Deformation evaluation and displacement forecasting of baishuihe landslide after stabilization based on continuous wavelet transform and deep learning
2024 Liu, Yuting; Teza, Giordano; Nava, Lorenzo; Chang, Zhilu; Shang, Min; Xiong, Debing; Cola, Simonetta
Remote sensing, archaeology and historical records: looking for 1624 earthquake traces in San Giorgio parish church of Argenta (Italy)
2024 Arianna, Pesci; Fabiana Loddo, Fabiana Loddo; Teza, Giordano; Alessandra Rossetti, Alessandra Rossetti
A MATLAB toolbox for computation of velocity and strain rate field from GNSS coordinate time series
2023 Teza, Giordano; Pesci, Arianna; Meschis, Marco
A simplified geostatistical approach for characterizing key aspects of short-range roughness
2023 Trevisani, S.; Teza, G.; Guth, P.
Editorial of Special Issue “Unconventional Drone-Based Surveying”
2023 Pesci A.; Teza G.; Fabris M.
Editorial: Management and monitoring of natural disasters using remote sensing and ground-based data
2023 Fabris, Massimo; Al-Halbouni, Djamil; Monego, Michele; Pesci, Arianna; Teza, Giordano
Hacking the topographic ruggedness index
2023 Trevisani S.; Teza G.; Guth P.L.
Point clouds repeatability and fast scale factor estimates in free SfM surveying: terrestrial application and empirical approach
2023 Pesci, Arianna; Teza, Giordano; Loddo, Fabiana
Refining Rates of Active Crustal Deformation in the Upper Plate of Subduction Zones, Implied by Geological and Geodetic Data: The E-Dipping West Crati Fault, Southern Italy
2022 Meschis, Marco; Teza, Giordano; Serpelloni, Enrico; Elia, Letizia; Lattanzi, Giovanni; Di Donato, Miriana; Castellaro, Silvia
Remote Sensing of Induced Liquefaction: TLS and SfM for a Full-Scale Blast Test
2022 Pesci A.; Teza G.; Loddo F.; Rollins K.M.; Andersen P.; Minarelli L.; Amoroso S.
Wadenow: A Matlab Toolbox for Early Forecasting of the Velocity Trend of a Rainfall-Triggered Landslide by Means of Continuous Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning
2022 Teza, G; Cola, S; Brezzi, L; Galgaro, A
Digital terrestrial photogrammetry for a dense monitoring of the surficial displacements of a landslide
2021 Brezzi, L; Vallisari, D; Carraro, E; Teza, G; Pol, A; Liang, Z; Zhou, K; Gabrieli, F; Cola, S; Galgaro, A
Post-Collapse Evolution of a Rapid Landslide from Sequential Analysis with FE and SPH-Based Models
2021 Brezzi, Lorenzo; Carraro, Edoardo; Pasa, Davide; Teza, Giordano; Cola, Simonetta; Galgaro, Antonio
Blast-induced liquefaction in silty sands for full-scale testing of ground improvement methods: Insights from a multidisciplinary study
2020 Amoroso S.; Rollins K.M.; Andersen P.; Gottardi G.; Tonni L.; García Martínez M.F.; Wissmann K.; Minarelli L.; Comina C.; Fontana D.; De Martini P.M.; Monaco P.; Pesci A.; Sapia V.; Vassallo M.; Anzidei M.; Carpena A.; Cinti F.; Civico R.; Coco I.; Conforti D.; Doumaz F.; Giannattasio F.; Di Giulio G.; Foti S.; Loddo F.; Lugli S.; Manuel M.R.; Marchetti D.; Mariotti M.; Materni V.; Metcalfe B.; Milana G.; Pantosti D.; Pesce A.; Salocchi A.C.; Smedile A.; Stefani M.; Tarabusi G.; Teza G.
Resolution and Precision of Fast Long-Range Terrestrial Photogrammetric Surveying Aimed at Detecting Slope Changes
2020 Pesci, A.; Teza, G.; Kastelic, V.; Carafa, M.M.C.
Evaluation of the temperature pattern of a complex body from thermal imaging and 3D information: A method and its MATLAB implementation
2019 Teza G.; Pesci A.
The role of geoenvironmental sciences in Cultural Heritage preservation: the case of 1000 year old leaning bell tower of Caorle (Venice)
2019 Teza G.; Trevisani S.; Pesci A.
Characterization of soil deformation due to blast-induced liquefaction by UAV-based photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning
2018 Pesci A.; Amoroso S.; Teza G.; Minarelli L.
The first Italian blast-induced liquefaction test (Mirabello, Emilia-Romagna, Italy): Description of the experiment and preliminary results
2017 Amoroso, S.; Milana, G.; Rollins, K. M.; Comina, C.; Minarelli, L.; Manuel, M. R.; Monaco, P.; Franceschini, M.; Anzidei, M.; Lusvardi, C.; Cantore, L.; Carpena, A.; Casadei, S.; Cinti, F. R.; Civico, R.; Cox, B. R.; De Martini, P. M.; Di Giulio, G.; Di Naccio, D.; Di Stefano, G.; Facciorusso, J.; Famiani, D.; Fiorelli, F.; Fontana, D.; Foti, S.; Madiai, C.; Marangoni, V.; Marchetti, D.; Marchetti, S. L.; Martelli, L.; Mariotti, M.; Muscolino, E.; Pancaldi, D.; Pantosti, D.; Passeri, F.; Pesci, A.; Romeo, G.; Sapia, V.; Smedile, A.; Stefani, M.; Tarabusi, G.; Teza, G.; Vassallo, M.; Villani, F.
Metodo e apparato per la mappatura tridimensionale della cute di un paziente per il supporto della diagnosi di melanoma
2016 Galgaro, Antonio; Teza, Giordano