Ricercatori a tempo determinato
Characterization and TCAD Modeling of the Lateral Space Charge Accumulation in Epoxy Molding Compound in Packaged HV-ICs
2024 Balestra, L.; Gnani, E.; Rossetti, M.; Depetro, R.; Reggiani, S.
Anomalous increase of leakage current in epoxy moulding compounds under wet conditions
2023 Balestra L.; Cirioni L.; Cavallini A.; Reggiani S.; Rossetti M.; Gallo M.; Guarnera S.; Depetro R.
TCAD Modeling of High-Field Electron Transport in Bulk Wurtzite GaN: The Full-Band SHE-BTE
2023 Balestra L.; Ercolano F.; Gnani E.; Reggiani S.
TCAD study of the Holding-Voltage Modulation in Irradiated SCR-LDMOS for HV ESD Protection
2023 Zunarelli L.; Balestra L.; Reggiani S.; Sankaralingam R.; Dissegna M.; Boselli G.
Electron effective masses of Scx Al1- x N and Alx Ga1- x N from first-principles calculations of unfolded band structure
2022 Balestra L.; Gnani E.; Reggiani S.
Group velocity of electrons in 4H-SiC from Density Functional Theory simulations
2022 Balestra L.; Reggiani S.; Gnani E.; Gnudi A.
On the breakdown voltage temperature dependence of high-voltage power diodes passivated with diamond-like carbon
2022 Balestra, L.; Reggiani, S.; Gnudi, A.; Gnani, E.; Dobrzynska, J.; Vobecky, J.
Current Instabilities in Large-Area Silicon Diodes: An Accurate TCAD Approach
2021 Luigi Balestra; Susanna Reggiani; Antonio Gnudi; Elena Gnani; Jan Vobeck{'{y}}; Umamaheswara Vemulapati
Influence of the DLC Passivation Conductivity on the Performance of Silicon High-Power Diodes over an Extended Temperature Range
2021 Balestra L.; Reggiani S.; Gnudi A.; Gnani E.; Dobrzynska J.; Vobecky J.
On the Breakdown Voltage Temperature Dependence of High-Voltage Power Diode Passivated with Diamond-Like Carbon
2021 Balestra, Luigi; Reggiani, Susanna; Gnudi, Antonio; Gnani, Elena; Dobrzynska, Jagoda; Vobecky, Jan
TCAD Investigation of Differently-Doped DLC Passivation for Large-Area High-Power Diodes
2021 Reggiani, Susanna; Balestra, Luigi; Gnudi, Antonio; Gnani, Elena; Baccarani, Giorgio; Dobrzynska, Jagoda; Vobecky, Jan; Tosi, Carlo
TCAD Study of VLD Termination in Large-Area Power Devices Featuring a DLC Passivation
2020 Luigi Balestra, Susanna Reggiani, Antonio Gnudi, Elena Gnani, Jagoda Dobrzynska, Jan Vobecký
Numerical investigation of the leakage current and blocking capabilities of high-power diodes with doped dlc passivation layers
2019 Balestra L.; Reggiani S.; Gnudi A.; Gnani E.; Baccarani G.; Dobrzynska J.; Vobecky J.
TCAD study of DLC coatings for large-area high-power diodes
2018 Reggiani, S.; Balestra, L.; Gnudi, A.*; Gnani, E.; Baccarani, G.; Dobrzynska, J.; Vobecký, J.; Tosi, C.