Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.557
NA - Nord America 1.525
AS - Asia 686
AF - Africa 56
SA - Sud America 56
OC - Oceania 13
Totale 3.893
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.482
IT - Italia 517
GB - Regno Unito 405
CN - Cina 258
SG - Singapore 186
DE - Germania 168
VN - Vietnam 102
RU - Federazione Russa 95
IN - India 73
FR - Francia 68
IE - Irlanda 57
SE - Svezia 45
ZA - Sudafrica 34
EE - Estonia 30
BR - Brasile 24
NL - Olanda 21
CA - Canada 20
CH - Svizzera 18
UA - Ucraina 18
FI - Finlandia 17
BE - Belgio 15
CR - Costa Rica 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
AU - Australia 11
CO - Colombia 11
MA - Marocco 10
AT - Austria 9
DK - Danimarca 9
JP - Giappone 9
PL - Polonia 9
PT - Portogallo 9
ES - Italia 8
ID - Indonesia 7
PY - Paraguay 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
PE - Perù 6
SI - Slovenia 6
GR - Grecia 5
HK - Hong Kong 5
HU - Ungheria 5
LK - Sri Lanka 5
MX - Messico 5
NO - Norvegia 5
PH - Filippine 5
TN - Tunisia 5
CL - Cile 4
GT - Guatemala 4
NP - Nepal 4
TH - Thailandia 4
IS - Islanda 3
KR - Corea 3
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
MY - Malesia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
RO - Romania 3
TR - Turchia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
BM - Bermuda 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
GF - Guiana Francese 2
IR - Iran 2
NA - Namibia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
TG - Togo 2
BO - Bolivia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
LB - Libano 1
OM - Oman 1
SR - Suriname 1
Totale 3.893
Città #
Southend 290
Santa Clara 184
Singapore 135
Fairfield 128
Chandler 110
Ashburn 96
Bologna 83
Princeton 72
Milan 62
Dong Ket 61
Boardman 60
Woodbridge 60
Dublin 57
Houston 56
Wilmington 48
Cambridge 47
Seattle 44
Westminster 34
Nanjing 28
Medford 25
Saint Petersburg 25
Rome 23
New York 22
Shenyang 20
Forlì 19
London 19
Hebei 16
Maida Hill 14
Beijing 13
Florence 13
Helsinki 13
Catania 12
Changsha 12
Ann Arbor 11
Jinan 11
Olalla 11
Paris 11
San José 11
Falkenstein 10
Guangzhou 10
Los Angeles 10
Minneapolis 10
San Diego 10
Modena 9
Ningbo 9
Nuremberg 9
Oxford 9
Redwood City 9
Berlin 8
Hangzhou 8
Prague 8
Asunción 7
Cesena 7
Da Nang 7
Dearborn 7
Falls Church 7
Norwalk 7
Redmond 7
Toronto 7
Bari 6
Brussels 6
Campobasso 6
City of London 6
Cologne 6
Jakarta 6
Mīrpur 6
Nanchang 6
Ravenna 6
Shanghai 6
Stockholm 6
Strasbourg 6
Bogotá 5
Budapest 5
Caltagirone 5
Celle 5
Chicago 5
Colombo 5
Edinburgh 5
Hyderabad 5
Krakow 5
Lima 5
Lisbon 5
Reggio Calabria 5
Rimini 5
Taiyuan 5
Tianjin 5
Zurich 5
Amsterdam 4
Andrano 4
Bellinzago Lombardo 4
Boa Vista 4
Bristol 4
Castel Maggiore 4
Charleroi 4
Corciano 4
Des Moines 4
Exeter 4
Fairfax 4
Haikou 4
Hanoi 4
Totale 2.335
Nome #
Introduction: The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress 195
The Ethics of Anthropology 166
Carbon and Biodiversity Conservation as Resource Extraction: Enacting REDD+ Across Cultures of Ownership in Amazonia 157
Introduction: Altering Ownership in Amazonia 155
Accueillir les morts. Pratiques d’identification et d’inhumation des corps de migrants en Italie 151
The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress 145
Migrant Hospitalities in the Mediterranean. Encounters with Alterity in Birth and Death 142
Indigenous networks and evangelical frontiers: Problems with governance and ethics in cases of ‘voluntary isolation’ in contemporary Amazonia 126
Comparison and Difference: Kinship, Nurture and Personhood in Amazonia and the Mediterranean. 115
Narratives of the invisible: Autobiography, kinship, and alterity in native Amazonia 113
Securitization, alterity, and the state: Human (in)security on an amazonian frontier 108
