Ricercatori a tempo determinato
Nutritional, chemical, and functional properties of wholegrain einkorn pasta through cooking and digestion: A comparative study with wholegrain durum wheat pasta
2025 Mercatante, Dario; Santoni, Mattia; Nissen, Lorenzo; Didos, Spyros; Salvatori, Giulia; D'Ambrosio, Gianni Jan; Farneti, Alice; Chiarello, Elena; Casciano, Flavia; Picone, Gianfranco; Mouchtaropoulou, Evangelia; Bordoni, Alessandra; Danesi, Francesca; Argiriou, Anagnostis; Ayfantopoulou, Georgia; Gianotti, Andrea; Rodriguez-Estrada, Maria Teresa
Comparative metabolomic analysis of minced grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) pasteurized by high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) during chilled storage
2024 Lan, Qiuyu; Tappi, Silvia; Braschi, Giacomo; Picone, Gianfranco; Rocculi, Pietro; Laghi, Luca
Integrated metabolomics analysis of chill-stored rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) treated with different pressure levels of high hydrostatic pressure by 1H-NMR spectroscopy
2024 Lan, Qiuyu; Pinheiro, Ana Cristina De Aguiar Saldanha; Braschi, Giacomo; Picone, Gianfranco; Rocculi, Pietro; Laghi, Luca
The application of High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR NMR) in metabolomic analyses of meconium and stool in newborns. A preliminary pilot study of MABEL project: Metabolomics approach for the assessment of Baby-Mother Enteric Microbiota Legacy
2024 Alessia Trimigno, Beata Łoniewska, Karolina Skonieczna-Żydecka, Mariusz Kaczmarczyk, Igor Łoniewski, Gianfranco Picone
Application of HR-NMR for the Metabolic Kinetic Assessment of Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus) and Bogue (Boops boops) Samples during Different Temperature Storage
2023 Ciampa A.; Picone G.
Application of multi-omic features clustering and pathway enrichment to clarify the impact of vitamin B2 supplementation on broiler caeca microbiome
2023 Mengucci C.; Rampelli S.; Picone G.; Lucchi A.; Litta G.; Biagi E.; Candela M.; Manfreda G.; Brigidi P.; Capozzi F.; De Cesare A.
Characterization of Flavor Profile of "Nanx Wudl" Sour Meat Fermented from Goose and Pork Using Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry (GC-IMS) Combined with Electronic Nose and Tongue
2023 Zhao, Xin; Feng, Jianying; Laghi, Luca; Deng, Jing; Dao, Xiaofang; Tang, Junni; Ji, Lili; Zhu, Chenglin; Picone, Gianfranco
Effect of cold plasma generated with different gas mixtures on safety, quality and nutritional aspects of fresh sea bream fillets
2023 Silvia Tappi, Lorenzo Nissen, Flavia Casciano, Giorgia Antonelli, Elena Chiarello, Gianfranco Picone, Romolo Laurita, Filippo Capelli, Matteo Gherardi, Caterina Maccaferri, Andrea Gianotti, Alessandra Bordoni, Åsa Maria Espmark, Francesco Capozzi, Pietro Rocculi
Effect of Sprouting on Biomolecular and Antioxidant Features of Common Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
2023 Borgonovi, Sara Margherita; Chiarello, Elena; Pasini, Federica; Picone, Gianfranco; Marzocchi, Silvia; Capozzi, Francesco; Bordoni, Alessandra; Barbiroli, Alberto; Marti, Alessandra; Iametti, Stefania; Di Nunzio, Mattia
NMR-Based Metabolomics for a More Holistic and Sustainable Research in Food Quality Assessment: A Narrative Review
2023 Alessandra Ciampa, Francesca Danesi, Gianfranco Picone
Toward Sustainable and Healthy Fish Products—The Role of Feeding and Preservation Techniques
2023 Antonelli G.; Chiarello E.; Picone G.; Tappi S.; Baldi G.; Di Nunzio M.; Mente E.; Karapanagiotis S.; Vasilaki P.; Petracci M.; Rocculi P.; Bordoni A.; Capozzi F.
Towards a free wild-caught fishmeal, fish oil and soy protein in European sea bass diet using by-products from fishery and aquaculture
2023 Marchi A.; Bonaldo A.; Di Biase A.; Cerri R.; Scicchitano D.; Nanetti E.; Candela M.; Picone G.; Capozzi F.; Dondi F.; Gatta P.P.; Parma L.
Cleaning the Label of Cured Meat; Effect of the Replacement of Nitrates/Nitrites on Nutrients Bioaccessibility, Peptides Formation, and Cellular Toxicity of In Vitro Digested Salami
2022 Di Nunzio, Mattia; Loffi, Cecilia; Montalbano, Serena; Chiarello, Elena; Dellafiora, Luca; Picone, Gianfranco; Antonelli, Giorgia; Tedeschi, Tullia; Buschini, Annamaria; Capozzi, Francesco; Galaverna, Gianni; Bordoni, Alessandra
Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Metabolite Profile of Striped Prawn (Melicertus kerathurus) during Chilled Storage
2022 Lan Q.; Tappi S.; Braschi G.; Picone G.; Rocculi P.; Laghi L.
Food structure, function and artificial intelligence
2022 Mengucci, Carlo; Ferranti, Pasquale; Romano, Annalisa; Masi, Paolo; Picone, Gianfranco; Capozzi, Francesco
Impact of a Shorter Brine Soaking Time on Nutrient Bioaccessibility and Peptide Formation in 30-Months-Ripened Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese
2022 Di Nunzio M.; Loffi C.; Chiarello E.; Dellafiora L.; Picone G.; Antonelli G.; Di Gregorio C.; Capozzi F.; Tedeschi T.; Galaverna G.; Bordoni A.
Insight on Glucose and Fructose Absorption and Relevance in the Enterocyte Milieu
2022 Chiarello E.; Di Nunzio M.; Picone G.; Antonelli G.; Capozzi F.; Bordoni A.
K-Clique Multiomics Framework: A Novel Protocol to Decipher the Role of Gut Microbiota Communities in Nutritional Intervention Trials
2022 Mengucci, Carlo; Nissen, Lorenzo; Picone, Gianfranco; Malpuech-Brugère, Corinne; Orfila, Caroline; Ricciardiello, Luigi; Bordoni, Alessandra; Capozzi, Francesco; Gianotti, Andrea
The NMR added value to the Green Foodomics perspective: advances by machine learning to the holistic view on food and nutrition
2022 Picone, Gianfranco; Mengucci, Carlo; Capozzi, Francesco
Validation of a 1H-NMR Spectroscopy Quantitative Method to Quantify Trimethylamine Content and K -Index Value in Different Species of Fish
2022 Ciampa A.; Laghi L.; Picone G.