On the Quest for Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts Based on Layered Double Hydroxides: An Electrochemical and Chemometric Combined Approach
In corso di stampa Isacco Gualandi, Elisa Musella, Giulia Costa, Massimo Gazzano, Erika Scavetta, Sergio Zappoli, Domenica Tonelli
Design of nanohybrids based on layered double hydroxides and electrochemically reduced graphene oxide for energy applications
2024 Tonelli, Domenica; Musella, Elisa; Scavetta, Erika; Gazzano, Massimo; Morandi, Vittorio; Christian, Meganne; Gualandi, Isacco
Fully Bio-Based Blends of Poly (Pentamethylene Furanoate) and Poly (Hexamethylene Furanoate) for Sustainable and Flexible Packaging
2024 Guidotti, G.; Palumbo, A.; Soccio, M.; Gazzano, M.; Salatelli, E.; Siracusa, V. M.; Lotti, N.
Mechanical properties, gas permeability and biodegradation mechanism of biobased poly(ester amide)s from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid and amido diols for sustainable food packaging
2024 Bianchi, E.; Papadopoulos, L.; Soccio, M.; Siracusa, V.; Gazzano, M.; Robert, T.; Bikiaris, D. N.; Lotti, N.
Melting Behavior of Compression Molded Poly(ester amide) from 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid
2024 Bianchi, E.; Soccio, M.; Gazzano, M.; Papadopoulos, L.; Robert, T.; Bikiaris, D. N.; Lotti, N.
Poly(alkylene 2,4-furanoate)s: The potential of structural isomerism for outstanding sustainable food packaging and unexpected evidence of self-healing microstructure
2024 Bianchi, E.; Soccio, M.; Siracusa, V.; Gazzano, M.; Thiyagarajan, S.; Lotti, N.
Selective ion transport in large-area graphene oxide membrane filters driven by the ionic radius and electrostatic interactions
2024 Lancellotti L.; Bianchi A.; Kovtun A.; Gazzano M.; Marforio T.D.; Xia Z.Y.; Calvaresi M.; Melucci M.; Zanardi C.; Palermo V.
Biobased and Compostable Multiblock Copolymer of Poly(l-lactic acid) Containing 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid for Sustainable Food Packaging: The Role of Parent Homopolymers in the Composting Kinetics and Mechanism
2023 Bianchi E.; Guidotti G.; Soccio M.; Siracusa V.; Gazzano M.; Salatelli E.; Lotti N.
Insight on the Intracellular Supramolecular Assembly of DTTO: A Peculiar Example of Cell-Driven Polymorphism
2023 Aloisio L.; Moschetta M.; Boschi A.; Fleitas A.G.; Zangoli M.; Venturino I.; Vurro V.; Magni A.; Mazzaro R.; Morandi V.; Candini A.; D'Andrea C.; Paterno G.M.; Gazzano M.; Lanzani G.; Di Maria F.
New Random Aromatic/Aliphatic Copolymers of 2,5-Furandicarboxylic and Camphoric Acids with Tunable Mechanical Properties and Exceptional Gas Barrier Capability for Sustainable Mono-Layered Food Packaging
2023 Guidotti G.; Soccio M.; Gazzano M.; Siracusa V.; Lotti N.
New Random Aromatic/Aliphatic Copolymers of 2,5-Furandicarboxylic and Camphoric Acids with Tunable Mechanical Properties and Exceptional Gas Barrier Capability for Sustainable Mono-Layered Food Packaging
2023 Guidotti, G.; Soccio, M.; Gazzano, M.; Siracusa, V.; Lotti, N.
Structure and Thermal Stability of Two Estetrol Solvates
2023 Monari M.; Attolino E.; Lopopolo G.; Bosco F.; Gazzano M.
The ad hoc chemical design of random PBS-based copolymers influences the activation of cardiac differentiation while altering the HYPPO pathway target genes in hiPSCs
2023 Guidotti G.; Duelen R.; Bloise N.; Soccio M.; Gazzano M.; Aluigi A.; Visai L.; Sampaolesi M.; Lotti N.
Chitin Nanocomposite Based on Plasticized Poly(lactic acid)/Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PLA/PHB) Blends as Fully Biodegradable Packaging Materials
2022 Iglesias-Montes M.L.; Soccio M.; Siracusa V.; Gazzano M.; Lotti N.; Cyras V.P.; Manfredi L.B.
NiNP@rGO Nanocomposites as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Thiocarboxylation Cross-Coupling Reactions
2022 Lombardi, L.; Mazzaro, R.; Gazzano, M.; Kovtun, A.; Morandi, V.; Bertuzzi, G.; Bandini, M.
Chemical modification of poly(Butylene trans-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate) by camphor: A new example of bio-based polyesters for sustainable food packaging
2021 Guidotti G.; Burzotta G.; Soccio M.; Gazzano M.; Siracusa V.; Munari A.; Lotti N.
Core-shell graphene oxide-polymer hollow fibers as water filters with enhanced performance and selectivity
2021 Kovtun A.; Bianchi A.; Zambianchi M.; Bettini C.; Corticelli F.; Ruani G.; Bocchi L.; Stante F.; Gazzano M.; Marforio T.D.; Calvaresi M.; Minelli M.; Navacchia M.L.; Palermo V.; Melucci M.
Electrosynthesis of Ni/Al layered double hydroxide and reduced graphene oxide composites for the development of hybrid capacitors
2021 Elisa Musella, Isacco Gualandi, Giacomo Ferrari, Davide Mastroianni, Erika Scavetta, Marco Giorgetti, Andrea Migliori, Meganne Christian, Vittorio Morandi, Reinhard Denecke, Massimo Gazzano, Domenica Tonelli
Evaluation of the factors affecting the disintegration under a composting process of poly(Lactic acid)/poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (pla/phb) blends
2021 Iglesias-Montes M.L.; Soccio M.; Luzi F.; Puglia D.; Gazzano M.; Lotti N.; Manfredi L.B.; Cyras V.P.
New thermoplastic elastomer triblock copolymer of PLLA for cardiovascular tissue engineering: Annealing as efficient tool to tailor the solid-state properties
2021 Guidotti G.; Soccio M.; Gazzano M.; Fusaro L.; Boccafoschi F.; Munari A.; Lotti N.