Introduction: Animism and invisible worlds: The place of non-humans in indigenous ontologies 108
Anthropologies of Guayana: Cultural Spaces in Northeastern Amazonia. Neil L. Whitehead , Stephanie W. Alemán 107
First Contacts, Slavery and Kinship in North-Eastern Amazonia 105
The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability 102
Nicholas C. Kawa, Amazonia in the Anthropocene: People, Soils, Plants, Forests (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2016), pp. xiii+ 186,£ 17.99, pb 96
Plants, Property and Trade among the Trio and Wayana of Southern Suriname 94
Creativity and Control: Property in Guianese Amazonia 92
Savage values: Conservation and personhood in southern Suriname 92
Archetypal agents of affinity: 'Sacred musical instruments in the Guianas? 92
Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, animals, plants and things in contemporary Amazonia and Siberia 90
Maps and clocks in Amazonia: The things of conversion and conservation 87
Humanity, personhood and transformability in Northern Amazonia 87
A moral turn in finance? Labeling, purpose, and the morality of markets 85
Esperança e compatibilidade equívoca na governança da floresta: redd+ e os direitos sobre as terras indígenas e tribais no Suriname 79
Water Management in Sites of Abundance: Ecosystem Policy and Native Peoples in the Guianas 77
Planning and Environmental Disaster in the Ravenna Coastal Plain. 75
Creazione e controllo: La Proprietà nell'Amazzonica Guianese 75
Audit sauvage: régimes de valeur de la terre et de la biodiversité en Amazonie 74
Personhood and" frontier" in contemporary Amazonia and Siberia 69
The Other's Other: Nurturing the Bodies of 'Wild' People among the Trio of Southern Suriname 67
Ownership and Nurture: Studies in native Amazonian property relations 67
Puyo Runa: Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia. In Norman E. Whitten Jr. and Dorothea Scott Whitten. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2008 62
The imbalance of power: Leadership, masculinity and wealth in the Amazon 61
Hirsch, E. and M. Strathern. 2004. Transactions and Creations: Property Debates and the Stimulus of Melanesia 59
Hosting the Dead: Forensics, Ritual and the Memorialization of Migrant Human Remains in Italy 58
Proprietà e Commercio de Persone e Piante nella Guyana Amazzonica 57
From Structure to Purpose: Green and Social Narratives, and the Shifting Morality of Islamic Finance in Kuala Lumpur 53
Strategic ethnicity on the global stage: identity and property in the global indigenous peoples’ movement, from the central Guianas to the United Nations 50
Palgrave Studies in Anthropology of Sustainability 43
Introduction: Mediterranean Migrant Hospitalities 42
Pursuing responsible finance in a world of rising risks 31
Proprietà e Commercio di Persone e Piante nella Guyana Amazzonica’ 31
Transforming Ravenna's Energy Area into a Transitional Assembly 28
Mystery Instruments 21
A Return to Life: Narratives of Birth and Death in a Southern European Periphery 21
Acosta, Raúl. Civil becomings: performative politics in the Amazon and the Mediterranean. 224 pp., illus, bibliogr. Tuscaloosa: Univ. of Alabama Press, 2020. £47.50 (cloth) 15
Totale 4.099
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.576
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 122
Totale 11.698

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 58 117 17 12
2020/2021393 79 26 6 2 30 16 27 40 20 15 16 116
2021/2022626 49 18 13 18 54 49 61 42 34 15 121 152
2022/2023748 62 52 21 89 47 72 27 70 136 27 95 50
2023/2024482 23 63 35 33 55 49 25 43 41 33 34 48
2024/20251.017 58 170 88 153 270 63 108 107 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.099