Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Block number, descents and Schur positivity of fully commutative elements in Bn
2022 Bagno E.; Biagioli R.; Jouhet F.; Roichman Y.
321-avoiding affine permutations and their many heaps
2019 Biagioli R; Jouhet F; Nadeau P
Some identities involving second kind Stirling numbers of types B and D
2019 Bagno E; Biagioli R; Garber D
Some identities involving second kind Stirling numbers of types B and D
2019 Bagno E.; Biagioli R.; Garber D.
Length enumeration of fully commutative elements in finite and affine Coxeter groups
2018 Biagioli R; Bousquet-Melou M; Jouhet F; Nadeau P
Stirling and Eulerian numbers of types B and D
2018 Bagno E.; Biagioli R.; Garber D.
321-avoiding affine permutations, heaps, and periodic parallelogram polyominoes
2017 Biagioli R; Jouhet F; Nadeau P
Depth in classical Coxeter groups
2016 Biagioli R; Bagno E; Novick M; Woo A
Combinatorics of fully commutative involutions in classical Coxeter groups
2015 Biagioli R; Jouhet F; Nadeau P
Depth in Coxeter groups of type B
2015 Bagno E.; Biagioli R.; Novick M.
Fully commutative elements in finite and affine Coxeter groups
2015 Biagioli R; Frédéric Jouhet; Philippe Nadeau
Fully commutative elements and lattice walks
2013 Biagioli R.; Jouhet F.; Nadeau P.
Weighted enumerations on projective reflection groups
2012 F. Caselli; R.Biagioli
Enumerating projective reflection groups
2011 F. Caselli; R. Biagioli
Enumerating wreath products via Garsia-Gessel bijections
2011 Biagioli R; Zeng J
On some analogous of Carlitz’s identity for the hyperoctahedral group
2010 Biagioli R; Zeng J
Equidistribution of negative statistics and quotients of Coxeter groups of type B and D
2008 Biagioli R
The Defining Ideals of Conjugacy Classes of Nilpotent Matrices and a Conjecture of Weyman
2008 Biagioli R; Faridi S; Rosas M
Colored-descent representations of complex reflection groups G(r, p, n)
2007 Bagno E; Biagioli R
Resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals of hooks
2007 Biagioli R; Faridi S; Rosas M