Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Organisational culture and language service during emergency responses within China. A literature review about China’s makeshift hospitals during Covid-19
2024 Du Plooy, Earle; Pellin, Tommaso
The ideology of language awareness in China
2024 Pellin, Tommaso
The Conceptualization of the Notion of ju 'Sentence" in Traditional Chinese Linguistics
2021 Pellin, Tommaso
Some Conceptual Metaphors for ju 句 in Early Traditional Chinese Linguistics
2020 Pellin, Tommaso
Introduction - Aspects of the grammatization of the Chinese language
2019 Pellin, Tommaso
La linguistique chinoise: influences étrangères entre XIXe et XXe siècle
2019 Pellin, Tommaso
The introduction of English grammar studies into China in the 19th century
2019 Pellin, Tommaso
Italian Association for Chinese Studies. Selected papers. 2
2018 Pellin, Tommaso; Trentin, Giorgio
Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi. Atti del XV convegno 2015
2017 PELLIN, Tommaso; Trentin, Giorgio
La politica linguistica della RPC su neologismi, prestiti e lingua della Rete: dieci anni di Rapporti sulla vita della lingua in Cina (2005-2015)
2017 Pellin, Tommaso
Media and State: China’s linguistic policy as reported in the issues of Language Situation in China (2005-2015)
2016 PELLIN, Tommaso
‘What Chinese is it that you want to learn sir?’ Cenni sullo studio della lingua parlata in Cina
2016 PELLIN, Tommaso
Rescuing China - Grammar as the keystone of a new Chinese culture in the first decades of 1900
2015 PELLIN, Tommaso
Processo allo Xiandai Hanyu Cidian: puristi e pragmatisti sullo sfondo della politica linguistica della R.P.C
2014 PELLIN, Tommaso
The sixth edition of the Contemporary Chinese dictionary and the “linguistic lawsuit”
2014 PELLIN, Tommaso
Words from abroad in China: past, present and future
2014 PELLIN, Tommaso
Lettera A
2013 PELLIN, Tommaso
Lettera B (da bā 八 a bei 呗)
2013 PELLIN, Tommaso
Lettera C (da cái 才 a cèng 蹭)
2013 PELLIN, Tommaso
Lettera D (da dàmā 大妈 a dàzuò 大作)
2013 PELLIN, Tommaso