Docenti di ruolo di Ia fascia
Cold-subduction biogeodynamics boosts deep energy delivery to the forearc
2025 Peverelli, V.; Olivieri, O. S.; Tsujimori, T.; Giovannelli, D.; Shi, G.; Cannao, E.; Piccoli, F.; Vitale Brovarone, A.
Complexity of graphite formation in response to metamorphic methane generation and transformation in an orogenic ultramafic body
2024 Boutier, Antoine; Martinez, Isabelle; Sissmann, Olivier; Agostini, Samuele; Daniel, Isabelle; Van Baalen, Mark; Mana, Sara; Vitale Brovarone, Alberto
Methane-hydrogen-rich fluid migration may trigger seismic failure in subduction zones at forearc depths
2024 Francesco Giuntoli, Luca Menegon, Guillaume Siron, Flavio Cognigni, Hugues Leroux, Roberto Compagnoni, Marco Rossi & Alberto Vitale Brovarone
Protocols for bulk off-line fluid inclusion extraction for the analysis of δ13C-CH4 and δ13C-CO2 using a cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) analyser
2024 Olivieri O.S.; Marassi V.; Casolari S.; Sissman O.; Daniel I.; Fiebig J.; Vitale Brovarone A.
Thermotopes-COH—A software for carbon isotope modeling and speciation of COH fluids
2024 Boutier, Antoine; Martinez, Isabelle; Daniel, Isabelle; Tumiati, Simone; Siron, Guillaume; Vitale Brovarone, Alberto
Coupled surface to deep Earth processes: Perspectives from TOPO-EUROPE with an emphasis on climate- and energy-related societal challenges
2023 Cloetingh, Sierd; Sternai, Pietro; Koptev, Alexander; Ehlers, Todd A.; Gerya, Taras; Kovács, István; Oerlemans, Johannes; Beekman, Fred; Lavallée, Yan; Dingwell, Donald; Békési, Eszter; Porkolàb, Kristóf; Tesauro, Magdala; Lavecchia, Alessio; Botsyun, Svetlana; Muller, Veleda; Roure, François; Serpelloni, Enrico; Matenco, Liviu; Castelltort, Sébastien; Giovannelli, Donato; Brovarone, Alberto Vitale; Malaspina, Nadia; Coletti, Giovanni; Valla, Pierre; Limberger, Jon
Dating fluid infiltration and deformation in the subducted ultramafic oceanic lithosphere by perovskite geochronology
2023 Piccoli, Francesca; Rubatto, Daniela; Ovtcharova, Maria; Hermann, Jörg; Guillong, Marcel; Vitale Brovarone, Alberto
Global Hydrogen Production During High‐Pressure Serpentinization of Subducting Slabs
2023 Merdith, A. S.; Daniel, I.; Sverjensky, D.; Andreani, M.; Mather, B.; Williams, S.; Vitale Brovarone, A.
Ti-Bearing Minerals: from the Ocean Floor to Subduction and Back
2023 Pereira, Inês; Bruand, Emilie; Nicollet, Christian; Koga, Kenneth T; Vitale Brovarone, Alberto
An Experimental Study on Kinetics-Controlled Ca-Carbonate Aqueous Reduction into CH4 (1 and 2 GPa, 550 degrees C): Implications for C Mobility in Subduction Zones
2022 Peng, WG; Tumiati, S; Zhang, LF; Tiraboschi, C; Vitale Brovarone, A; Toffolo, L; Poli, S
Deformation and temperature variation along thrust-sense shear zones in the hinterland-foreland transition zone of collisional settings: A case study from the Barbagia Thrust (Sardinia, Italy)
2022 Petroccia, A; Carosi, R; Montomoli, C; Iaccarino, S; Vitale Brovarone, A
Geothermometric Constraints on the Thermal Architecture, Metamorphism, and Exhumation of the Northern Range, Trinidad
2022 Gennaro, Ivano; Weber, John; Vitale Brovarone, Alberto; Arkle, Jeanette; Chu, Xu
Subducted organic matter buffered by marine carbonate rules the carbon isotopic signature of arc emissions
2022 Tumiati S.; Recchia S.; Remusat L.; Tiraboschi C.; Sverjensky D.A.; Manning C.E.; Vitale Brovarone A.; Boutier A.; Spanu D.; Poli S.
Abiotic methane generation through reduction of serpentinite-hosted dolomite: Implications for carbon mobility in subduction zones
2021 Peng W.; Zhang L.; Tumiati S.; Vitale Brovarone A.; Hu H.; Cai Y.; Shen T.
Field-Based Evidence for Intra-Slab High-Permeability Channel Formation at Eclogite-Facies Conditions During Subduction
2021 Piccoli F.; Ague J.J.; Chu X.; Tian M.; Vitale Brovarone A.
Fresh, pseudotachylyte-bearing mantle peridotites from the lawsonite eclogite-facies san petrone unit, alpine corsica
2021 Vitale Brovarone A.; Piccoli F.; Frasca G.; Giuntoli F.
High-pressure serpentinization and abiotic methane formation in metaperidotite from the Appalachian subduction, northern Vermont
2021 Boutier, A.; Vitale Brovarone, A.; Martinez, I.; Sissmann, O.; Mana, S.
In-situ abiogenic methane synthesis from diamond and graphite under geologically relevant conditions
2021 Pena-Alvarez M.; Vitale Brovarone A.; Donnelly M.-E.; Wang M.; Dalladay-Simpson P.; Howie R.; Gregoryanz E.
Retrograde carbon sequestration in orogenic complexes: A case study from the Chinese southwestern Tianshan
2021 Hu, H.; Vitale Brovarone, A.; Zhang, L.; Piccoli, F.; Peng, W.; Shen, T.
Deep Earth carbon reactions through time and space
2020 McCammon, C.; Bureau, H.; Ii, H.J.C.; Cottrell, E.; Dorfman, S.M.; Kellogg, L.H.; Li, J.; Mikhail, S.; Moussallam, Y.; Sanloup, C.; Thomson, A.R.; Vitale Brovarone, A.