finale (Foyer B) della Grotta del Principe di Monaco (Ventimiglia, IM, Italia).
2022 Silvia CAFFARONE, Matteo ROMANDINI, Gregorio OXILIA, Sara SILVESTRINI, Jessica C. MENGHI SARTORIO, Giorgia SCIUTTO, Lucrezia GATTI, Silvia PRATI, Rocco MAZZEO, Federico LUGLI, Emilie PEREZ, Melchiorre GIGANTI, Sahra TALAMO, Abdelkader MOUSSOUS, Olivier NOTTER, Elena ROSSONI‑NOTTER, Stefano BENAZZI
Quantifying spatial variation in the uptake of microplastic by mussels using biodeposit traps: A field-based study
2022 Piarulli, S.; Scapinello, S.; Sciutto, G.; Prati, S.; Mazzeo, R.; Booth, A. M.; Airoldi, L.
Analysis of the tautomeric equilibrium of two red monoazo dyes by UV–Visible, Raman and SERS spectroscopies
2021 Vannucci G.; Canamares M.V.; Prati S.; Sanchez-Cortes S.
Deep eutectic solvent and agar: a new green gel to remove proteinaceous-based varnishes from paintings
2021 Jia Y.; Sciutto G.; Botteon A.; Conti C.; Focarete M.L.; Gualandi C.; Samori' C.; Prati S.; Mazzeo R.