The essay begins with an analysis of the 2023 decision by the Italian Criminal Court of Cassation (judgment no. 38914), which convicted a workplace safety representative for the death of an employee. Its purpose is to examine the responsibilities and objectives that the legislature has assigned to safety representatives (RLS), emphasizing the growing significance of these roles due to recent legislative developments. These changes align with the European Union's legal framework, which promotes a model of "balanced participation" aimed at preventive measures in workplace safety. From this perspective, the author argues that some responsibilities of RLS representatives are duties as well as powers, meaning they may be subject to criminal penalties in “extreme” cases where their conduct is causally linked to harmful or negligent actions.
Il saggio prende le mosse dalla sentenza della Cassazione penale n. 38914 del 2023, che ha condannato un rappresentante dei lavoratori per la sicurezza per la morte di un dipendente, per ricostruire il contenuto e la ratio delle attribuzioni riconosciute dal legislatore ai RLS. Ne sottolinea l’importanza accresciuta a seguito dell’evoluzione legislativa, nella scia dell’opzione compiuta dal diritto dell’Unione europea, che introduce il modello della “partecipazione equilibrata” in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro in chiave prevenzionistica. In tale ottica, l’A. ritiene che alcune delle attribuzioni dei RLS assumano la natura di doveri, oltre che di poteri, cosicché non si può escludere che essi possano incorrere in sanzioni penali nei casi “limite” di evento causalmente connesso al loro comportamento doloso o colposo.
Zoli, C. (2024). Le attribuzioni dei rappresentanti dei lavoratori per la sicurezza tra poteri e doveri. IL LAVORO NELLA GIURISPRUDENZA, 11, 983-988.
Le attribuzioni dei rappresentanti dei lavoratori per la sicurezza tra poteri e doveri
Carlo Zoli
The essay begins with an analysis of the 2023 decision by the Italian Criminal Court of Cassation (judgment no. 38914), which convicted a workplace safety representative for the death of an employee. Its purpose is to examine the responsibilities and objectives that the legislature has assigned to safety representatives (RLS), emphasizing the growing significance of these roles due to recent legislative developments. These changes align with the European Union's legal framework, which promotes a model of "balanced participation" aimed at preventive measures in workplace safety. From this perspective, the author argues that some responsibilities of RLS representatives are duties as well as powers, meaning they may be subject to criminal penalties in “extreme” cases where their conduct is causally linked to harmful or negligent actions.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.