Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Quantum field theoretic representation of Wilson surfaces. Part II. Higher topological coadjoint orbit model
2023 Zucchini R.
Quantum field theoretic representation of Wilson surfaces. Part I. Higher coadjoint orbit theory
2022 Zucchini, Roberto
4-d Chern-Simons Theory: Higher Gauge Symmetry and Holographic Aspects
2021 Zucchini, Roberto
Operational total space theory of principal 2-bundles I: operational geometric framework
2020 Roberto Zucchini
Operational total space theory of principal 2-bundles II: 2-connections and 1- and 2-gauge transformations
2020 Roberto Zucchini
Exact renormalization group and effective action: A Batalin–Vilkovisky algebraic formulation
2019 Roberto Zucchini
Wilson Surfaces for Surface Knots: A Field Theoretic Route to Higher Knots
2019 Roberto Zucchini
Exact renormalization group in Batalin--Vilkovisky theory
2018 Roberto Zucchini
Algebraic formulation of higher gauge theory
2017 Zucchini,
A Lie based 4–dimensional higher Chern–Simons theory
2016 Zucchini, Roberto
On higher holonomy invariants in higher gauge theory I
2016 Zucchini, Roberto
On higher holonomy invariants in higher gauge theory II
2016 Zucchini, Roberto
A new formulation of higher parallel transport in higher gauge theory
2015 Soncini, Emanuele; Zucchini, Roberto
4-D semistrict higher Chern-Simons theory I
2014 E. Soncini; R. Zucchini
AKSZ models of semistrict higher gauge theory
2013 Zucchini R.
A heterotic sigma model with novel target geometry
2011 R. Zucchini
The Gauging of BV algebras
2010 R. Zucchini
Gauging the Poisson sigma model
2008 Zucchini R.
The Lie algebroid Poisson sigma model
2008 Zucchini R.
BiHermitian Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
2007 R. Zucchini