Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
European Review of International Studies
In corso di stampa Michela Ceccorulli
Ontological insecurity and securitization dynamics: the co-constitution of borders between Italy and the EU after the refugee crisis of 2015
In corso di stampa Ceccorulli, Michela
‘REBOUND: Rethinking Borders in and by the European Union’
In corso di stampa Michela Ceccorulli
An illiberal power? EU bordering practices and the liberal international order
2023 Michela Ceccorulli, Enrico Fassi, Sonia Lucarelli
Dall’Ucraina al Mediterraneo: l’Italia e la governance delle migrazioni
2023 Michela Ceccorulli
From Ukraine to the Mediterranean: Italy and the governance of migration
2023 Michela Ceccorulli
L’Unione Europea e la gestione dei flussi migratori
2023 Michela Ceccorulli
External ambition, internal tensions: the EU's justice contribution to the Global Compact for Migration
2022 Michela Ceccorulli
International cooperation to address the pandemic
2022 Michela Ceccorulli
Italy and EU’s Co-constitutive Bordering Effort
2022 Michela Ceccorulli
Maritime Security in the Mediterranean
2022 Michela Ceccorulli
The EU's External Governance of Migration. Perspectives of Justice
2022 Michela Ceccorulli; Enrico Fassi
The EU's external migration policy and global political justice: the missing link
2022 Michela Ceccorulli; Enrico Fassi
The government of change? Migration and defence policy under Giuseppe Conte’s first cabinet
2022 Ceccorulli M.; Coticchia F.; Gianfreda S.
The implications of bordering practices in relations between Italy and the EU
2022 Michela Ceccorulli
The migration dimension in EU-Libya relations: fading justice
2022 Michela Ceccorulli; Arturo Varvelli
Triangular migration diplomacy: the case of EU–Italian cooperation with Libya
2022 Michela Ceccorulli
Dal nuovo patto sulla migrazione e l'asilo alla tenuta di Schengen: una dovuta riflessione
2021 Michela Ceccorulli
Italy and Migration: Justice on this Side of the Mediterranean
2021 Michela Ceccorulli
The EU Migration System of Governance: Justice on the Move
2021 Michela Ceccorulli, Enrico Fassi, Sonia Lucarelli