Ricercatori a tempo determinato
L’Année du Maghreb
In corso di stampa Chiara Loschi
Produrre l’Alterità, fare l’Europa. Dinamiche sociotecniche nella gestione delle frontiere europee
2024 Pelizza, Annalisa; Loschi, Chiara
From ballots to bullets. Libyan 2012 elections as the origin of the unachieved transition
2023 Loschi, Chiara
Sea Borders between Domestic and International Definitions of Spaces: Italian-Libyan Cooperation on Border Management
2023 Loschi Chiara
Sea Borders between Domestic and International Definitions of Spaces: Italian-Libyan Cooperation on Border Management 163
2023 Chiara Loschi
Telling ‘more complex stories’ of European integration: how a sociotechnical perspective can help explain administrative continuity in the Common European Asylum System
2023 Pelizza, Annalisa; Loschi, Chiara
EU-Algeria (non)cooperation on migration: A tale of two fortresses
2022 Federica Zardo; Chiara Loschi
Frontex's Consultative Forum and Fundamental Rights Protection: Enhancing Accountability Through Dialogue?
2022 Chiara Loschi; Peter Slominski
Libye(s) en devenir. Déchiffrer le changement sociopolitique en diachronie et à plusieurs échelles
2022 Loschi, Chiara; Pagano, Chiara
Regarder au-delà des élections : l’historicité complexe de la participation politique dans la Libye contemporaine
2022 Loschi, Chiara; Pagano, Chiara
The EU hotspot approach in Italy: strengthening agency governance in the wake of the migration crisis?
2022 Loschi, Chiara; Slominski, Peter
La Libye en 2020: entre guerre civile, crises humanitaires et tentatives de reconciliation
2021 Chiara Loschi; Chiara Pagano
Patria di parole. Autobiografia degli italiani di Libia
2021 Chiara Loschi
The Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard agency (Frontex): Preliminary insights on inter-agency cooperation and implications for fundamental rights
2021 Chiara Loschi
Whose Enemy at the Gates? Border Management in the Context of EU Crisis Response in Libya and Ukraine
2021 Chiara Loschi; Alessandra Russo
Youth as Agenda-Setters between Donors and Beneficiaries: The Limited Role of Libyan Youth after 2011
2021 Loschi, Chiara
Interagency Relations and the {EU} Migration Crisis: Strengthening of Law Enforcement Through Agencification?
2020 Chiara Loschi; Peter Slominski
Local mobilisations and the formation of environmental networks in a democratizing Tunisia
2019 Chiara Loschi
Working Paper: The implementation of EU Crisis Response in Libya: Bridging theory and practice
2018 Chiara Loschi, Luca Raineri, Francesco Strazzari
Chantiers de reconstruction politique en comparaison: La «décentralisation» en période post-révolutionnaire en Tunisie et en Libye
2017 Yassine Turki; Chiara Loschi