Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.601
NA - Nord America 1.908
AS - Asia 543
AF - Africa 77
SA - Sud America 18
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 5.149
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.902
IT - Italia 1.337
GB - Regno Unito 484
DE - Germania 229
CN - Cina 189
SG - Singapore 162
SE - Svezia 121
FR - Francia 110
IN - India 92
RU - Federazione Russa 53
IE - Irlanda 50
CI - Costa d'Avorio 46
VN - Vietnam 46
UA - Ucraina 31
BG - Bulgaria 29
ES - Italia 23
FI - Finlandia 19
IL - Israele 19
CH - Svizzera 17
EE - Estonia 17
ZA - Sudafrica 17
NL - Olanda 14
TG - Togo 13
BE - Belgio 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
AT - Austria 8
CL - Cile 7
ID - Indonesia 7
NO - Norvegia 7
PL - Polonia 7
CO - Colombia 6
DK - Danimarca 6
HR - Croazia 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
CA - Canada 4
IR - Iran 4
JO - Giordania 4
RO - Romania 4
TR - Turchia 4
AR - Argentina 3
HU - Ungheria 3
LT - Lituania 3
TH - Thailandia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
MX - Messico 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UY - Uruguay 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 5.149
Città #
Southend 450
Bologna 386
Ann Arbor 273
Fairfield 173
Santa Clara 159
Singapore 145
Ashburn 143
Chandler 136
Wilmington 96
Woodbridge 89
Frankfurt am Main 88
Milan 87
Seattle 68
Houston 65
Boardman 57
Cambridge 50
Dublin 50
Rome 50
Princeton 48
Abidjan 46
Turin 35
Hyderabad 30
Sofia 29
Padova 27
Berlin 26
Monghidoro 26
New York 25
Garbagnate Milanese 23
Redwood City 19
Tel Aviv 19
Westminster 19
Nanjing 18
Helsinki 17
Medicina 17
Jinan 16
Kuban 16
Madrid 16
San Diego 14
Dong Ket 13
Jacksonville 13
Lomé 13
Changsha 12
Forlì 12
Paris 12
Boston 11
Saint Petersburg 10
Venice 10
Verona 10
Cesena 9
Conegliano 9
Nanchang 9
Shenyang 9
Tianjin 9
Hebei 8
Modena 8
Vicarello 8
Charlottesville 7
Ferrara 7
Florence 7
Jakarta 7
Ancona 6
Beijing 6
Bogotá 6
Chicago 6
Des Moines 6
Exeter 6
Falls Church 6
Medford 6
Missouri City 6
Bergamo 5
Burgdorf 5
Campofilone 5
Cesky Tesin 5
Dearborn 5
Delhi 5
Guangzhou 5
Haikou 5
Kostanay 5
London 5
Mumbai 5
Mülheim 5
Pomezia 5
Pozzuoli 5
Reggio Emilia 5
Santiago 5
Shanghai 5
Trieste 5
Trinitapoli 5
Vicenza 5
Amman 4
Amsterdam 4
Arbus 4
Bethesda 4
Brindisi 4
Catania 4
Council Bluffs 4
Falkenstein 4
Formigine 4
Fuzhou 4
Jiaxing 4
Totale 3.462
Nome #
Modigliani un premio Nobel italiano per l'Economia 533
Making Unequal Democracy Work? The Effects of Income on Voter Turnout in Northern Italy 398
Immigration, ethnic diversity and voting: the role of individual income 265
Modern Family? The Gendered Effects of Marriage and Childbearing on Voter Turnout 260
Knowing the Right Person in the Right Place: Political Connections and Resistance to Change 245
Income inequality and banking crises: Testing the level hypothesis directly 245
Bequest taxes, donations and house prices 242
Neighborhood heterogeneity and electoral turnout 242
Intergenerational altruism and house prices: evidence from bequest tax reforms in Italy 217
Political persistence and economic growth 201
Family Structure and the Turnout Gender Gap: Evidence from Italy 191
Why not in your backyard? On the location and size of a public facility 187
Immigration Policy, Self-Selection and the Quality of Immigrants 165
Special interests and technological change 160
Income distribution, borrowing constraints and redistributive policies 154
Child labour and resistance to change 154
Politicians’ coherence and government debt 152
Who turns out to vote? A fresh look into an old question 138
When the union hurts the workers: a positive analysis of immigration policy 136
The Italian economy after COVID-19 123
Compulsory schooling laws and the cure for child labour 121
Ethnic Diversity and Political Participation: The Role of Individual Income 97
Socio-Economic Heterogeneity and Electoral Turnout: An Aggregate Analysis with Precinct-Level Data 96
Special interests and technological change 92
Financial liberalization, property rights, and growth in an overlapping-generations model 37
Social security expenditure and economic growth: An empirical assessment 36
Is Social Security Really Bad for Growth? 32
Aggregate uncertainty, political instability and income redistribution 25
Totale 5.279
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.593
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 11.593

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020472 0 0 0 0 0 86 85 81 91 48 30 51
2020/2021987 87 30 33 25 29 28 45 72 183 123 134 198
2021/20221.039 67 62 73 64 74 74 61 100 70 86 191 117
2022/2023986 83 81 73 132 46 60 81 104 166 32 68 60
2023/2024610 49 48 27 54 34 120 32 62 37 63 34 50
2024/2025797 139 130 122 121 201 84 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.279