Subjective Affective Responses to Natural Scenes Require Understanding, Not Spatial Frequency Bands
2024 Mastria, Serena; Codispoti, Maurizio; Tronelli, Virginia; De Cesarei, Andrea
Switching to Reuse: The Impact of Information on Consumers’ Choices for Reusable Food Packaging
2024 Mastria S.; Vezzil A.; De Cesarei A.
Dopamine supports idea originality: the role of spontaneous eye blink rate on divergent thinking
2023 Agnoli, Sergio; Mastria, Serena; Zanon, Marco; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele
Going deeper into the feelings in creative metacognition: Comment on “A systematic framework of creative metacognition” by I. Lebuda & M. Benedek
2023 Agnoli, Sergio; Mastria, Serena
Going Green: A Review on the Role of Motivation in Sustainable Behavior
2023 Serena Mastria; Alessandro Vezzil; Andrea De Cesarei
Individual differences and creative ideation: neuromodulatory signatures of mindset and response inhibition
2023 Khalil R.; Agnoli S.; Mastria S.; Kondinska A.; Karim A.A.; Godde B.
The Dynamic Interplay of Affective, Cognitive and Contextual Resources on Children's Creative Potential: The Modulatory Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence
2023 Agnoli, Sergio; Mastria, Serena; Mancini, Giacomo; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele; Franchin, Laura; Pozzoli, Tiziana
What inspires us? An experimental analysis of the semantic meaning of irrelevant information in creative ideation
2023 Mastria S.; Agnoli S.; Corazza G.E.; Grassi M.; Franchin L.
Being creative during lockdown: The relationship between creative potential and COVID-19-related psychological distress in narcolepsy type 1
2022 D'Anselmo A.; Agnoli S.; Filardi M.; Pizza F.; Mastria S.; Corazza G.E.; Plazzi G.
Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue "Advances in the Measurement and Evaluation of Creativity"
2022 Agnoli, S; Mastria, S
The Dynamic Creativity Framework : Theoretical and Empirical Investigations
2022 Giovanni Emanuele Corazza; Sergio Agnoli; Serena Mastria
This is My Fairy Tale: How Emotional Intelligence Interacts with a Training Intervention in Enhancing Children's Creative Potential
2022 Agnoli, Sergio; Pozzoli, Tiziana; Mancini, Giacomo; Franchin, Laura; Mastria, Serena; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele
Clustering and switching in divergent thinking: Neurophysiological correlates underlying flexibility during idea generation
2021 Mastria, Serena; Agnoli, Sergio; Zanon, Marco; Acar, Selcuk; Runco, Mark A; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele
Cognitive dysfunction in central disorders of hypersomnolence: A systematic review
2021 Marco Filardi; Anita D'Anselmo; Sergio Agnoli; Enrico Rubaltelli; Serena Mastria; Anastasia Mangiaruga; Christian Franceschini; Fabio Pizza; Giovanni E. Corazza; Giuseppe Plazzi
How do You Feel in Virtual Environments? The Role of Emotions and Openness Trait over Creative Performance
2021 Agnoli S.; Zenari S.; Mastria S.; Corazza G.E.
The neuroscientific study of creative thinking: Results and methodologies in the investigation of divergent thinking
2021 Mastria S.; Agnoli S.; Giovanni Emanuele Corazza E.
Creativity in Narcolepsy Type 1: The Role of Dissociated REM Sleep Manifestations
2020 Anita D'Anselmo; Sergio Agnoli; Marco Filardi; Fabio Pizza; Serena Mastria; Giovanni Emanuele Corazza; Giuseppe Plazzi
Predicting response originality through brain activity: An analysis of changes in EEG alpha power during the generation of alternative ideas
2020 Agnoli S.; Zanon M.; Mastria S.; Avenanti A.; Corazza G.E.
The interplay between attention and long-term memory in affective habituation
2020 Ferrari V.; Mastria S.; Codispoti M.
Training creative thinking in primary school children: the role of trait Emotional Intelligence.
2020 Mancini G., Pozzoli T., Franchin L., Centemero G., Di Nitto N., Aresta V., Mastria S., Corazza G.E., Agnoli S.