Ricercatori a tempo determinato
Actions et innovation syndicales dans le contexte italien. Examen de deux initiatives dans le secteur manufacturier et celui des services
2024 Arianna Tassinari; Luca Mangiacotti; Alex Girolamo
Business, as usual? The impact of organized economic interests on the stringency of Covid-19 containment policies: insights from the Italian case
2024 Tassinari, Arianna; Panarello, Demetrio; Tassinari, Giorgio; Alboni, Fabrizio; Drudi, Ignazio; Bagnardi, Francesco
Putting wage growth back on the table: Labour incorporation, political exchange, and wage-boosting policies in advanced peripheral economies
2024 Bondy, Assaf Shlomo; Maggor, Erez; Tassinari, Arianna
A working-class road to radical industrial democracy. Workplace industrial relations and workers mobilisation in the ex-GKN factory in Florence
2023 Gabbriellini, Francesca; Moro, Angelo; Tassinari, Arianna
Labour market policy reforms in Southern Europe: too much of the wrong medicine?
2023 Tassinari, Arianna; Bulfone, Fabio; Gago, Angie
On Sidney Rothstein’s Recoding Power: Tactics for Mobilizing Tech Workers, New York, Oxford University Press, 2022
2023 Tassinari, Arianna; Herrigel, Gary; Doellgast, Virginia
Resistance and struggle in the gig economy
2023 Maccarrone, Vincenzo; Cini, Lorenzo; Tassinari, Arianna
A biased pendulum: Italy's oscillations between concertation and disintermediation
2022 Tassinari A; Sacchi S
Crisis corporatism 2.0? The role of social dialogue in the pandemic crisis in Europe
2022 Meardi, G; Tassinari, A
How the Eurozone disempowers trade unions: the political economy of competitive internal devaluation
2022 Rathgeb P.; Tassinari A.
La lutte des ouvriers de GKN Florence, entre auto-organisation ouvrière et mobilisation sociale
2022 Lorenzo Cini; Francesca Gabbriellini; Giacomo Gabbuti; Angelo Moro; Benedetta Rizzo; Arianna Tassinari
Labour market (de-)regulation and wage setting institutions
2022 Afonso A; Dorigatti L; Molina O; Tassinari A
Labour market policy in Italy’s recovery and resilience plan. Same old or a new departure?
2022 Tassinari A.
Power or partisanship? Populist parties in power and social concertation. The case of the Italian yellow-green government, 2018-19’
2022 Tassinari, A
Puzzling choices in hard times: Union ideologies of social concertation in the Great Recession
2022 Tassinari A.; Donaghey J.; Galetto M.
Trade Unions in the Gig Economy.
2022 Cini L; Tassinari A
With or Without U(nions)? Understanding the Diversity of Gig Workers’ Organising Practices in Italy and the UK
2022 Cini L; Maccarrone V; Tassinari A
Worker solidarity among gig and precarious workers
2022 Maccarrone V; Tassinari A
Il peso del potere economico nelle scelte sulla pandemia
2021 Arianna Tassinari, Demetrio Panarello, Giorgio Tassinari, Ignazio Drudi, Fabrizio Alboni, Francesco Bagnardi
Under pressure. Economic constraints, electoral politics and labour market reforms in Southern Europe in the decade of the Great Recession
2021 Bulfone F.; Tassinari A.