G. ALLEGRO; ALLEGRO G.L.; Allegro Gianluca; Gianluca Allegro; Allegro g.  

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Prediction of berry sunburn damage with machine learning: Results on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Allegro, Gianluca; Filippetti, Ilaria; Pastore, Chiara; Sangiorgio, Daniela; Valentini, Gabriele;... Bortolotti, Gianmarco; Kertész, István; Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, ; Baranyai, Lászlò 2025-01-01 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Allegro et al. (2025).pdf
A comprehensive study on the effect of foliar mineral treatments on grapevine epiphytic microorganisms, flavonoid gene expression, and berry composition Sangiorgio D.; Valentini G.; Pastore C.; Allegro G.; Gottardi D.; Patrignani F.; Spinelli F.; Fil...ippetti I. 2024-01-01 OENO ONE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Sangiorgio (2024 - OenoOne).pdf7973_Sangiorgio-SuppData-VF.pdf
Assessment of the temperature threshold for the occurrence of sunburn damage in Vitis vinifera L. 'Sangiovese' Allegro G.; Pastore C.; Valentini G.; Sangiorgio D.; Mazzoleni R.; Colucci E.; Bortolotti G.; Fil...ippetti I. 2024-01-01 ACTA HORTICULTURAE International Society for Horticultural Science 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno Allegro (2024 - PMOV) pre-print.pdf
Climatizzazione 4.0 contro l'impatto del global warming Gabriele Valentini, Gianluca Allegro, Chiara Pastore, Daniela Sangiorgio, Emilia Colucci, Massimo... Noferini, Ilaria filippetti 2024-01-01 VVQ - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
New perspectives for some local grapevines of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy): from the genetic characterization to the wine production in the current scenario of global warming Allegro G.; Pastore C.; Fontana M.; Mazzoleni R.; Valentini G.; Filippetti I. 2024-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Potatura meccanica, effetti su resa e qualità delle uve Daniela Sangiorgio, Gianluca Allegro, Gabriele Valentini, Chiara Pastore, Emilia Colucci, Roberta... Martelli, Fabio Pezzi, Ilaria Filippetti 2024-01-01 VITE & VINO - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Use of an automatic fruit-zone cooling system to cope with multiple summer stresses in Sangiovese and Montepulciano grapes Valentini G.; Allegro G.; Pastore C.; Sangiorgio D.; Noferini M.; Muzzi E.; Filippetti I. 2024-01-01 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Valentini et al. (2024 - FPS).pdf
Vineyard canopy management techniques to cope with climate change Gabriele Valentini, Gianluca Allegro, Chiara Pastore, Ilaria Filippetti 2024-01-01 - International Society for Horticultural Science 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Zeolite application and irrigation during ripening reduced berry sunburn damage and yield loss in cv. Sangiovese (Vitis vinifera L.) Allegro G.; Valentini G.; Sangiorgio D.; Pastore C.; Filippetti I. 2024-01-01 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Allegro (2024 - FPS).pdfData Sheet 1.pdf
A lightweight and affordable method for canopy porosity estimation for precision spraying Mengoli, Dario; Bortolotti, Gianmarco; Bartolomei, Michele; Allegro, Gianluca; Filippetti, Ilaria...; Manfrini, Luigi 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Effects of Mechanical Winter Pruning on Vine Performances and Management Costs in a Trebbiano Romagnolo Vineyard: A Five-Year Study Allegro, G; Martelli, R; Valentini, G; Pastore, C; Mazzoleni, R; Pezzi, F; Filippetti, I 2023-01-01 HORTICULTURAE - 1.01 Articolo in rivista horticulturae-09-00021 (2).pdf
How can we reach enhanced climate resilience considering sunburn and heat damage in fruit and vegetables production? Morandi B.; Boini A.; Kalcsits L.; Baranyai L.; Allegro G.; Manfrini L.; Tsoulias N.; Zude-Sasse M. 2023-01-01 ACTA HORTICULTURAE - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
How to modulate mechanical winter pruning according to the productive and enological traits of four Vitis vinifera L. varieties cultivated in the north of Italy G. Allegro, G. Valentini, C. Pastore, R. Mazzoleni, R. Martelli, F. Pezzi, I. Filippetti 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Irrigation during ripening may reduce sunburn damages on berries of Vitis vinifera L. Sangiovese Allegro G., Pastore C., Valentini G., Mazzoleni R., Filippetti I. 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Sangiovese: l'irrigazione può ridurre le scottature Gianluca Allegro, Chiara Pastore, Gabriele Valentini, Daniela Sangiorgio, Riccardo Mazzoleni, Ila...ria Filippetti 2023-01-01 L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - 1.01 Articolo in rivista -
Use of a portable vis / NIR device to monitor the accumulation of anthocyanins during ripening in berries of Sangiovese cv (Vitis vinifera L) under heatwave conditions G. Valentini, G. Allegro, C. Pastore, R. Mazzoleni, G. Fiori, A. Galletti, I. Filippetti 2023-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Application of a multidisciplinary approach to understand the effect of night temperatures on anthocyanin accumulation in ‘Corvina’ (Vitis vinifera L.) Pastore C.; Gaiotti F.; Allegro G.; Cellini A.; Lovat L.; Belfiore N.; Spinelli F.; Filippetti I. 2022-01-01 - - 4.01 Contributo in Atti di convegno -
Fertilizer Potential of Organic-Based Soil Amendments on cv. Sangiovese (V. vinifera L.) Vines: Preliminary Results Baldi E.; Polidori G.; Germani M.; Larocca G.N.; Mazzon M.; Allegro G.; Pastore C.; Quartieri M.;... Marzadori C.; Filippetti I.; Ciavatta C.; Toselli M. 2022-01-01 AGRONOMY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista Baldi et al., 2022.pdf
Vine Physiology, Yield Parameters and Berry Composition of Sangiovese Grape under Two Different Canopy Shapes and Irrigation Regimes Valentini, Gabriele; Pastore, Chiara; Allegro, Gianluca; Mazzoleni, Riccardo; Chinnici, Fabio; Fi...lippetti, Ilaria 2022-01-01 AGRONOMY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista agronomy-12-01967 (1).pdf
Application of kaolin and italian natural chabasite-rich zeolitite to mitigate the effect of global warming in vitis vinifera l. Cv. sangiovese Valentini G.; Pastore C.; Allegro G.; Muzzi E.; Seghetti L.; Filippetti I. 2021-01-01 AGRONOMY - 1.01 Articolo in rivista agronomy-11-01035 (2).pdf